Dad, being the 'strong', independent man of the house, declines.

"Sir, if you will just wait in the car, I will do it for you." The cabbie narrows his eyes at my dad.

"I've got this." Dad grunts out, his face slightly turning purple as he tries to push it in.


"I said I've got this!" Dad shouts, cutting of the cab driver. Scoffing, he pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

We spend a few more minutes watching dad until I eventually give up on him. Its absolutely ridiculous.

"Okay dad, just give up." I tell him, stepping closer to him.

"Honey, I said I can do it. There must be a strategic way to do this. Give me a second."

"Dad!" I exclaim.

"What honey?"

"We're going to be late to the airport. We can just out the suitcase with us." I try to reason, biting my lip.

Dad skeptically looks at the suitcase then us, shaking his head. "No, I can ---"

"For god's sake Mark, just get in the car." Mom snaps, pointing her finger at the cab. She narrows her eyes and uses her 'I'm angry, nobody question me' voice. My mom can be absolutely frightening at times.

Its honestly terrifying. Fearfully, dad gets into the car. I even notice how the cab driver's eyes widen and how he quickly steps on his cigarette and gets in the driver's seat.

Mom rarely gets that angry or annoyed but when she does, you know you shouldn't doubt her. Moms who are angry are just plain scary.

The drive to the airport was silent, everyone except for mom too scared to say anything. Dad had put mom in a bad mood, which was not good. Now I had to be careful with what I say, otherwise, I might suffer mom's wrath.

Pulling up to the airport, we all get out. The cab driver rushes over to the boot and speedily gets our luggage out.

Good idea mate.

Dad pays the guy whilst mom goes to get a coffee. Mom having caffeine is a good idea, it might cheer her up.

"Bye mate." Dad waves the cab driver off.

Faintly, I hear the cab driver mutter something like "stuck up, wealthy prick" but who knows. I guess we drove that guy's patience over a cliff.

"Let's go kiddo." Dad grins at me whilst I scowl at him.

"I'm eighteen dad, not ten." I assert, narrowing my eyes at him.

He holds his arms up in mock surrender, trying to hide his smirk. "I know but you will always be my little girl."

Great, now he's sounding like mom when she's had one too many glasses to drink.

Mom always goes on about how I'm growing up too quickly and that my precious years with her are going too quickly. When she drinks too much, she sobs into my dad's shoulder, crying about how I'll be off to college soon. She says I'll graduate in no time, the blink and I'm off, getting married and have kids.

From there, she slurs some random stuff out. I've already left the room by then though.

"Oh look, there's mom." I point out, watching mom as she practically skips over to us, a gigantic smile on her face.

She looks like she doesn't have a care in the world like nothing could stop her.

I don't see a cup in her hands so she must have already drunk her coffee. Maybe she had it too quickly, judging by how she looks. If mom drinks coffee too quickly, then she'll be ten times worse then what she normally is. Which is very strange.

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