Chapter 30

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It's Friday Amy, you can hold out until the end!

Maybe the four meetings a day wasn't a great idea. It was actually really exhausting.
But here I was, Friday afternoon, facing my last meeting. Kaiser had been my trusty companion this entire week. Mr Lancaster insisted that I had him with me during all of the meetings. When I asked why, he said that he didn't trust a bunch of angry men with me. Fair, I guess. So Kaiser laid down by my feet, out of my visitor's view.
I was waiting on a man named Abraham Davis. I wasn't exactly sure what he did, but that's what meetings sorted out, right?
Finally, there was a knock.
The door opened slowly, and a confused looking man walked in.
"Hemmings?" His eyes searched around the office, like he was looking for something.
"That would be me. Do sit down. Mr Davis, I presume?" I stuck my left hand out for a shake. He still seemed confused.
I guess I wasn't surprised. Mr Davis appears to be a man in his 40s, so he might have been a bit old fashioned.
Mr Davis took my hand and bowed.
"No sir," I said, interrupting him, "it's called a handshake."
"Wha- ah, yes. My apologies Mrs Hemmings. Is your husband around?"

Oh. So he's one of those people.

"It's Miss Hemmings, actually. Sit." I made my voice be cold and detached, like I was Mr Lancaster. Surprisingly, it worked and he obeyed.
"So... It is true?" He asked finally.
"Probably. Also probably not. Could you narrow it down?"
"That... You?"
"Sir, I am a very busy woman. If you don't finish your sentences, I might scream."
"I don't want to do business with you!"
"Okay, then leave."
"Losing you won't hurt me as much as it will hurt you. In fact, after looking into you, you rely on me quite a bit. I can completely cut you off, and when your company falls apart, I'll buy it all up and you won't have your company any more."

Damn! You set him straight!

"I... You can't do that!"
"Don't be too sure about that. It wouldn't have been the first time this week I have actually done it."
On Wednesday, an elderly man named Andrej Rostov refused to continue working together, so I estimated that it will take a week before his company hits rock bottom and I can buy it up. He didn't believe me, so we signed a contract: if he loses value, I get to buy it. Mr Rostov signed, of course, since he didn't believe me. Two days later, he lost about a fourth of his net value. There are some impressively fast Messengers out there.
"Alright, I'm cutting ties with you!"
"Sure thing, sign here."
I handed Mr Davis the same contract I gave to Mr Rostov.
Mr Davis read through it quickly and growled.
"You sure are arrogant for a woman."
"I took over officially on Monday, and I'm already doing better than my parents ever did. I might seem arrogant, but at least I have skill to back it up."
"How? Did you whore your way up?" He yelled at me. Mr Davis jumped up from his seat and grabbed my by my throat, squeezing tightly. My vision began to blur almost immediately.
Kaiser lept to his feet and barked aggressively.
"Angriff!" I managed to gasp out.
Kaiser attacked by biting down on Mr Davis' forearm. He tried shaking him off, but Kaiser, like all German Shepherds, have strong jaws.
Mr Davis yowled in pain. I noticed blood was running down his arm in thick rivulets.
"Halten, Kaiser!"
Kaiser, being the good boy he is, immediately stopped and laid back down by my feet.
"Gute Arbeit, Junge," I said as I scratched behind his ears. "Now, Mr Davis, will you sign?"
"Evil! You're the Devil! A siren!"
"I like the idea of being a siren," I mused. "I don't typically threaten people with violence, sir, but if you attack me, I will fight back. Now sign, or I'll notify law enforcement that you just assulted a woman."
"No one would listen to you! You're just a woman!"
"True, but I have Mr Lancaster on my side, and I believe that they will listen to him before they listen to you."
"M-Mr Lancaster?"
"Oh yes, he's just right there," I pointed out of my window.
Mr Lancaster must have seen the entire thing, because he was glaring at Mr Davis from his desk. "I can understand why he wouldn't waste his time with the likes of you."
Poor Mr Davis. He almost lost his arm, and now he might lose his life from a glare.
I motioned for Mr Lancaster to come over, and I mouthed please, just to be polite.
Mr Davis' jaw dropped when he saw Mr Lancaster immediately obey.
In a few intimidating strides, he walked in.
"It seems to me that there has been an issue, Miss Hemmings," he said as he narrowed his glare on Mr Davis.
Mr Davis turned to me quickly, but when Kaiser jumped up again, he backed off slightly.
"Miss Hemmings, I don't know what you did to get him wrapped around your finger, or to get him following you at your beck and call, but I am quickly losing respect for you."

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