Chapter 16

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I wasn't the type to throw a temper tantrum, and I never will be, but I am not above saying that I scowled all the way back to the camp.
Mr Lancaster seemed to have lingered behind quite a bit, but I didn't mind at all. I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet. I also didn't need his domineering coldness to follow me wherever I went.
Back at the camp, Luke was in a fist fight with another young man. A few of the soldiers gathered in a circle, cheering them on.
It was obvious that Luke was wasted. I didn't even though there was alcohol available. I just hoped that the other kid used it to his advantage. However, I, being the kill-joy kind of person, broke into the circle after only a few punches were thrown, to break it up.
"Why am I telling you all to behave? Don't you have something else to do?"
They looked down, suddenly finding the ground very interesting.
"Should I ask Officer Hansen to assign you all to pointless tasks? I'd bet he would be more than happy to!"
Yeah, I'm that one person.
However, I only got a few snickers in response. I caught one whisper: "yeah, she better go tell Roger." Rolling my eyes, I gave the boy fighting Luke a handshake.
"Next time could you get him a bit harder on the nose? I'm not very fond of Mr Steele, there."
The boy nodded, his face beaming happily.
"Ah, Amelia, you're back from your chat!"
"Officer, it's good to see you again!"
"Of course it is, I'm the most handsome man here!" He flexed his muscles. I couldn't see anything through the uniform, but I had no doubt that he was physically fit. I shook my head, laughing at them.
Leading me to the center of the camp, we sat down on a fallen tree.
"I'm dying to know, Miss Hemmings, what did he talk to you about?"
"Well, I first have to make a request."
Roger's eyebrows shot up, looking slightly worried.
"And what might that be?" He gently prodded me on.
"Never let Mr Lancaster take me for a private business talk again!"
Roger's fists clenched together until his knuckles turned white.
"Did that man touch you?" He was seething.
"Yes, but not sexually. He was trying to make a point."
"What. Did. He. Say?"
"That I was no longer allowed to talk to you. Absurd, right?"
"What would he gain from that?"
"I'm not sure."
"Mr Lancaster... He is, um, rather... Possessive, isn't he?"
"Are you and him... You know..."
"No, I don't know, actually. Please elaborate, Roger."
"Yes, of course. Are you two... Lovers?"
I started choking on nothing. Coughing and spluttering like an idiot, I fought to gain control over my breath again.
"Absolutely not!"
"You don't have to yell at me! He just seems... protective."
"I can assure you, he is not the protective type. Before we got here, he had no trouble telling me how much he hates me and how he would hire someone to kill me."
"He-, what? He- he threatened you? That bastard actually had the audacity to threaten you?"
"My point is that we are not lovers."
"Miss Hemmings, Amy, dear, it appears that we have a different situation to take care of!"
"No, we don't. He's all talk-"
"No, Miss Hemmings, I am not 'all talk.' I would prove it to you if I did not have so many witnesses."
I didn't even hear him approach us, but I supposed he was done sulking in the forest like a child.
"Ah, Mr Lancaster, how kind of you to join us. Please, sit down," I welcomed the unwanted newcomer.
Officer Hansen wrapped a protective arm around me, but I gently pushed him away.
"All talk," I whispered to him. Roger chuckled slightly.
"Miss Hemmings, I believe that I have told you that I have exceptional hearing."
"Mr Lancaster, I believe that I have told you that your company is unwanted."
His glare switched between me and the Officer.
"Remember what I said, Miss Hemmings. I do not tolerate disobedience."
"Of course not, Mr Lancaster, sir." My face hurt from smiling so sweetly.
It was obviously fake.
After Mr Lancaster, Roger and I fell back into comfortable conversation.
"Roger, I don't believe you have told me why you are here."
"I was wondering about the same thing, Amelia."
"You're wondering why you're here too?" I laughed, purposely misinterpreting his words.
"It makes more sense that I'm here, doesn't it?"
"I suppose. But you didn't tell me why." I added a pout that I knew he wouldn't be able to resist.
"N- oh, alright. We have already reached the goal anyway."
Officer Hansen pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.
My heart dropped.
I had to come up with a story. Quickly.
"Amelia Hemmings, this here, is a compiled list of Thomas Conway's trading ports. We have reasons to believe that many were illegally acquired."
"Is that so? May I see it?"
"Of course."
He held the paper out to me.
Now came time for the fake tears.
"M-Miss Amy? Are you okay?" Roger was clearly concerned about my sudden mood change.
"Th-that is what I was h-here for t-too."
"What could you possibly want with this?"
"M-my parents. You see the two distinctly different handwritings? That's my mom and dad's handwriting. They're dead now and I miss them so much."
I stopped the stuttering because I wanted Roger to think I was trying to be brave for him. But I was lightly stroking my wrist since I still wanted to appear fragile.
Or something like that, I really didn't care.
"Well, I have a simple solution. I'll make a copy and you'll keep the original. I understand that you want to have this part of your family with you. My deepest condolences for putting you through such an ordeal."
Roger got out an extra piece of paper and a pen and quickly got to work.

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