Chapter 7

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It was difficult to make Mr Lancaster visibly angry.
And oh God, I tried.
I pestered him with question after question about anything and everything I could think of. Unfortunately, I only got "yes" or "no" answers, even if I wasn't asking a yes or no question. That was when I realized he was completely ignoring me.
"Are you married?"
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"Did you get along with your parents?"
"How old are you?"
"When did you start your business?"
"Where were you born?"
"What does being a 'sexual conquest' entail?"
Mr Lancaster's eyes briefly flickered to me.
Curiosity was starting to kill me.
I was 19! I wasn't just some child! I could handle the truth.
I felt like a helpless kitten. I knew that I should have known this kind of stuff, but literally no one has talked to me about it, so how was I supposed to know?
"Tell me! I'm dying to know!"
"It is not my job to tell you. That is something your mother should have done."
"I was 15!"
"Tell me!"
"No. Someone else will. Connor! Pull over to the nearest brothel."
"Aye sir!" Connor exclaimed, clearly excited.
My jaw dropped.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"I am not going to teach you and you will not shut up. This is for the best. Or really, just my sanity."
Connor pulled over.
"Boss? Could I go in too?"
"Why do only ye get to go in?" Connor whined. I thought it was funny.
"I am not going in for that purpose. Miss Hemmings seems to be confused on a topic I am not going to discuss with her."
"Oooh... I understand ye, Boss."
"What is it? I don't understand ye, Boss!" I half mocked Connor's accent.
Connor playfully frowned at me as he helped me out of the carriage.
"That wasn't even close, Miss Amy."
"Connor, stay here and watch our things. Miss Hemmings, follow me."
I wasn't technically following him. It was more like he was pushing me. His hand was placed on my upper back, right on my shoulder blades, pressing me forward. I almost tripped over myself.
"I don't want to! Wouldn't it be easier for you to just explain it?"
"Yes. But I do not want to be the one to explain it to you. Now stop fussing like a child and do as I say."
When we entered the den of infidelity, a strong scent of alcohol and smoke hit me. The place was dimly lit and crowded with men and scantily dressed women. I felt nervous when I noticed some of the men eyeing me up. A few whistled at me, and one man even grabbed my wrist and tried pulling me onto his lap. Mr Lancaster threw one quick punch at his face and the man was unconscious. Mr Lancaster did not even look flustered, he just stayed cool and collected and impassive as always as he straightened out his tie.
It was unfortunate. I know some really great men, but that population was not represented here.
I had a feeling that this was the type of place Uncle John would visit.
The women were crawling all over Mr Lancaster, cooing flirty things at him, running their hands along his arms and chest, but he just ignored them. We went to the back and found a room where the woman running the place was. She was probably in her 30s, and she was probably also gorgeous about a decade ago, but it was obvious that years of an unhealthy lifestyle caught up with her.
"We don't rent our rooms out to couples, sorry."
"No! That's not it at all-!"
"Be quiet, Miss Hemmings. You are Ms Skai, I presume."
I was curious as to why Mr Lancaster knew who ran the brothel, but I decided some things were best left unknown.
"Depends on who's asking."
"I am not here for your... conventional services. This lady here is rather innocent and I do not have the time nor patience to explain everything to her."
I felt myself beginning to blush since he talked about me like some pesky kid that wasn't even there.
"I'll get you a nice girl. She'll be gentle."
"I, uh-"
"I shall wait for you outside, Miss Hemmings."
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he briskly turned and left. His tailcoat gently fluttered behind him as he exited.
So there I was...
...alone in a brothel, about to get the talk from a sex worker.
I've never been particularly awkward, but then again, I've never been in a situation like this one.
"Good God girl, 'ow old are ya!"
I snapped out of my trance when a girl about my age came into the room. She had curly, frizzy black hair and pretty, dark blue eyes.
"I'm 17!"
"You definitely look older, Miss...?"
"Miss! Oh no, it's just Jess."
"Nice to meet you Jess, I'm Amy."
"And you're here because ya don't know what sex is?"
"I'm... Sheltered."
"I see. And who was that delicious lookin' man with ya?"
I cringed.
Mr Lancaster was a delicious looking man?
It sounded so strange.
He could be handsome if he were nicer, I supposed. I thought he was handsome before I realized what a bastard he was.
"Mr Damien Lancaster."
"Oh! An' what's he to ya?"
"I'm not sure. He's either going to help me or murder me. I don't know yet."
"If you're not with him, I'll gladly take my turn with him! But of course, ya don't know what that means, no?"
"Starting with the basics:"
Jess gestured between her thighs.
"Men and women have different bits."
"I was aware of that."
"And then, well..." With her right hand, she made a circle with her thumb and pointer finger. With her left hand, she just stuck her pointer finger out and inserted it inside the circle.
