Chapter 3

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I was finally alone.
I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do... I had wounds to dress, but nothing to dress them with! In an act of sheer desperation, I tore up a plain white towel. I tied a bit of it around my head and then some of it around my waist. What else was I supposed to do? What if I got blood all over this bed?
The flimsy towel rags wouldn't prevent blood from getting every where, but I was hoping I wouldn't bleed to death before morning. I left my ruined dress and corset on the ground, and then I also decided to not wear anything that was mine. Everything was covered in blood, and not all of the blood was mine. I went to the wardrobe and pulled out a man's shirt. It was big, so I didn't put on any pants. No one would bother me anyway, so what's the harm?
Satisfied enough, I went to the bed. It was more comfortable than the one at my house. It probably took me two seconds flat to fall asleep.
I had a long day.

"Miss Hemmings? Boss wants to see ye now."
My head was pounding. My entire body was aching.
"'E's not very patient, Miss, it'd be best if you went now."
"Let me get dressed first."
"Boss wants to see ye. Now."
"God damn that bastard! I'll see him whenever I feel like it! I'll feel like it after I put some more clothes on!"
Yelling hurt like hell. My head was pounding so hard I could feel it through my hands.
Connor quickly slipped out of the room while I searched for pants. Mr Lancaster couldn't be too upset with my outfit, right? He wanted to see me right away, that would mean no pants at all. So what if it's men's clothes? I'll change it later. I looked longingly back at the bed. It was covered in blood, like I expected. I hoped that wouldn't get me into trouble.
I had a hard time walking a straight line. Was this how Uncle John felt after a night at the pub? No wonder why he was always so angry!
I lost my footing after exiting my room, but Connor was there to help escort me.
"Miss, ye look... Absolutely dreadful!"
I cringed at his loud voice.
"Sh! Don't be so loud."
"Of course, apologies."
Connor helped me stumble to Mr Lancaster's office. He looked scared knocking on the door again.
"Why are you so scared of him?"
"The better question, lass, is why aren't ye scared of 'im? 'E 'as made men disappear with the flick of 'is 'and! The bodies won't turn up for days! 'E is a dangerous man who 'as dangerous people with 'im."
"I'm here for a reason, right? I have something Mr Lancaster needs. I have no bloody idea what that is-"
"I hear you. Come in and stop wasting my time!"
Mr Lancaster wasn't shouting. I bet he could have whispered it and I would have heard it just as well.
Connor opened the door for me.
"Thank you, Connor," I made sure to say in an extra sweet voice.
"Connor, what is she wearing?"
"You can't talk about me like I'm not here!"
Connor gave me a warning look, so I quieted down.
"Ye wished to see 'er immediately, Boss. That's what she was already wearin'."
"It is not proper business attire."
"Sorry, Mr Lancaster, not everybody sleeps in their business attire!"
"You are still bleeding on my floor. Stop it."
"Stop it?"
"Must you repeat what I say?"
"I wasn't sure if you were joking!"
"Miss Hemmings, does it look like I am inclined to joke?"
"Not while you have that metal rod stuck up your a-"
"She understands, Boss! Is there a way to get treatment for the lass? She 'as several wounds from yesterday."
"I do not care, as long as she does not die before I get the information I need."
"How thoughtful."
"Connor, you may go ring up the doctor, if you would like. I need to speak with Miss Hemmings. Alone."
Connor mouthed "good luck" before leaving. He made a sign of the cross when he was outside the office.
"Firstly, Miss Hemmings, I do not like seeing company provided towels used like that."
"You also don't like it when I bleed on your floor, so make up your mind," I snapped right back at him.
"Secondly, what did they want."
"I was asked where it was."
"What was it?"
"I don't have the slightest clue!"
"Then you are useless to me."
"You seem like you know what they want."
"I do. And you do not have it."
"God damn! I was attacked last night by accident? It was for nothing? If I am to be inconvenienced so much, they might as well get the proper person!"
If he had facial expressions, I think he would have looked surprised and more interested.
"You were attacked?"
His voice was still uncaring and bored.
"Yes! By three men! I didn't do this by myself!"
I gestured angrily at my make shift wraps.
"Thomas Conway, Phil, and Charles."
"Thomas directly attacked you?"
"Yes! I've been saying that! He was stalking me at Mrs Nelson's ball!"
"He was at a ball?"
"Must you repeat what I say?" I said, smugly.
"Thomas must be certain you have it if he attacked you directly."
"I wouldn't know, sir."
"Of course not, I would not expect you to. You are just a woman."
My head snapped up so fast my head started pounding again.
"Excuse me?"
"You are excused, but you cannot leave yet."
"I'm just a woman?"
"You look like one."
"I am! But that does not give you the right to talk to me like I'm stupid!"
"I will keep that in mind."
Something in his voice told me that he was not going to keep that in mind.
"You better," I whispered threateningly.
"I do not tolerate threats, Miss Hemmings, but I will ignore that one. I am not threatened by women."
"Of course not, sir," I said with a sarcastic smile.
"Although I am surprised you are still alive."
Mr Lancaster didn't look very surprised, just bored. And annoyed.
"They would have more use with your corpse. Good thing Connor saved you, or you would be dead."
"I am more than happy to inform you that I didn't need Connor's help! Ask him! I was perfectly capable of defending myself!"
