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As it turns out, Ritchie's big plan wasn't anything to do with a girl but more to do with setting up a bonfire near the lake

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As it turns out, Ritchie's big plan wasn't anything to do with a girl but more to do with setting up a bonfire near the lake. Just like every other year previously, he didn't gain the permission of the faculty, but they all knew that we would do something to mark the last night here at camp. As long as no one died, I think Coach Ang was pretty ok about us having a party. It was the last opportunity we'd have before we had to fully commit to football so we had to enjoy it as much as we could. We were a strong team with every chance of getting to the State Championship and not one of us was going to jeopardize that by screwing up during the season. 

"Yo, Campbell, you ready?" Owen yelled at me.

The door to my cabin was open and all the others- minus Ritchie- were waiting for me outside on the porch. Owen was getting bored of having to wait and kept rushing me but I was taking my time in choosing the right shirt. I'd discarded three already. Usually, it wouldn't take me this long to pick a shirt but for a weird reason, I wanted to look good tonight. 

"Seriously, what is taking you so long?" Owen's irritated voice called into the cabin again. "Can someone please go and hurry him up?"

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around to see a very irritated Lauren Cass standing in the doorway. "Look, Nixon, it's just a bonfire party. Soon enough, people will be drunk and it'll be dark out so no one is going to give a shit what shirt you wear. That one looks nice," she says, pointedly looking at the blue one in my hands. "Put it on so we can go. I need to go and rescue Darcie from Ritchie before he kills her with one too many of his pathetic pickup lines."

I frowned. Wasn't Darcie outside with the others? I'd assumed that she'd be with them, seeing as she was practically attached at Lauren's hip since she moved out of our cabin. When had she gone down to the lake with Ritchie? What was the deal with that? She was supposed to be my RG and she wasn't even here when I needed her. Granted, I'm pretty sure helping me chose a shirt was out of her remit as a Rally Girl, but still. She wasn't supposed to be with Ritchie. 

Pulling the shirt over my head, I look over at Lauren and ask, "Is that better?" When she nods haughtily and leaves the cabin, I grab my cell and cabin key, locking the door so that we can leave. Walking slightly behind the others, I place my hand on Harlan's arm to slow him down to my pace. "Why is Darcie with Ritchie?"

"Are you jealous?" Harlan challenged me. From the way he was quick to move the conversation on, I think he was joking but a niggling part of me wondered if he was being serious. What's worse is that I'm scared he might be right. "Why shouldn't she hang out with Ritchie? At least he doesn't make her feel worthless."

Groaning at his words, I was half tempted to set Harlan straight on that matter but I knew that it would be pointless. I couldn't help the fact that I wasn't interested in Darcie the same way that she was interested in me, so why was everyone taking it out on me? Darcie had made it perfectly clear that she knew what she was signing up for when she stopped Lauren from switching her to another player but I was still made out to be the bad guy.

I just hoped that Ritchie had bought enough alcohol for this party because I certainly would need it. 

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