Chapter 5

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Mr Lancaster didn't keep questioning me. It was probably because he felt I was useless.
Was I scared of him?
He annoyed me, that's certain.
I knew he was dangerous, but I haven't seen him like that. I probably never would either, since he said he had other men do his dirty work. And I might be dead before he allows his dangerous side to show.
"Do you think I could get my own stuff and bring it here? Maybe be a little more formal about my disappearance? It would probably be best if I told my uncle myself."
"Aye, but ye can't tell anyone where yer stayin'."
"Should we ask Mr Lancaster for permission?"
"'E's... Probably busy..."
"Are you going to come with me?"
"Aye. Or ye might end up dead."
"So comforting!"
Connor just shrugged.
There was a carriage waiting outside. We both climbed in and rode in silence. I knew faster routes back home, but they were more dangerous since they were secluded. Plus someone might be more hesitant when it comes to killing me since I was surrounded by a lot of people.
I was nervous when the carriage pulled up to my house.
"Connor, please stay here."
"Are ye sure, Miss?"
"Yes. I won't take long."
I could tell Connor wanted to come with. That Albert James must have told them about my uncle. I suddenly felt embarrassed. Did all of Mr Lancaster's men know how my uncle treated me?
I didn't knock, I just walked in. Celine wasn't home, but Uncle John was, unfortunately.
"Where have you been?" He growled at me.
"You think you're funny, huh?"
He shoved me and I hit a wall, probably leaving a dent in it.
"Just keep the money and stay quiet!"
"Celine had to lie to so many suitors! Do you have any idea what kind of men they were? Rich, and powerful! I need you out of here!"
He completely reeked of alcohol.
"Lucky for you, I'm leaving. I'm not sure if it will be for long, but I'll be out of your way."
Uncle John grabbed a fistfull of my hair.
"You listen to me, bitch!"
My head was still pounding, but it was something I've just gotten used to.
"Let go of me!" I screamed.
"Or what?" He sneered back, "Are you threatening me?"
He only laughed.
I hooked my leg around the back of his leg and kicked him hard behind his knee cap. He lost his grip on me. I quickly moved out of his way, so he propelled himself into the wall.
"I almost killed three men by myself two nights ago! I'm leaving for your own God damned safety, you bastard!"
"Watch your language with me, girl!"

I only wanted a nice, relaxing day!

