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With Darcie cheering me on, we won the game, coming from being 12 points down

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With Darcie cheering me on, we won the game, coming from being 12 points down. At some point during the game when my playing wasn't up to par, I heard Lauren take command and yell at me to hustle. Honestly, I think her screaming scared me more than Coach. 

After the game, a few of us ditched the after party; with Darcie not being able to go and enjoy, we decided to join in with her sober Friday night. She invited us all back to her place since her parents were out of town and her younger brother was staying over with their older brother, ordering pizza and playing video games. 

At times, I found myself watching the way Darcie and Ritchie would tiptoe around each other, laughing at the innocence of it all. It was really unlike my friend to be like that around a girl, which is how I guessed that he was pretty serious about Darcie. They shared those silly little smiles and were quite tactile when they didn't think anyone was looking. I saw the hip grazes, though, as did Lauren because she was rolling her eyes at their antics as much as I was. 

"They are so going to end up together," Owen commented, his eyes locked on the way Ritchie was staring at Darcie while she scooted around the kitchen, moving to the sound of a song playing over the sound system. "If they don't, I'll sleep with Lauren."

Lauren guffawed. "No, you will not." She reached over and smacked Owen upside the head. "And why are you saying it like that? Like I should be grateful that you'd even offer?"

"Because you're scary and every guy I know is terrified of you?" Owen explains. When Lauren reaches her hand towards him again, he scoots back in his seat and falls off the edge, landing on the floor with a thud. "See, that shit is intimidating."

Lauren flipped him off and then focused her attention on Darcie. "Hey, Darce, what are you performing in the showcase tomorrow night? I heard through the grapevine that you have a pianist playing live while you and Ryker dance."

"Your brother has a big mouth," Darcie tells Lauren, guessing that it was Harlan that had shared the news. "Ryker has an even bigger mouth if he's sharing that with Harlan. But yes, we have a pianist for the second performance. And a few other band members. And a vocalist."

I try not to look in Ritchie's direction because I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to know that he's going to be the pianist but I do. He doesn't seem to care though because he just keeps chewing on his pizza while the others try to get more information out of Darcie, like what song is she dancing to and who will be in the band. Darcie knows how to keep a secret though and she doesn't give them up easily. 

"Ah, who cares anyway?" Owen says dismissively.

"I do," Lauren asserts. "I care. Now, who is the drummer? Drummers are hot. Unless there's a bass player. Do you have a bass player?"

Darcie smiles. "I am not divulging anything. You're all just going to have to wait until tomorrow night. You did get tickets, right?"

The room goes silent as eyes flicker from one person to another, trying to work out if any of us did get tickets. I thought Lauren was going to purchase them for the group but from the way she sheepishly looks at Owen, I'm guessing that she hasn't. 

"I've got them," Ritchie finally announces, finishing off one slice of pizza and picking up another. When she reclines back on the sofa, he drapes an arm across the back, letting his fingers graze Darcie's shoulder and neck. "You can all stop worrying. Like I'd want you guys to miss the best performance of the year."

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