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Since she left earlier this afternoon, I hadn't seen Darcie

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Since she left earlier this afternoon, I hadn't seen Darcie. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but it sure made things around the cabin quiet. Almost too quiet for my liking. Changing into a fresh pair of clothes, I grab my cell phone and head over to Ritchie's cabin opposite. 

"I'm bored," I comment as I enter the cabin to see Ritchie lying on the bed, half asleep. "Hey, come on, get up. We need to go do something before we die of boredom."

Ritchie's definition of doing something was stopping at Owen and Harlan's cabins, grabbing them, and then going down to the recreation hall where the cheer team was currently having their practice session. Usually, there was a strict policy that said the football team wasn't allowed to go to cheer practices, but Ritchie reasoned that they came to ours, so why couldn't we go to theirs?

"Because my sister is going to kill us?" Harlan rationalized as we stood outside the hall's doorway. Ignoring Harlan's comment, Ritchie opened the door and barged inside, immediately heading for the bleachers. Adhering to the Musketeer rules of all for one and one for all, we all followed and took our seat. "It's a good thing the girls have their back to us. For now. When someone notices that we're here, we're all doomed."

The first to notice our presence was, of course, Lauren Cass herself. Despite there being a cheer coach, it was up to the captain to choreograph the routines and it was ultimately that person who made up the rules. Thankfully, after Harlan had a few words with his sister, we were permitted to stay long enough for me to catch a glimpse of Darcie standing off to the side of the floor, stretching. 

Had she been wearing those short shorts when she left the cabin earlier?   

Suddenly, music began to play and a group of girls all moved in unison to the center of the floor, throwing moves that I barely recognized. They moved quickly and added tricks that were designed to amaze, which certainly had the desired effect if Owen's slack jaw was anything to go by. 

The tempo of the song changed to jarring beats and from the side, I saw a petite blonde run and flip across the floor. Lauren was unimpressed and yelled out some notes before a guy from the opposite side of the floor began to mimic the girl's movement. While he was mid air, Lauren turned to Darcie, said something that made her smile, and then tapped her shoulder just as Darcie limbered up and gave a small run. 

Swiftly and smoothly, Darcie's run morphed into a flip, which then became a trio of backflips, and then a mid-air twist, and then, even more backflips before finishing off her routine with another twist. When she landed and took her place behind the young girl in front of her, Darcie looked up to the bleachers where the others and I were sat. 

"Guys?" Ritchie said with a sigh. We all turned to see him shuffling uncomfortably in his place. "I think I've just majorly fallen in love with Darcie Scott."

Even though I knew he was joking, part of me twisted inside. And I'm not sure why.

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