Chapter 29

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Ah yes, the correspondences. Perfectly normal business things. Nothing that screams "I want to murder you, your friends, and your family, dove."

I shuddered at that. Dove? That was just plain weird.

The correspondences!

I suppose the St. Laurent's have spread word that the Hemmings' business was back. I received a total of 22 letters: 15 were business meeting requests (all hoping to take place this week), six were 'oh my, it's been forever since we've seen a Hemmings!' and the last one was-
My nervousness came flooding back. I knew who sent it just by the look of the envelope.

Dearest Miss Amelia Hemmings,

I truly do appreciate your "it's nothing worth talking about" comment last night. Yes, I was still there, and yes, I heard everything (even your whispers). I even got to hear our friend ask to sleep with you! It was a rather interesting night indeed, my little dove. That might have not been something a true gentleman would do, so maybe he is not as much of a gentleman as you might think. A gentleman also would not shoot his friend. He disapproves of liars, that is true. Lucky for him, I never claimed to be a gentleman. I'm certain you remember me saying that last night. Again, I am now aware that you are playing my game and following my rules. Good choice, you might get to live longer.

Faithfully Your's,
A friend of a friend

Why do I get three letters in the span of twelve hours? As far as I was aware, Mr Lancaster only got one!
And why did I go from "little dove" to "my little dove." I certainly didn't belong to him!
He heard everything? Even when I was whispering? That man must have been very close to hear everything.
How close? Was he just lurking outside of my room all night? How was he so quiet? Why didn't I hear him leave?
I hid this letter with the other two. I folded it and put it on page 247 in The History of the South Sea Bubble. I figured no one would really want to look in there anyway.

Back to work now!

I had Tuesday through Friday to get fifteen meetings in. That couldn't be too bad. I'll just have four meetings Tuesday through Thursday, and then three on Friday.
I decided who goes when depending on the sender's location. For example, if the person requesting the meeting lives only down the street, then it wouldn't be a problem for them to visit tomorrow.
What if one of these men are my 'friend of a friend?' What if a meeting is the one way to get me alone to kill me?
I shook my head and stood up. I needed a small break.
By "a small break," I really meant "I need to speak with Mr Lancaster."
There was no way in hell I was going to tell him anything, but some extra security measures could be in place.
I tentatively crossed the hall to Mr Lancaster's office. After thinking through my idea again, I knocked. It was a small, demure knock, like it said "I'd like to see you as soon as possible, I hope I'm not bothering you." I didn't like that, so I knocked again, making sure it sounded more urgent.
"I heard you the first time. You should have gotten a clue that I do not wish to be disturbed right now! Who is it anyway?"

God, I got him at a really bad time... Is it too late to run away?

"Well? I do not have all day!"
"Miss Hemmings, sir."

Did I do something wrong?

"Come in," Mr Lancaster said after about three minutes.

Two minutes and 54 seconds.

Sure, whatever you say.

I slowly opened the door, and closed it as soon as I entered.
Mr Lancaster didn't make any gestures to where I should sit, so I assumed the chair across from him at his desk.
"Alright, what are you here for, Miss Hemmings?"
"It's not exactly business..."
"I cannot speak with you on personal matters while on the clock."
"How about some extra security for the building?"
Mr Lancaster seemed surprised by that.
"I have a fine staff here. Nothing nor no one can get in unless I want them here."

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