Sixty Two

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I didn't have classes with any of my friends

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I didn't have classes with any of my friends. Harlan and Ritchie, being super smart, are in all AP classes while Owen chose different electives which meant I didn't see him much. Mia was in my English class and Darcie in my math class, though. Since the scene she created in the parking lot this morning, Mia had kept her distance from me. Although I'd seen Darcie from afar, I was keeping my distance from her. If we were seen talking, the rumor that there was something going on between us would spread like wildfire and that was the last thing either of us needed. 

I'd done a pretty good job of avoiding being within ten feet of Darcie Scott but that all came crashing down when I entered my math class and saw her seated in the third row. She was talking to one of the girls I recognized from the cheer team, oblivious to the fact that I was in the room and walking towards where she sat. I passed Darcie and took the seat behind her, my movement finally catching her eye. 

"Campbell, hey," the girl Darcie had been speaking to smiled at me. Since the girl- I forget her name- had been at camp with us last week, she knew what the setup had been between Darcie and me, and I hope that she wasn't interested in stoking the fires of the gossip that was spreading about us. "I didn't know you'd be in this class, too. Are you any good at Trig? I was just telling Darcie that I'm probably going to need a tutor."

"I'm decent enough," I answer carefully. Then I move my head towards the girl sat in front of me. "I'm sure Darcie's better, though."

Before Darcie had the chance to protest, the teacher walked in. Last year, Mrs. Hansen taught Trigonometry and was known to be a stickler for everything being perfect, but the teacher stood in front of the class wasn't Mrs. Hansen. First of all, he was a guy. Secondly, he was far younger than Mrs. Hansen's fifty-something year. Lastly, his face was one I recognized. 

"Good morning, class," the man spoke, his voice deep and authoritative. He commanded the room easily as his gaze fell on each row in turn. Glaring at the boys that sat at the far end of the class, the teacher was quick to brush off the longing looks the girls sent his way. His attention lingered on me and then moved to Darcie, an eyebrow quirking upwards in amusement. It was brief and soon enough, his stern gaze was back in place. "My name is Mr. Scott and I will be your Trigonometry teacher this year. Before we start, a few rules- please arrive on time. Leave your cell phones in your locker. Raise your hand before speaking. Stay on task in class and submit your homework on time. Only one person at a time will be allowed to leave with a hall pass. Be organized and prepared to learn. Respect your teacher and your peers. Do not gossip in class. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Put all your trash in the can on the way out. Do not chew gum in my class. And for goodness sakes, do your best."

We all stared at him. His long list of rules wasn't asking too much of us but I couldn't help but sigh at his words. Trig was already a boring subject and Mr. Scott- Darcie's brother, Bennett- was sucking out the little fun left of it. This year was going to be Hell. 

"Alright, shall we get started?" Mr. Scott smiled. Strolling to the board, he picked up his marker pen and started to draw a complicated diagram of triangles. It took him five minutes of intense drawing before he stepped back and observed his artistic capabilities. "Pop quiz. This is a Trigonometry Pile Up. All the triangles are right-angled triangles. I want you to find the length of the hypotenuse of the top triangle. I'll give you-" He quickly glances at his watch. "-Ten minutes. Go!" 


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