Chapter 4

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Oh God...
Waking up is definitely the worst part about whiskey.

I slowly slid out of the bed and fell right onto the floor.
"Damn it!" I cursed before wincing in pain.
"Everythin' okay Miss?" Connor shouted while knocking on the door.
"Don't shout!" I shouted back.
The loud noise made my head pulsate uncontrollably.
"I got ye some water, Miss."
"Thank the Lord! Bring it in please!"
Connor walked in, dodging me on the floor. I was still tangled up in the blankets.
"God's sake lass..."
He kept muttering something that sounded like gibberish to me.
"Cad a bhfuil muid ag dul a sin in éineacht leat?"
"Nuh uh, no, only English here!"
"I said 'What are we goin' to do with ye?'"
"Help me up, first of all."
Connor set the glass of water down on the night stand before he picked me up, bridal style, like I didn't even weigh a feather. He gently set me back in the middle of the bed.
"I said help me up! Not pick me up!"
"And 'ave ye fall and hurt yer 'ead some more? Nay."
He tried untangling himself from me, but accidentally fell on me.
"Christ's sake lass!"
"Me? This is your fault, you idiot!"
"Connor, you know you are not allowed to be in bed with my client."
Both our heads shot up. Mr Lancaster was scowling at us from the door.
"I was jist helpin' 'er up, Boss!"
Mr Lancaster raked his cold gaze over us again, Connor still on top of me.
"I can assure you, from where I am standing, it looks like you are doing much more with her than our contract allows."
"Who said I'm your client, Mr Lancaster?" I retorted angrily.
"I did. Connor, leave."
"Actually, Mr Lancaster," I said as I seductively ran my hand through Connor's hair, "we were in the middle of something."
I pulled Connor forward and roughly crashed my lips into his.
The surprising part? Connor kissed me back! I rested my hands on his shoulders as he cradled the back of my neck.
The door slammed closed and Mr Lancaster said "at least let me work!"
He didn't need to yell... Of course.
We actually kept kissing for a moment longer than we had to. I pulled away just as I felt his tongue dart at the seam of my lips. I shuddered, since I knew I would have liked it. I heard Connor stifle a groan.
"I'm sorry about that, I really wanted to get him angry. I should have asked you first..."
I knew I was blushing like a madman.
That was my first kiss, after all.
"All good, Miss. I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't want to anger 'im too. I'd also be lyin' if I said I didn't enjoy that, Miss Hemmings."
Could my face get any more red? Because it just did!
Connor unwrapped himself from me, still breathing hard.
He was blushing too!
"Well, I'll leave ye before I git fired!"
"Would he fire you over that?"
"Nay, Boss an' I 'ave a long 'istory together. But it's not up to me to tell ye about it."
I eyed him curiously. He quickly fixed his hair (since I messed it up... Oops...) and he returned to his normal behavior.
"Alright, drink up, whiskey is never easy on ye!" He commanded as he pointed to the cup of water.
"Yes, Mr O'Neil," I said teasingly. Connor left, but I heard Mr Lancaster stop him. I was able to listen in since they were right by my door.
"You did not last very long," Mr Lancaster said in a flat, dry tone.
"We weren't doin' anythin', Boss" Connor replied calmly.
"Control yourself. There is a league of men out there that are trying to murder her. I need her information, and I do not want you to shag it out of her."
I blushed.

That would never happen!

"Aye Boss, no shaggin' 'er!" I could hear the amusement lace through Connor's voice.
"Did I say something amusing, Connor?" Mr Lancaster's voice was harder than a rock.
"Nay, Boss!"
I accidentally giggled. It must have been loud too, because Mr Lancaster just said "let us take this conversation elsewhere" so coldly that it could have frozen the blood in my veins.
I awkwardly and silently sat in the room for an hour. Or was it more? There also wasn't a clock in the room, which I felt was most inconvenient for a business. Wasn't keeping track of time a big deal in the world of business?
I decided that I was so hungry, all of the cold glares Mr Lancaster could summon would be worth something to eat. I dug through the wardrobe, finding only men's clothes. I dug some more. Still nothing feminine.
Finally, at the bottom drawer, I did find an outfit for a lady. I had a hard time putting it on by myself, but all went well in the end. It wasn't a bad looking dress, I just wished for my light blue silk ball gown to be in better condition. The dress that I found was gold with red flowers embroidered down the front.
Content, I quietly slipped out of the room.
I started walking aimlessly since I had no idea where I was. Since it was a Sunday, there were no people bustling around like I imagined there would be.
I heard three men having a heated discussion. I recognized Mr Lancaster and Connor's voices.
"She has to know! Thomas wouldn't have gotten near her unless he was certain!" That was the unfamiliar man's voice.
"Boss is right, Mr James, she is clueless. 'Er parents must 'ave hidden it from 'er."
"She might know something, but not realize it," Mr Lancaster finally spoke up. I must have imagined the thoughtful inflection I heard in his voice.
"Her parents wouldn't have gotten her involved... Willingly. Maybe they gave her subliminal hints? That would be helpful, for her sake. Thomas will kill her much faster if she doesn't know anything. It would be strange for the Hemmings to leave Miss Amelia completely defenseless. That's not like them. Although that does bring that Uncle of her's into question..."
"I am not interested in her personal life. Back to the Hemmings. Not everything they did was exactly... Legal... But we always got along well enough."
"Of course Damien, that's because you don't run the "most legal" businesses either!"
My jaw dropped.
Who the hell are these people?
And Damien Lancaster.
That had a nice sound to it.
"We are not here to discuss my business, Albert, we are discussing the Hemmings and how their daughter ties into all of it!"
I could picture Mr Lancaster seething through his teeth or foaming at the mouth from anger.
No, scratch that. That's too much emotion for him.
"You have the girl upstairs! Discuss it with her!"
"Nay, Boss doesn't like 'er."
"I've heard she's a charming thing."
"Boss thinks she isn't submissive enough-"

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