Sleepover (Part One)

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 "Alright kids, you are allowed to stay the night in the attic. But.." Jin said. "Jungkook must be in bed going to sleep by nine, Taehyung by ten, and Jimin by eleven. You two hyungs get to stay up as late as you want, but I don't want to hear any complaining about being tired tomorrow. Plus you need to make sure your homework is done and ready for Monday."

 Yoongi and Hoseok excitedly thanked Jin, running to the kitchen and telling the maknaes. Namjoon helped them haul endless amounts of blankets and pillows into the attic, making sure there was enough for all five of them to be very comfortable. 

 "Now, I'm warning you, there may be things like spiders, crickets, ants, and flies. So be careful, and if you spot one, Yoongi will be in charge of disposing of it." Namjoon instructed. The kids nodded happily. Before Namjoon could even come down, the kids were already scrambling up with their bags and things. 

 As soon as everything was set up, Namjoon said bye to the kids and left. Yoongi turned on the lights hung on the ceiling, making the room much less dark than it was. "Alright, eomma is most definitely going to come up and check on us at every time there is for you three maknaes to be in bed. So, each time, we're going to pretend you're asleep." Yoongi started a plan.

 "Jungkookie, I really need you to pretend you're asleep." Yoongi said. Jungkook put a small bowl nearby on his head, nodding with a serious face. "Good, Taehyung and Jimin? You too. I need Tae to even fake snore, cause you do snore at night, so that will really convince eomma!" Yoongi said. The two stood up and saluted their hyung. 

 "Hoseok and I have no bedtime, so we're going to be pretending to be putting you to sleep." Yoongi said. "Hey, why do you two get to stay up but not us?" Jimin whined. "Because you're a maknae. But yours is the latest of you three." Yoongi explained. 

 "So, why do you want us to pwetend we are asweep so we can stay up more?" Taehyung asked. "Because I want us all to play games and have fun." Yoongi smiled. Jungkook squealed happily. 

 "But, we all know if eomma hears noises, she'll come up to check. So, what's going to happen is whoever's bedtime it is or it's after, you will have to quickly and quietly run to your bed while whoever is still aloud to be awake will move so that we are blocking the view of you and eomma sees you in bed." Yoongi said. Everyone nodded. 

 "Alright.." Yoongi looked at the small clock in the corner of the room. "It's eight thirty. Jungkook, you have a half hour until our plan is in motion." Yoongi said. Jungkook giggled and tried to salute, knocking the bowl off of his head. "We're going to have you in bed five minutes before your time, and you're going to stay until five minutes after the time, to make sure eomma has left the room." Yoongi said. 

 The five boys played quiet tag for the half hour, Jungkook and Jimin not being very good at it because of their short, not-meant-for-running legs. They had a lot of fun, until Yoongi realized it was six minutes until nine. He quickly picked up Jungkook, telling him what to do, then setting him in his little bed. 

 Right at nine, the boys heard the door open. They saw a shadow slowly coming closer, then seeing not Jin, but Namjoon. "Oppa?" Hoseok said. "Hey, I know you guys aren't going to have the maknaes asleep by eleven, I know you are pretending. But, your eomma is taking a nap and told me to check on you guys at eleven. I'm not going to unless eomma is awake at that time, so just be quiet and have the maknaes pretend at eleven, in case Jin checks. Got it?" Namjoon said.

 The kids all hugged Namjoon, thanking him for going along with the plan. "At least I don't want the maknaes pulling an all-nighter, got it?" Namjoon said. "Yeah, we won't!" Jimin said. "Alright, oppa is going back downstairs. You kids have fun." Namjoon kissed all of their cheeks before leaving. 


wow im updating alot huh

- Kayla 

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