Chapter 13

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I watched Mr Lancaster as he spun on his heels to walk away from me, his tail coat dramatically flapping from the wind.
Okay, I didn't want him talking to me in a sexual way, but he flipped the switch so hard, it hurt.
Yeah, I'm pretty average looking, but how does a person go from "You're irresistible, I don't know if I can keep my hands off of you," to, "you actually are resistable. Completely so."
It was just... Abrupt.

Is that really the only reason you're upset about it?

Of course it is! Sure, he's good looking, but I wouldn't want any relationship with him... But I still wondering what it would be like if we were courting...


I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Okay, so I was a little curious. I know he has bedded women before. Was Mr Lancaster... Good at it? I don't think he does it often, at least not as often as Connor. How many women has Mr Lancaster gone to bed with?
Now that I knew what "going to bed with" means, I felt my cheeks get red while trying to imagine it with Mr Lancaster.
It was just a curiousity thing!
I got ready to leave. It would be foolish to bring all of my dresses with me, so I left them with Connor guarding them. Mr Lancaster did suggest that I bring one extra, "just in case." I didn't know what case that would be, but I figured I didn't need to fight this one time.
Mr Lancaster and Luke had compact, but surprisingly still large, backpacks. I took a few layers of my dress off and put it in a free pouch in Mr Lancaster's bag, since it was so god damned hot. My spare dress was with Luke. We set out, walking, with Mr Lancaster in the front, me in the middle, and Luke behind me. I could feel his inconspicuous stares at me, or more specifically, my back side. It stuck out a bit more than normal since there were less layers. I was definitely self conscious- there was no doubt I had a woman's body. No matter how many times Mr Lancaster would call me "little girl," I knew that he didn't mean it. Wasn't he rakish? Wasn't he such a rogue, that mothers would keep their daughters away from him? If the rumors are true, then he just might enjoy a woman's body just as much as any other man.

Speaking of "any other man..."

Luke was very close behind me. Too close for a rear guard to be. Just to see what would happen, I stopped abruptly, disguising it as a stretch. Sure enough, Luke ran right into me.
"Woah, Mr Steele! Considering that you're the rear guard, you shouldn't be that close to me!" I spat at him, loudly but also logically.
"I was guarding... Your's..." He said lowly as he licked his lips. Involuntarily, I felt my face contort with disgust.

Um okay, but that wasn't even clever. Come up with something better next time!
If there is a next time... Who knows, maybe by then I will have ripped out Mr Lucas Steele's eyes...?

"What the f- um, you can't speak to me like that!" I said, with anger fuming.
"Miss Hemmings, stop distracting Mr Steele and keep up!"
My jaw dropped.

What an ass! This clearly isn't my fault!

"I wasn't distracting him, he was distracting himself. You should tell him to stop."
I didn't notice, but Luke crept closer to me from behind. He rested his hand firmly on my waist, tugging me towards him. My back hit Luke's chest.
"Come on, Miss Hemmings, don't think I don't notice how interested you are in me. I can tell from how you walk around me, how you talk to me, how your hips sway, and-"
"No! Stop right there!" I cringed as he said that. I didn't want to give him a reaction, but I ended up swatting at his hand. "Just leave me alone, you bastard!"
"I thought I was the bastard," Mr Lancaster called over his shoulder. He actually almost seemed amused, but that wasn't even possible. Maybe Mr Lancaster was just trying to adapt and overcome this new situation- the one where we're traversing the Venezuelan jungle with a sex maniac, a block of ice mixed in with a slab of granite, and a frustrated woman.

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