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"I'll speak to Lauren and make sure that she gets you a new Rally Girl," Darcie announced

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"I'll speak to Lauren and make sure that she gets you a new Rally Girl," Darcie announced. She hadn't been abe to look at me for the past five minutes and I hadn't forced her to, either, but right now, as she dropped that bomb on me, I wanted nothing more than for her green eyes to fall on me. "I think it's for the best."

"Darcie, c'mon," I find myself begging. It's wholly inappropriate for me to ask her this, but I can't let her walk away. "I don't think that's necessary."

It was selfish of me to want to keep her because Lord knows that I'd be putting her through so much hurt by asking her to stay with me but I don't think I could get through the football season with someone else at my side. Who would Lauren assign to me? Would they be able to give me a reality check in the same way Darcie could? Would they know exactly what to say to me like Darcie does? I don't think there's anyone better for me than her. I can't let her go. Not yet. 

"Well, I think it is," she finally tells me, a finality in her voice that tells me there's no going back. She picks up the tequila bottle and stands. "And it's really fucking insensitive of you to want me to continue like this. Being around you hurts, Nixon. All the time. And I was used to it, I was ok with it, but not anymore. I deserve better than being in someone else's shadow and pining over a boy that doesn't give a shit about me. Because you don't!

"You don't give a shit about me," Darcie snaps, her voice getting louder and louder as irritation coats her words. When she hears footsteps approaching us, Darcie turns to see Harlan making his way towards our cabin. "You were right. You were so right, Harlan."

She no longer sounded fierce as she did only seconds ago, instead, she sounded fragile and as soon as her shoulders sagged once more, I saw her body crumble and her shoulders shake. Then she cried. It wasn't the furious tears of annoyance but the hard sobs of someone breaking.

"Hey," Harlan spoke softly as he wrapped his arms around Darcie's shoulders and pulled her to him. He held her tighter than I thought was physically possible and whispered into her ear. "I didn't want to be right, Darce. I never wanted to be right about this. Come on, I'll take you over to Lauren and then I'll come and grab your things. Ok?"

He didn't wait for a response. Harlan loosened his hold on her and placed an arm around her waist as he guided her across to his cabin. I watched as they disappeared inside with only Harlan reappearing ten seconds later. 

As he walked back to where I was sat, his eyes were unreadable. I opened my mouth to speak, to ask if Darcie would be ok, but Harlan cut me off with a shake of his head. "I'm not getting in the middle of this," he said firmly. "But for the record- you made a huge mistake, Nix. A girl like Darcie Scott is worth an infinite amount of Mia Carpenters. Remember that."

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