"I don't- wait... Oh... You mean...?"
"Ya have a hole, he 'as a stick, and ya put the stick in the hole and then..." She repeated an in and out gesture with her fingers.
"What the hell..."
"An' if ya get a good man, it'll feel amazin'."
"Oh, um... Okay..."
"Relax Amy! This is useful information! If ya have sex an' ya don't enjoy it, there's something wrong."
"I'll, uh, be sure to keep that in mind."
"Atta girl!"
"What's supposed to make it good?"
"It's different for everyone. There are so many different ways to do it! Ya could be gentle, rough, sexy, loving-"
"I'm not sure how you could get all of that out of a man putting his... Um, you know... Inside of you."
"You'll figure it out. Hopefully with that man with you," she added with a wink.
"No! His assistant is much more agreeable anyway."
"Connor O'Neil?"
"He's been here a few times. He isn't a regular, but ya could ask any of the girls he has been with about it. He's very good."
"I'm learning more information than I originally intended to..."
"It's okay girl! Ya could try it all out right now, I'm sure there's a man out there who would love it with a virgin-"
"No! No, no, no! And no again!"
"I'm just teasing ya."
"Oh, okay, good!"
"There are a lot of ways to feel good during sex. Remember that, it makes it less scary."
"I don't understand."
"Don't underestimate ya mouth or hands. It doesn't just have to be 'boy part goes inside girl part.'"
"You could do it to him, and he can do it to you too."
"That's... Interesting."
"Look girl, I know it was a super basic talk, but Skai said I had to be brief and gentle. Do ya understand now?"
"Yes... Truly fantastic..."
I quickly left the room.
The brothel was still just as crowded. Since Mr Lancaster wasn't there to help me out, I got to fend for myself. I knew that I was good in a fight. I felt the confidence rolling off of me in waves.
A slight ruckus caught my attention. I turned and saw a man leaving a room while buttoning his shirt back up. There was a girl in the bed inside the room, pouting.
"Come baaaack! We have enough time for another go!"
"Boss is gonna kill me, lass."
My eyes snapped up to the man.
"Connor? What the bloody hell are you doing?" I said before I could stop myself.
He saw me and gave me a lazy, flirty smile.
"Miss Amy! Could ye tell Boss I'll be another minute?"
He already took his shirt back off and was in the process of closing the door.
"Um, yeah... Have fun."
Connor's grin widened as he slammed the door. I quickly left the building. Mr Lancaster was leaning against the carriage, waiting.
"I leave for two minutes and Connor has already wandered off!" He stated, clearly annoyed, even though his voice was flat and emotionless. I was starting to understand Mr Lancaster's "emotions" and his little mannerisms that gave him away.
"He said he'll be another minute, sir," I replied while gesturing to the building I just left.
Mr Lancaster let out a slow, controlled breath.
"Of course he did," Mr Lancaster finally said after a span of silence.
"Connor seemed happy. Maybe you should go do that thing too."
"I would rather not."
"It might make you less of an arse."
"I am fine this way."
"For you, maybe. You're still as insufferable as always to me."
"That sounds like your issue to deal with, not mine."
"It might make you happier," I half grumbled to myself.
"I do not wish to be happier at the moment. In fact, my only wish right now is to leave. I should have known Connor would run off."
"Yes, you should have."
Mr Lancaster's grey eyes pierced into me.
"Do not speak to me that way. You should be greatful. You are still alive because of me."
"Because you haven't murdered me yet."
"It would look like an accident."
"I'm not greatful. I shouldn't have to be greatful because you didn't kill me yet."
"I would not be the one to kill you. You should know that by now, Miss Hemmings. And you would be surprised. Keeping you alive is quite the hassle."
"Because Thomas's men are trying to kill me?"
"No. Because you annoy me."
"I wouldn't annoy you if you didn't annoy me."
Mr Lancaster took some more slow, deep breaths.
I was finally getting to him!
"I can't believe you find me to be the annoying one! People willingly deal with me!"
"I find that difficult to believe."
"I get plenty of suitors, even though my dowry is pathetic."
"Of course you do."
"I don't like your sarcasm."
"And I do not like you. I guess we will just have to deal with each other."
"I know you don't like me! You said you don't need me, so why don't I just leave?"
"Thomas isn't a threat to me!"
"I would rather have you than have him have you."
"God, you think I'm a child? You're the child here! I'm only with you because you don't want the other little boy to have anything."
"I would like to see Thomas completely ruined, yes."
"Jesus Christ, help this stubborn boy!" I exclaimed to the sky.
"That's right. You heard me."
"I am older than you."
"Not mentally."
"How old are you?"
"Yes," I said, mocking him from earlier.
Mr Lancaster clenched his jaw.
"Miss Hemmings, how old are you?" He asked in a menacing whisper as he leaned closer to me. I felt myself shiver. I stood on my tip toes so my mouth was right by his ear.
"No," I whispered back to him, even quieter. We were so close, I was uncomfortable. My breath stirred his hair, and I could feel the heat from his body.

