The Movie

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 The three boys jumped in the car, being greeted by the rest of the family. "Hi boys! How was school?" Jin asked Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. "Good. Are we going to see that movie?" Hoseok asked. "Yes. It's called BTS Family, and it's based off of this famous music group." Namjoon explained, driving to the movie theater.

 Once they got there, Jin and Namjoon got the kids out and lead them inside. "What do you guys want?" Jin asked. "Each of you get two things." Namjoon added. "I want water and pepperoni pizza!" Yoongi said. "Skittles and cotton candy please!" Hoseok yelled. "I want fwench fwies and sprite!" Jimin said. "I wah a big bwubewy swush pweez!" Tae yelled a little too loud. 

 When the man at the food desk asked what they wanted, Jin said, "Let me get three waters, pepperoni pizza, large please, Skittles, Rainbow cotton candy, a large fry, two diet cokes, sprite, and an extra large blueberry slush please." Jin said. The man quickly moved his fingers across the register, attempting to remember and put that entire order.

 "Alright, here's the drinks. The slush, pizza, fries, and cotton candy will be out soon." The man said, sliding the drinks and the skittles across the counter. Jin handed the waters to Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok. He handed Namjoon the diet cokes, and handed Jimin the sprite. "Namjoon, you good?" Jin said. Namjoon was holding two drinks in one hand, and the baby in the other. "Yep." He said.

 The ma finally handed the family the food. Jin handed Yoongi his pizza, Hoseok the cotton candy, Jimin the fries, and Taehyung the slush. "And can I get one large popcorn?" Jin said. The man got it and gave it to him, and Namjoon paid. "Eomma dis swush is colddd!" Tae complained. Jin sighed.

 "Here, I'll hold the slush, you hold the popcorn." Jin said, taking the drink. Taehyung grabbed the popcorn and they walked to their theater. As soon as they sat down, Jin put the drinks down, Namjoon almost dropped the drinks but put them down and quickly grabbed hold of Jungkook as he was falling, Yoongi already started eating his pizza, Hoseok looked at his cotton candy like it was his soulmate, Jimin dropped his fries but thankfully they were in a small box that was closed, and Taehyung had trouble getting on the seat because of what he was holding.

 Taehyung looked at his family and saw they didn't notice his struggle, so he threw the popcorn up onto the seat. "Yah, Taehyung, you're gonna get in trouble!" Hoseok whispered. "How?" "You just spilled the popcorn everywhere!" Hoseok pointed at the seat as Tae climbed onto it and noticed the mess.

 He quickly jumped onto the chair, but Jin had already seen it. "Taehyung-ah, I paid for that! You should just ask your hyungs for help!" Jin stood up and tried to pick up some of it. But it was no use. Only one third of the popcorn was left, the rest spilled out and sank into the cracks of the seat and fell to the floor. 

 "Tae, you have to pick all of that up as soon as the movie ends." Jin said. Taehyung nodded and handed his eomma the popcorn bag. He looked at Jimin and saw Jimin eating his fries. "Taehyung-ah, you will get your slush once the mess is gone." Jin said, putting the slush in a cup holder. 

 Jin turned to Namjoon and handed Jungkook a piece of popcorn. He bought a popcorn because that is the only thing Jungkook eats during movies, and a large because Jungkook eats it quickly. But now it was the equivalent of a small popcorn, and Jin knew Jungkook would finish it very fast and start whining for more. 

 The movie started. Everyone quickly finished their food before they were even halfway through the movie. Jin didn't want the trash laying around so he made Namjoon go and throw it out. Before Namjoon could, Jungkook started screaming and crying. 

 Namjoon sighed and took Jungkook with him. Once he threw the trash away, he sat on a bench and tried to calm the baby down. "Cmon, Kookie-ah, what's getting you all worked up?" Namjoon said, turning Kook to face him. 

 "Bah deecah!" Jungkook tried to make out words. "Bad day what?" "Cahh! Cahr!" Jungkook whined. "Booboo!" Jungkook said, wiggling his arms and feet around. Namjoon looked down and saw a big scratch on Kook's leg that he hadn't seen before. 

 "Aw, how'd you get this?" Namjoon said, looking at it closer. "Deecar!" "Day care?" Namjoon realized a little bit. He and Jin had put the maknaes in a daycare while they shopped for Christmas presents and the hyungs were at school. Taehyung had been telling Jimin about 'Bad people' at the day care. 

 "Oh god, shh, no more day care." Namjoon said. He sat with Jungkook for the rest of the movie, since the baby hadn't stopped crying and he wanted to comfort the poor child. 


Hey guys! Aw poor maknae Kookie :(

- Kayla

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