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I did as Darcie suggested and completely ignored Sean's 'advice' for the rest of the practice session

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I did as Darcie suggested and completely ignored Sean's 'advice' for the rest of the practice session. My tactics improved and soon enough, the guys were hailing the return of my 'balls' as we ran play after play. Even Coach Ang was impressed enough to give me a literal pat on the back as we all headed off for the showers. 

"So, are you really taking Darcie out for dinner tonight?" Owen asked when we reached the locker room. Knowing that I never mentioned mine and Darcie's plans for this evening, I shot Owen a confused look. "Erin mentioned it, that's all. I think her and Darcie are kinda friends now. You know how girls talk so I'm guessing Darcie mentioned it and Erin told me. SO, is it true?"

"It's just a getting-to-know-you thing, that's all," I answer rather defensively. My tone was enough to pique the interest of both Ritchie and Harlan as their eyes widened in shock. "What? It is!"

"Did we say otherwise?" Ritchie smugly smirked. 

Ignoring their comments, I quickly showered and dressed so that I could make it back to the cabin with enough downtime to spare so that I was fully alert during dinner tonight. Mia has grumbled several times about how tired I can be after practice and how that makes our dates 'painful' and 'boring.' At least if I got back to the cabin just shy of six, I'd be a fully functioning human being by seven. 

"Have fun on your date!" Ritchie beamed as I headed for the locker room door. Strolling over to me, he pressed something into my hand. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Unfolding my hand, I see the square foil packet Ritchie had given me. "Seriously?"

Despite my best efforts to give Ritchie the condom back, he kept running away from me. Eventually, I hurled it at his head, hitting him square between the eyes as I smiled victoriously. I waved to the others and promptly left, arriving at the cabin just as Darcie exited the bathroom in nothing but a towel. 

It was hard to look away from her- I'm only human after all. Her long dark hair was soaking and hung around her shoulders and her skin glistened with droplets of water that ran like waterfalls down her neck and into the plush of the towel that was wrapped around her body. She must not have seen me as she was casually dancing to the song that played on her iPod that was currently in the docking station. 

After being entranced by the way she looked and moved for longer than appropriate, I cleared my throat to let her know that I was here. She had a deer caught in the headlights look about her when she spun in my direction. She screamed in fright. "What the fuck?!"

After that, her face flushed red and she fled to the bathroom. "How long were you stood there for?" Darcie shouted from the other side of the closed bathroom door. 

"About a minute," I answer.

I heard her wail and mumble profanities to herself, but those noises were soon drowned out by the whirl of her hairdryer springing to life. Knowing how girls operate, I sprawled out on the bed, arms behind my head, and waited for Darcie to finish getting ready. 

It might be a long wait before dinner. 

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