Strange, I thought he would have been colder.

I backed up quickly, just in case he decided to break my neck right then and there, but I couldn't hide my smirk. Mr Lancaster's jaw clenched even tighter. He was probably grinding his teeth to dust. I saw something flash in his eyes. He was still difficult for me to read, but I'd bet that it was frustration.
Mr Lancaster quickly snatched my wrist and pulled me to him before holding me against the carriage. His breathing was fast. Mr Lancaster was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face.

Oh dear, maybe I annoyed him a little too much...

"Do not play games with me, Miss Hemmings. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. Do you understand?"
His voice was threateningly low. I wanted to break away from him and run away. I didn't cower, though. I refused to show him any weakness. I held eye contact with him, refusing to look away. Mr Lancaster's eyes were a strangly hypnotic swirl of emotions. Did he really feel emotion? I didn't notice before, but his grey eyes also had slight rings of green around his pupils. It was barely noticeable originally, but I found myself enthralled by it.
"Yes, but I did give you an answer, even though you didn't like it."
I could have sworn he growled.
"19, sir," I finally said. I tried to convince myself that I gave in because his closeness made me uncomfortable, not because I was scared.
Mr Lancaster released me and backed away. I rubbed out my wrist that Mr Lancaster yanked.
"Did I hurt you?" He asked in an uncaring voice.
"Obviously! My wrist is swelling up!"
"You need to be more gentle," I complianed to myself.
"I made myself a millionaire. Do you think being gentle had anything to do with that?"
"I never suggested that you gently and politely made all of your money, but it's a good skill to have if you're going to deal with a lot of people."
"I do not need advice from you."
"Like hell you don't! You can't handle people! Do you really call yourself a businessman? Aren't businessmen supposed to be charming and charismatic?"
"I could be if I wanted to be."
"Sure you can," I replied with sarcasm dripping from my voice.
"Miss Hemmings, it seems you have not yet realized that I can do whatever I want."
"Oh yes, I've realized it! It's only because you have no regards for anyone else!"
"I do not need to care about anyone to make money."
"You and your money! Do you care about anything else?"
"Do I need to?"
"You're not above being human! Just because you think you were sent from the heavens as a blessing to mankind, it doesn't mean you were!"
Mr Lancaster was about to say something back, but he was interrupted.
"Aye boss! I 'ope I didn't keep ye waitin' too long!"
"You did. We shall leave now."
For emphasis, he stared directly at Connor when he said "now."
Mr Lancaster opened the carriage door for me. I started to climb inside, but I was too short. Mr Lancaster was about to help me, but I held my hand out.

Really? He wants to try to be a gentleman now? He lost his chance!

"No. I don't want your help, and I'll never let you touch me in any way again. Connor, could you help me in?"
"Aye lass!"
If I had to put a lable on the emotion Mr Lancaster was displaying (which was virtually none), I'd say he was offended.
Connor put his hands on my waist and helped hoist me up.
"Thanks Connor."
"Any time Amelia," he said with that same lazy, flirty smile from earlier.
I did find him attractive, but I didn't like the fact Connor visited places like this for fun. Wasn't sex supposed to be with your spouse? And only your spouse?
"Okay Connor, take us to my docks," Mr Lancaster commanded.
"Aye Boss!"

The rest of the ride was awkward, to say the least. I stared out the window the entire time, but I could feel Mr Lancaster's eyes locked on me. I wanted to scream at him.
After an hour, the carriage stopped. Mr Lancaster quickly got out and offered his hand to help me down.
"No," I told him sternly, "Connor, could you help me out?"
"Of course, Amelia."
I didn't miss the curiosity in his voice, but I didn't want him to know about the events that transpired between Mr Lancaster and I.
"Lass! What 'appened to yer wrist?" Connor exclaimed and I took hold of his hand.
I looked directly at Mr Lancaster.
"I fell," I said, maintaining eye contact with Mr Lancaster. His jaw clenched before turning away from me and my accusative look.

Mr Lancaster broke eye contact first, I thought with satisfaction.

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