When The Wind Blows

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to break your teeth?" Riley said with enough hostility to make me snap back to the preset and glare at him. I was still in shock and in an agonising amount of pain from what he'd done. As if betraying me wasnt enough, he went and destroyed one of my sacred places that was dear to my heart.

"Riley, you go anywhere near any one I care about and you won't have any teeth got it? You stupid little boy, I should have listened you know that. You cheated on Courtney and Imogen before and I thought you were different with me, but your always gonna be the same disillusioned little boy because there is nothing special about you. Your popular because your rich and handsome not because your nice, and all these people will destroy you and take thugs from you and then abandon you. Just like you did to me!" I picked up my mostly full flute of champagne and poured it slowly over his head rebelling in the sight of his stupid face covered in the drink, all crinkled up and red from anger. I bent down close enough that only he could hear and whispered;

"You have taken the one thing that directly linked me to my dad and for that I'll neve forgive you. In fact I'll go as far a ago say I wish I'd never even known you" Riley's face suddenly collapsed in on itself like an imploding star. All of the life left his eyes and was relaxed by ready realisation he had lost the one thing he had wanted most, he'd destroyed the thing he'd set out to protect.

"You don't mean that Sophie" He reached his hand out to me but my palm imparting with the side of his face have him a pretty clear indication of where he stood. And I couldn't stop or even contemplate what was coming out of my mouth.

"It should have been you and not him" Suddenly tears were brimming and spilling down my cheeks, and I hated that we had been made such a public spectacle o ourselves. I pushed out my chair and ran from the room leaving my bag and all it's contents on the table, I didn't care about dessert or about the fact guy fifty pounds and camera in my bag. I ran out of he building and around to the sports field where trees lined where people would sit. I thumped down hard on the floor bringing my indeed up to my chest, then my head on my knees before bursting into floods of tears.

It was like everything was going wrong, all the good things ebbing away and being replaced with despair and emotional torture. I sobbed for hours that night and I as surprised thy nobody bothered me. So much for prom being the highlight of my teenage life, I thought sarcastically.

"Well daddy I bet this wouldn't have been how to envisaged my life...falling apart without you" I sobbed again. Becoming acutely aware of how much mud was soaking through onto my legs. I didn't care, it had started raining and the water was making me drip. This night was like when I saw Lukas in his hallway so defenceless agains that bastard thing they called a father, while mine was rotting in the dirt.

"I miss you daddy" I thought aloud knowing nobody was around, and really caring if they were. It didn't bother me that they would think I was mad, all of them assuming that I still had a dad.

"Hey Soph" I looked up to see a ready eyed Riley stood by the tree, I pushe sassy groom him immediately.

"Can't you just take a fucking hint, I don't want to see you" I turned and started briskly walking down to the football field ignoring his advances until he suddenly grabbed my arm and spun me round, I could feel the force of his hand on my skin making it ache slightly but I didn'tind the pain. It was dark down here at half past nine and the bleachers were off casting a silver glow over his blonde hair and greeny blue eyes.

"Im sorry you know" I nodded once before collapsing back on the ground, too exhausted to spend time running from him. It seemed I did a lot of running, running from the truth that my dad was dead, literally running for my life from Lukas' dad and now this...and man was I tired.

"I know, your sorry you cheated...very nice. I hope you freel so much better about yourself, now you can go back to your tart inside" I gestured wildly towards the building and instead of doing what I asked him he plonked down beside me. I could feel the radiating heat from his body.

"Sophie, I know you won't believe me and you already hate me but I just need to tell you something, I still love you. I wasn't lying when I said it before, I just didn't realise how much I loved you. I thought that you always love the person your in a serious relationship with but with you, I'm different with you. I don't just love you I'm in love with you" Then he gripped his hands together and looked at the floor beneath his bent knees. I leant my head on the tree so the right side of my face was against the park.

"I don't hate you" I couldn't bring myself to say what he wanted to hear, that I still loved him too. I couldn't tell him even though it was true and it was breaking my heart to not tell him, then I thought of my perfect Lukas and how beautiful and sweet and kind he was, and how he always put me first and would never do anything to hurt me.

"But you don't love me anymore?" He sadly looked at his hands like their was some kind of signiificance hidden in their palms. Like past skin deep he could find an answer of his question, how to call out of love when your so far in?

"I never said I didn't, and I dont know whether I do anymore. I miss you and how you made me feel but I don't know if that's the same thing, and what about Lukas huh? I know you don't give a shit about him but I do. I couldn't betray him like that, it wouldnt matter if I loved you or not I couldn't hurt him" He listened intently, bowing his head in defeat.

We walked around the school for a while talking about this and that, nothing important or heavy, how our results were and what colleges we were gonna go too. I told him how I'd hugged my mum and he commented what a big milestone it was, he asked about a bruise on my arm and I had to lie and say that I ran into a door, a notion which made him laugh even if it didn't convince him.

Lukas was stood leaning on a tree, his face calm and neutral and his eyes fixed on Riley blazing brightly into him and I wondered if there was any enigma that made looks literally able to kill. I smiled and raised one hand to wave but his eyes didn't even switch to me.

"She's the best girl you'll ever have you know that" Lukas nodded once an then dropped his eyes to the floor before raising them to look at me. I couldn't look away, I took a few steps and ended up standing beside him.

"And if you hurt her I'll take it as a personal front and break your teeth okay?" Lukas nodded again firmly believing Riles would do that.

Again with the bloody Riles...

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