Chapter 18

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I started formulating a plan.
I literally had a boat full of guns that were left for me by my parents. And I wasn't about to let it go to waste.
"Mr Lancaster?"
"I'd like an office in your building."
"I am sure you would, but Connor does not live there like I do."
"Really? This again? No, I want my office because I have an international weapons market to run."
Mr Lancaster looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

Oh, so his face does move!

"You are a woman, you cannot run a business."
"Yes I can! We will just say it's all your's, but only on paper. I would take care of everything: negotiations, paper work, the work force. It might take a few people by surprise, but that's nothing I can't handle."
"No. Miss Hemmings, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"
I laughed at that.
"Careful Mr Lancaster, someone might accidentally think you care! But yes, I know it's dangerous, and no, I don't care."
Mr Lancaster's jaw twitched.
"Wait until we get back to London to finalize your plans, okay?"
"Yes sir!"
"Anyway, living arrangements."
"Shouldn't we first figure out who is traveling back on what boat?"
"Luke will stay here in Venezuela, Connor will go back on the other ship, and we will take half the crew back on our ship."
"Why isn't Connor coming with us?"
"Why do you think that is your business?"
"It's not, but that is," I pointed to the guns. "Plus I miss him. It has been a while since I have seen my favorite Irishman."
"I do not remember asking if you missed him."
"I am aware, but I just wanted to let you know. Oh, hey, since you hate me so much, why not sail back on the other boat by yourself and let Connor and I stay in this one!"
"You cannot run a business if you are with child, Miss Hemmings."
I knew he did that on purpose. Mr Lancaster likes getting a reaction out of me, even though it's easy. I can't stop blushing or looking flustered and stuttering. I was almost embarrassed since I couldn't deal with a comment like that.
"The audacity! Mr Lancaster, you cannot speak to me like that!"
"What if I said that I could talk to you however I want?"
"I would say that you're incorrect."
Mr Lancaster took a few steps towards me. Reminding myself that he only does it for intimidation, I didn't back up.
"Excuse me, sir, but you're standing too close to me."
"Am I?" He stroked one finger along my cheek bone. "What if I said that I can touch you however and wherever I want?" Even though I felt like he set my skin on fire, I swatted his hand away.
"You can't say that to me and yes, you are too close."
"What were we originally speaking of? Ah yes, we were talking about living arrangements. Unfortunately, there is only one room. It makes sense, since that was your parents' and they were married. Of course, it is rather common for married couples to sleep together."
Mr Lancaster drawed out the words "sleep together" as though it was some double entendre.
"I will take the floor, if you're suggesting anything, sir."
Instead of backing up, I slowly moved to the side. Mr Lancaster grabbed hold of my arm again and pulled me back. Before I could say "not again," I was pressed against the wall.
"Mr Lancaster! This wall game of yours is getting annoying! You're not going to try to use me to break down some walls, right?"
"Game? Is this what you would call a game? It seems to get your attention quickly. I only use efficient methods since I do not tolerate slowness."
"Alright, you have my attention. What do you want?"
"Respect for starters, Miss Hemmings."
I huffed in annoyance.
"Sir," I said in a distinctively clipped voice.
"We will be on this boat for a few days before everyone we need gets here."
"Or we could just sail a little bit until we get to our other boat. It would be so much more efficient."
Mr Lancaster's jaw tightened.
"Fine. We will leave now," he said with measured breaths. I batted my eye lashes charmingly (and a little too ladylike) at him.
"I'm most sorry, Mr Lancaster, sir, did I hurt your ego?"
His grip on me tightened as he leaned in closer to me. I felt Mr Lancaster's nose briefly grace alongside my cheek as he moved his lips closer to my ear. His stubble lightly scratched at the side of my face. I felt tingles go up my back as I almost shivered at our proximity.
"Why is it that you refuse to let me tame you?" He basically growled in my ear.
"Um, tame? I'm not an animal, sir," I said with noticably fake confidence.
Mr Lancaster slowly moved his hands from my arms to my waist. "No sir, regardless of what you said earlier, you can't just touch me wherever y-"
I was cut off as I felt him press his lips against my neck. My heart sped up and my breathing labored immediately. My mind was swimming- mostly in confusion, but also in... Pleasure...
"M-Mr Lancaster, you can't just..."
Forming sentences was difficult as he kissed my neck and jaw repeatedly. For some reason, I tended to focus quite a bit on how I could feel his slight stubble against my neck and face. Why was I thinking about that?
"I cannot just what, Miss Hemmings? Did you have something else to say?"

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