I ran up the stairs to my room, which was really more like an attic. Before John could reach me, I kicked him down the stairs. That should have given me enough time to get my things together.
Should have.
Maybe he was so drunk, he didn't feel pain, because he just got right back up, even angrier than before. I slammed the door and pushed a chair in front of it.
I found my travel bag and I stuffed it full of my clothes. Satisfied, I opened the window and tossed my bag. It landed near Connor. It must have surprised him, because he jumped.
John broke the door in. Since I had no other escape route, I climbed out the window.
As I hung on the ledge, I wished I came up with a plan. Any. I guess I didn't think I would get this far. I was originally hoping that I could just walk right out the front door. Alas, there I was, dangling out of window by the sill, planless.
It wasn't too high up...
John grabbed my wrists and tried hauling me back inside, but I bit his hand. He let go of me in shock.
At least I didn't have to decide when to let go, or I might have stayed hanging from the window sill. What would have the neighbors thought if they saw me hanging out of my house with my uncle screaming at me from one end and a nervous looking Irishman waiting for me on the other?
I only fell from the second storey. Connor saw me and tried to catch me, but my fist slammed into his forehead.
"Oi! Lass! Ye got a punch that'll knock any man off 'is rocker!"
He quickly pulled me up and helped me into the carriage, where we then promptly sped away. It didn't take long for a fist shaped purple bruise to appear on his forehead.
"What was that about Miss?"
"We don't get along well."
Connor must have realized that I didn't want to talk about it.
"So, um... Boss would like me to figure out where that list is."
"I know. I heard you two talking. You're just not allowed to uh... Shag it out of me."
I'm sure my face was as red as Connor's.
I didn't know what shag meant, but I could imagine that it is not something an unmarried woman should be doing.
"Boss doesn't understand manners..."
"I'm aware. I was just teasing you."
Connor shifted in his seat and placed his hands in his lap.
"Are you okay, Connor?"
"Aye, Miss. Why wouldn't I be?"
"It's just... I don't know. You seem uncomfortable. And you can call me Amy, since I call you Connor. I forgot to mention that."
"Ye might 'ave been a little distracted this mornin'."
Connor gave me his big boyish grin, which was actually really adorable.
"Relax lass! I'm jist messin' with ye."
I playfully scowled at him.
"Sorry, I have a hard time believing that anyone close to Mr Lancaster can joke!"
"'E's not all that bad."
"Yes he is!"
"Nay, 'e jist sees us at all of the wrong times."
"I wouldn't have made it that way if he hadn't been so insufferable!"
"Take a deep breath, lass-"
"No! I just want to get him mad!"
"I know, but 'e 'asn't shown any emotion in almost ten years."
"Who is Alicia?"
Connor's head snapped up.
"Don't look surprised, I heard Mr Albert James mention it."
"I'll tell ye, but Boss can't know."
"Okay, jist makin' sure. Alicia was 'is little sister."
"She's dead, isn't she?"
"Aye. It was seven years ago. Boss was only 18 an' 'e was raisin' 'er like she was 'is own daughter. Boss and Thomas Conway 'ad already been enemies, I'm not exactly sure why, but Thomas took it too far. Thomas killed 'er in the middle of the night, and 'er body didn't turn up for days."
"How old was she?" I whispered.
"Fourteen. Boss 'ad already started 'is business empire, but after that, 'e was ruthless. That's why 'e is as emotional as a stone."
"Is that also why Mr Lancaster wants to ruin Mr Conway?"
"Aye. That, and 'e jist wants to prove somethin' I think."
We sat in silence the rest of the way. I could feel Connor glance at me a few times. He was probably wondering if I knew where Mr Conway's special list was.
Connor brought my bag in, since it was heavy. Even though I have just discovered I am a worthy opponent in a fight, it was not because I was strong. I was just fast.
"Do ye need 'elp unpacking, Miss- ah, Amy?"
The door slammed.
"Connor, at least close the door if you and Miss Hemmings are in a room together," Mr Lancaster called through the door, sounding as bored and as apathetic as always.
A rush of anger ran through me.
"What gives him the right to talk about me like that?"
The door opened slightly, just enough for me to see Mr Lancaster's face.
"I am a man. A wealthy, powerful one at that. I can do whatever I please."
"I can too! I'll do whatever the hell I want!"
"I did not say you could not."
"You've implied it! Plus I'm not staying here on my own free will!"
"Yes you are. You have a choice between being slaughtered by strange men and being beaten by your uncle, or stay here and do whatever you have been doing with Connor."
"I'm not doing anything with Connor!"
Mr Lancaster pulled a pocket watch out of an inside jacket pocket.
"That was not the case exactly 4 hours, 27 minutes, and 18 seconds ago."
