Fifty Nine

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I had half expected Mom to be waiting for me but as I grabbed my football uniform and my luggage, the person who greeted me was Larkyn

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I had half expected Mom to be waiting for me but as I grabbed my football uniform and my luggage, the person who greeted me was Larkyn. She beamed in my direction and waved like a mad woman. I knew she was only doing it to humiliate me and I hate to say it, but it was working. I sighed heavily as I made my way towards her car, only to come to a stop when I felt my sister's body slam into mine.

"Hey, baby bro," Larkyn said loudly as she hugged me. "Missed you, bubba!"

A few of the other players sniggered around us, including Harlan, Owen, and Ritchie. I sent them my best glare, which I then promptly turned onto my sister. Larkyn didn't care that I currently hated her because her focus was solely on someone that was stood behind me. I turned slowly and tried to follow her gaze, finding myself watching as a well-built man in his early twenties approached Darcie Scott. 

I have no idea who the man was but he beamed once Darcie was close enough to speak to him. She greeted him with the same enthusiastic smile and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Even though she herself was tall, Darcie had to stand on her tiptoes to match the man's height, and even then, she was still an inch on the short side. She spoke something into the man's ear before pulling away from him and staring at him intently. 

A few seconds passed as I watched the man and Darcie trade glances. It felt intrusive to watch them but I was curious to know who he was. I think my sister was curious too because she had that love struck look on her face. 

"That man is seriously hot," Larkyn commented.

To everyone's surprise, Harlan agreed. "Totally."

"Preach it," Ritchie joined in, pitching his voice higher and snapping his fingers dramatically. When he next spoke, his voice had returned to normal. "But seriously, does anyone know who that is?"

"Jealous of your new girlfriend's side bit?" Owen laughed. 

"Just a bit," Ritchie answered, without hesitation. 

We continued to watch the pair, seeing how the man was quick to relieve Darcie of her heavy bags. He seamlessly threw her duffle bag over his shoulder before wrapping an arm around Darcie's shoulder and leading her towards a brand new Range Rover. They both paused at the trunk while the man disposed of the duffle bag, and then as they approached the passenger side door, the man opened it and waited for Darcie to climb inside. When the man was sure that Darcie was inside safely, he closed the door and walked round to the driver's side, via the rear of the car. That's when his gaze lifted and found our little group gawking at him. 

The man smiled and raised a hand in our direction, waving at one of us. We all turned to look at the person the man was acknowledging, seeing Larkyn's face turn bright red as she returned the wave directed at her. A few minutes later, once the Range Rover was pulling out of the school's parking lot, Ritchie was quick to demand to know who the man was. 

"Bennett Scott," Larkyn answered, sounding like a love struck school girl as she sighed out the name. "I had the biggest crush ever on him in school. He was the straing QB when I was at Pembroke High. Every girl was in love with him and always had his number painted on their cheeks whenever there was a game. You should have seen Homecoming Week, there were sevens everywhere. Ah, those were the days. Right, let's get you home, bubba. I want to hear all about football camp."

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