Epilogue: Chapter 33

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The man sat in his office chair like it was his throne. Every man, clerk, secretary, spy, et cetera that worked for him was beneath him. Servants, but with a fear that could classify them as slaves.
Standing in front of this king like figure was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.
"What ridiculous name did you come up with this time?" He asked, full of scorn.
"D-Dayus Constantine, sir."
The king smiled. He needed his servants' respect, and the best way to achieve that was through fear.
"Why can't you ever pick a normal name?" the king asked his servant.
"I prefer something a little more... Dramatic," the servant whispered, ashamed.
"I don't need need your drama. Especially since you didn't exactly execute your last objective smoothly."
"My sincerest apologies, my Lord." The servant bowed so deep, his nose could have accidentally hit the floor. His whole body was trembling in fear.
"You had a good plan until you started toying around with that Hemmings girl."
"I'll admit that that wasn't part of my original plan..."
"However, you did still get my message across. I suppose that will be fine for now. I do appreciate the dog thing though. That was an impressive addition."
"The... The dog thing?"
"Perhaps that wasn't you. In any case, I'm putting you on three weeks probation."
"Thank you sir! You truly are kind-"
The king waved his hand, cutting the servant off.
"They will probably leave England for a bit. Now would be a good time for the both of them to check on their operations over seas. I will have an objective for you by the time they return. And this time, they'll understand how serious I am."

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