"Restart your clock, bastard!" I shouted and pulled Connor into another passionately angry kiss. This time, when the door slammed closed, we didn't stop. I relaxed once Mr Lancaster went away, so I released the fistfulls of Connor's shirt that I didn't even know I was holding on to. My hands trailed down his chest hesitantly before resting right on his hips. Both of Connor's hands were on my face. Even though I started it again, he was the one controlling me.
I didn't know what I was doing anyway...
Connor lightly nudged me until I felt my back hit the wall. Removing his hands from my face, he took my hands in his and pinned them to the wall over my head.
"Connor, I think it's okay if we stopped now," I said in a shaky breath. As if talking wasn't hard enough as is, Connor peppered light kisses along my jaw and throat. It was very difficult for me to concentrate on forming sentences.
"Not yet, lass."
His lips returned to mine.
Was this right?
My breathing was fast and shallow. I was feeling things that I haven't felt before. I recognized want and desire, but nothing else. However, I did know that I wanted more of it.
Am I doing something wrong?
Yes this is wrong! This is not proper courting!
But who is going to find out?
For the second time that day, I felt Connor's tongue probe along my lips. He lightly bit my bottom lip, eliciting a shiver from me.
"Open up for me," he asked gently.
Was this the kind of lover Connor is?
I didn't have any experiences with any lovers, but I knew Connor would have been a good one.
I did as he asked, and he thrusted his tongue farther into my mouth. He softly moaned and tightened his grip on my wrists.
"Connor, I really should unpack..."
I knew my words weren't tricking him. My dreamy voice betrayed me.
"I know yer likin' this as much as I am, lass."
I nodded.
"But Mr Lancaster will get too angry."
He let go of my wrists, examining me.
"Ye look perfect jist like that, Amelia."
I instinctively smoothed my dress down and fixed my hair. My face was burning red.
Connor let out an attractive chuckle. He winked at me before leaving. I was able to listen to his confident footsteps go down the hall to Mr Lancaster's office. Curious, I followed him. I waited outside of the door so I could listen.
"Ye know that she only does that to anger ye, Boss."
"You can tell her that it does not work. That is, unless you two are in the middle of something."
"Amel- Miss Hemmings means nothin' by it."
"That is not what you were hoping for, is it?"
"Boss, I enjoy firin' ye up like any other person."
"I cannot let you do whatever you want when you want with Miss Hemmings. We are saving her life right now."
"Ye didn't care this mornin'."
"I still do not. But I am not going to let Thomas get what he wants."
"Everythin' is about Thomas, isn't it?"
"Ye can't 'elp Miss Hemmings jist out of kindness?"
"What would that get me?"
"A sense of purpose? Like ye did somethin' right for once?"
"I need tangible results, Connor, not 'a sense of purpose.'"
"So yer jist savin' 'er because ye might get somethin' out of it?"
"I am still saving her. I can leave the caring about her well being part up to you, even if you are only caring about her lips or whatever else you feel she has to offer. It is more than I care."
"What the 'ell is wrong with ye? She's a fine lass, but I'm not gonna sleep with 'er-"
"I am most relieved to hear that."
"-would it kill ye to actually care about somethin'?"
"I care about my businesses and my bank account. That is all I need."
"Ye are a cold, 'eartless bastard!"
"I never claimed to be anything else."
"Do ye realize that she won't work with ye if ye act like this?"
"It is her life she is throwing away, not mine. Yes, I would like to have that list, but as long as Thomas does not have it, that is fine too. I have told you, Miss Hemmings is useless to us."
"She isn't useless!"
"I understand you are getting more from Miss Hemmings than I would ever care for, but it takes more than being your little sexual plaything to be useful for me."

How dare he!

I shoved the door open.
"Ah, Miss Hemmings, we were just discussing you. I presume you already knew that, though, since it seems to me you have the proclivity to listen in on conversations where you are not wanted."
I curtsied.
"Nice to see you too, Mr Lancaster."
Connor laughed, earned him a glare from Mr Lancaster. If looks could kill, Connor would have at least 67 stab wounds in the chest.
"I believe I have told you to mind your sarcasm with me."
"You have, sir."
"Fantastic. I hope I do not have to remind you again. Leave."
I curtsied again.
"Nothing is lost with some civility, Mr Lancaster."
Then finally:
"Repeat," he commanded me, shooting me with his stare.
"Nothing is lost when you're civilized, sir!" I knew I was louder than I needed to be, and I paraphrased the second time, but damn him!
"That settles it. Everyone, pack your bags. We are leaving at dawn."

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