"What, did you trick them with your fan? Hit them with your shoe?"
"No and yes."
I didn't like Mr Lancaster's attitude. If his voice where to change and coexist with his emotions, he would sound like a sassy little girl, but he still sounded as lethal as always.
"Enlighten me," he commanded.
"First Mr Conway stabbed me then threw me at the ground. I kicked his shins so he fell. I got his knife and kicked him in the side of the head. Last time I saw him, he was unconscious. I broke Phil's elbow, but first I threw my shoe at his face. It left a nasty gash. That's also how I got his gun from him. Arms shouldn't be able to bend the way his did! And Charles just didn't do anything."
"Did Charles tell you to call him Charlie?"
"Did you?"
"At least you did that correctly."
"He would have killed you faster if you did."
"Mr Conway didn't want them too."
"Repeat that again."
"Mr Conway said he wanted me to stay alive for a little bit longer."
"I am not sure, Mr Lancaster-"
"Do not lie to me. You know."
"O-okay... He said I was pretty, Mr Lancaster, sir."
I looked down and blushed.
"Do not mumble when I ask you a question."
There was a nervous knock on the door. Connor stepped in the office with a doctor.
"I got 'er a doc, Boss!"
"Fantastic. Leave us, Connor. Doctor, I am not done questioning her, so you will have to fix Miss Hemmings here."
"But, no!"
"Do not shout at me, Miss Hemmings, I was going to turn around. You cannot give me orders. Remember that."
The doctor gave me some whiskey to help the pain. I didn't expect him to get out thread and a needle.
"What do you intend to do with that?" I asked, nervously.
"Stitch you up. You'll be as good as new."
"That's going to hurt!"
"Then you didn't have enough whisky!"
I drank straight from the bottle until I couldn't feel anything.
Bad idea, since I've never had any alcohol before.
I watched as the doctor cleaned my wounds and started to sew me up. It was fascinating, watching the needle enter and exit my skin, seeing how the thread held my wound closed. I knew it was supposed to hurt, but I couldn't feel one god damned thing, other than my head swirling.
"How did you get these, Miss?"
"I get into the fights!"
I could tell Mr Lancaster nodded.
"She is telling the truth, doctor."
"See? Mr Land Blaster agreed!"
"Lancaster," he said to the doctor.
"And then Colin flew in on a dragon chariot! No, I'm not Madea! I'm not angry at Jason for leaving me! I don't know a Jason! It was a horse."
"Amazing," the doctor commented.
"I know! Jason was so mean! Madea saved his life and then he leaves her! I can almost understand why she murdered everyone... Hm... Maybe I should too?"
"Nope! No murdering for you, Miss! I can only help so many people at once!"
"You are so right, dotorc! I wouldn't wanna give you a hard time!"
"Doctor," Mr Lancaster corrected me.
"Shut up, you! I nearly killed three men by myself last night! By myself! Don't cross me wrong!"
"Of course, Miss Hemmings."
Was that the doctor or Mr Lancaster?
The doctor helped me put my shirt back on. That was when I realized it was actually off!
Oh well, I'm fixed!
"Colin! Mr Dotorc fixed me!"
"That's amazin', lass," I heard him call through the door.
I looked at Mr Land Blaster.
Or Mr Lake Standard?
"I love Colin so much!"
"Thank ye, Miss," he called back through the door.
"Do you love me too?"
"Of course, lass."
"Let's get married!"
"Another time."
I frowned.
Mr Slam Casts shook the nice doctor's hand.
"You should get out of here before she gets... anymore... you know..."
"Of course, Mr Lancaster. It was an honor serving you!"
I scoffed.
"I wouldn't be honored! He's the biggest bastard I've ever met!"
Colin knocked hesitantly before  awkwardly stepping in.
"Connor, escort the doctor out."
"Aye, Boss!"
Did he mean Colin?
I was alone with Mr Sand Laster again. He finally turned around, looking clearly angry.
"Sir, you could be so handsome if you smiled once in a while!"
"I am choosing not to smile."
"That's a shame."
"I have more important things to worry about."
"Like what?"
"Like getting a drunk girl out of my office!"
He didn't raise his voice, but the intensity in it made me shudder.
"First of all, rude, okay? Second of all, don't talk to me like that! Fourth of all, you wanted me here!"
"What was your third point? You skipped number three."
"My third point is that you're an arse! I'm only cooperating with you because of Colin!"
"Sure, if that's what you want to call him!"
"That is his name."

Lies! They're all trying to confuse me! I'm not drunk, I'll show them!

"Sure it is."
"Connor, take Miss Hemmings out of here."
Colin came in.
"Let's go, lass." He wrapped an arm around my waist and placed my arm over his shoulder. He was still so tall, I had a hard time reaching him.
"Are we getting married now?"
"Not yet, Miss."
"Why not?"
"I need ye sober first."
"I'm is not not sober!"
"Just think of how nice ye bed is. Ye can go to sleep. Boss didn't talk to ye until 7 at night. Now it's 9:30."
"Did it really take two and a half hours?"
"Aye. Go to sleep, Miss."
Colin helped me into my bed.
"Don't go! Stay!"
"Nay, Miss, Boss would kill me if I did."
"Mr Lancaster is awful!"
"Stay with me, Colin!"
"I'll stay the night with ye when ye get me name right. Does that sound fair?"
"I suppose..."
"Night Miss Hemmings, I hope ye don't 'ave too much of a hangover tomorrow!"
"Woo! That could be fun!"
"It really isn't lass, I would know."
"Good night Colin!"
"Good night, Miss."
"Good night Mr Lake Monster!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.
I didn't get a reply from that stoney, rude, and cold excuse of a human. Colin just closed the door.

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