twenty four : miss

Start from the beginning

"...last semester," he finished off his sentence.

Last semester? "Then what are you-"

His hand found mine, which the reason I didn't finish my question, and gave it a little squeeze as his jaw motioned me to look ahead. "Prof. Milford is coming. Act natural."

I followed his gaze and nearly fell off my chair. Professor Milford, one of the killer professors in Columbia, walked up the stairs and stopped by our table. I didn't have to look around to realize that all eyes were on us. It may have only been a week for me to breathe and live like a college student, but even I knew that professor usually only wandered and about in the podium, at the front of the classroom.

I was sure he was going to kick Frazier for crashing on his class. I was so sure he would send him to a detention room, provided they had one. I was so sure of what would happen that when he finally opened his mouth and warmly greeted Frazier, I knew magic was real.

"Frazier Ronan! Fancy seeing you here, mate!" He tapped Frazier's shoulder lightly as his smile broadened.

I stared in disbelief. Did he just call him 'mate'?

Frazier smiled. "Professor Milford, what can I say, I miss your teaching. It's only fitting to come here especially," he paused and turned to me. I thought my widened eyes and stiff head shake would suffice to indicate that I didn't want to be dragged into the conversation. Yet he was either too blind to see it or chose to ignore it as he continued, "when my friend, Autumn Summers, is a student of yours this semester."

Professor Milford turned his gaze to me and I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor Milford." I may not enjoy the way I was brought into the conversation, but I wasn't stupid enough to forget my manners, especially when I was talking to someone who could decide my fate for the next six months.

"Likewise, Ms. Summers." He smiled at me then turned to nudge Frazier with his elbow. "A freshman, huh? You sure up your game, mate."

I heard a noise of my jaw dropping to the floor.

"I better start the class now," exclaimed Prof Milford as he turned around and walked down the stairs. "If anyone needs help with BMGC," his voice was loud and clear as he directed his speech to the entire class. "I know it's quite a tough subject, you either get it or don't get it." He walked up to the podium and smiled as he lifted one hand and pointed at Frazier.

"Oh, bollocks." I heard Frazier curse under his breath.

"You can find Mr. Ronan. He was top of my class last semester. I'm sure he can enlighten you," said Prof. Milford as he finished up his speech. Only then I realized that he and Frazier were truly close to the point where they wanted to annoy one another, just like siblings.

I leaned towards him and asked, "Are you two are friends?" It may be uncommon for professors to be friends with their students, but it was still possible and judging their interaction earlier, they certainly looked close enough to be buddies.

Frazier shook his head and let out an exasperated sigh. "He's my uncle."

And for the first time today, I let myself giggling like a schoolgirl. Frazier glanced at me sideways, his eyes screamed disapproval but when he saw me, he chuckled and the next thing I knew, we were laughing at the back of the class.


"Okay." I took a deep calming breath and looked up to meet his grey eyes. "I need your help." It was difficult for me to ask someone for their help, especially when that someone was Frazier Ronan, but Prof. Milford wasn't kidding when he said BMGC was a tough subject. I'd spent three hours inside that big classroom, listening to each and every word he'd said and yet I was still as clueless as to when I first stepped into the classroom. Yes, it had been that horrible.

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