Chapter 32

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Dayus didn't like being ignored. His tightened grip on my arm told me so.
"Miss Hemmings, it has been a while, and you certainly look..." His eyes traveled up my entire body, lingering at my breasts (but not so long it was blatantly obvious). His eyes completely stopped at my attempted strangulation battle wounds. "What's that on your neck?"
Dayus tapped his foot impatiently behind me.
"Oh, you know, angry partners and that sort." I said it dismissively to show I wasn't worried about it.
"While I do regret what happened to you, I think I should worry about the man's well being more!"
"No, not his entire well being. Just his arm." I turned around to smile at Dayus. "We have a guard dog now."
Dayus's eyes narrowed slightly. I know, it screamed.
"Poor fool. Well, if you're stupid, things like that will happen to you. I learned that after our first meeting."
Mr St. Laurent looked to the floor with an embarrassed smile.
"Hey, you're my favorite St. Laurent, sir! It all worked out in the end."
Dayus was still infuriatingly close to me.
"Wow! Someone thinks that I'm better than Julian? That'll be a shocker to him, especially coming from you."
I began to talk, but Dayus cut in.
"Mr St. Laurent, Miss Hemmings and I were in the middle of a rather important discussion."

About you getting me into your bed!

Maybe that's important to men? After all, Mr Lancaster said our kiss was important just a few days ago.

"Oh, very well. Miss Hemmings, I would be honored if you pledged me the dance two after this one."
"Of course, Mr St. Laurent."
Michael had that boyish grin that I thought was really cute.
I was snapped out of it when Dayus roughly pulled me against him.
"God! If you're going to be like that, then don't be so rough!" I hissed at him.
"But my dove, rough is what I do best." He added a wink.

If his personality wasn't so awful, I still would have thought him as handsome!

"You can show me another time. In a long time."
"So, Miss Hemmings, do you happen to know why I was selected for this particular job?" He said, changing the subject. Perhaps he was ignoring my blatant rejection.
"I can only guess."
"Our friend knows me to be rash and impulsive. If I were an investor, I'd be a high risk, high return kind of man."
"So what are you saying?"
"Only that I have a gun on me, and I will force you outside in anyway possible. This is up to you: go quietly? Or put up a fight? The latter would lead to some death. Not your's, of course. I like you too much. What do you say, little dove?"
"I say stop calling me that!" Panic began to rise up inside of me, threatening to take over.
He did that oh so charming smile again. If I didn't know him, it probably would have made my knees give out from swooning.
"No, I like it too much."
"You seem to like a lot of things that I don't."
Dayus was leading me outside. I searched around for Mr Lancaster, but I couldn't find him.

Damn! Of all the times he isn't with me!

"Um, Mr... Constantine, I need to powder my nose."


"I know you don't. Our friend told you to say that."

Too classic?

"Fine then."
A breeze stirred my hair, then I realized we were in the gardens. It really was a beautiful night. Unfortunately, I had some less than stellar company.
"This way." Dayus lead me to a spot just out of sight from the door.
I knew something shitty was about to happen.
"Mr Constantine-"
"Right, um, I would feel much more comfortable if you didn't have a gun on you."
"I'm not falling for that one. I know you would just try to take it for yourself."
"Yes, I won't deny that."
"You are many things, my dove, but a liar is not one of them. It is very commendable. Courageous, even. But some day, it will kill you."
"At least I won't die a liar."
His mouth closed down on mine. Every muscle in my body tensed as I felt his hands go to my lower back and pull me towards him.

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