Chapter 22

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"Now you listen here, boy, if you can't handle doing business with a woman- and yes, women are able to handle business- then you should get off of my ship this very instant before I ruin you-"
"Miss Hemmings! I didn't realize that, um, you would be able to handle all of this! Please don't take it out on me, I didn't know better-"
At least his interruption gave me a chance to catch my breath again.
I was getting worked up over this!

But who could blame me?

The wind picked up, stabbing any exposed skin with icy knives.
But I'll be damned if I shivered.

Maybe the wind can blow him over board?

"You didn't know to treat me equally, as though I was a man?"
"- I'm only but a cousin with your original partners," this dense fool tried to reason.
God, this man is an idiot!
"Then why am I dealing with a tosser like you? If the St. Laurent's want me to take you all seriously, I recommend stopping this damned game. Yes, you will do business with a woman. If you choose to cut ties with me due to my femininity, I won't hesitate to destroy you. Not physically," I added a quick glance to Mr Lancaster, "but financially. And I'll make sure it hurts more than a simple murder."
Michael St. Laurent's face went pale.
"I-I suppose you'd prefer to talk all of this over with my cousin?"
"Yes please, send him over," I said pleasantly, switching back to being ladylike. I even added a sweet smile, just for good measure.
I could see why Mr Lancaster got so violent. I only just started this business endeavor and I wouldn't mind seeing Michael St. Laurent's head on a plate! Of course I would never stoop that low, but the thought was there.
The St. Laurent boy (who was probably a year or two older than me) waved over to the other ship. I watched with amusement as some other fellow swung over to my ship via rope as rain began to fall a little bit harder. His feet hit the ground at the same time as a low roll of thunder swelled around us. Not missing a beat, he introduced himself with a flare.
"Hemmings, I presume? Pleasure to meet you, I am Julian St. Laurent, at your service." He gave a deep, but snappy bow.
I liked him already.
He proceeded towards Mr Lancaster, who was standing right next to me, to shake his hand.
"Mr Hemmings?"
I pushed Mr Lancaster out of the way.
"Miss Hemmings," I corrected him, kindly. Obviously that "kindness" was merely an act, but what he doesn't know won't kill him.
"Of course, my apologies. It will be a pleasure doing business with a beautiful woman such as yourself."
My god, this was a charming man. Julian had floppy blond hair that clung to his face since it was wet, soft blue eyes, and a boyish but charming grin that promised nothing- except trouble. He looked to be about 23 with a slender build, and around Connor's height.
"Flattery won't make up for the trouble your cousin has already caused," I reprimanded him, trying to hide my amusement, while pushing my wet hair out of my face. I could feel my dress weigh more and more as it collected water.
"Of course not, but I can hope that the damage hasn't gone too deep already."
Julian shot that grin over to Michael, who only scowled back.
"If you're so concerned about the damage, why didn't you come over first?"
"Just to see if you were friendly-"
"- she wasn't," grumbled Michael.
"If you killed Michael, I wouldn't have come over."
"It was certainly tempting," I added, though I wasn't sure if Julian was joking or not. Sensing my curiosity, he quickly said, "I'm kidding. I wanted to see if the rain would stop. Alas, it only got worse. Now pray tell, what did that scoundrel do to offend you?"
"Hey! You can't just talk about me like that while I'm here!" Michael exclaimed indignantly.
"Would you prefer for us to talk about you behind your back? I could have that arranged," Julian shot back, sounding like a frustrated parent.
"No," he mumbled while looking down.
"As I was saying, Miss Hemmings. How did he mess up?"
"He said that I couldn't do business since I'm a woman."
Julian's head snapped at Michael.
"Michael! If we have a chance to do business with a gorgeous woman, don't mess it up!"
I could tell what Julian St. Laurent was trying to do, but it did not have the desired affect.
"Mr St. Laurent," I began, "if you are only going to do business with me because of how I look, I'll get rid of you too-"
"No! I wasn't implying that that was the only reason to do business with you! I did, however, imply that it would be a huge positive."
Julian shot me a dangerous but flirtatious smile.
"Um, would you like to take this talk below the deck, out of the rain?"
Julian looked up to the sky. There was a bolt of lighting in the distance, and the thunder rolled around us.
"I suppose we can make it quick. Michael! Come over here!"
Not far behind, Mr Lancaster followed us as well.
"Miss Hemmings, may I inquire who your... Acquaintance... is?" Julian asked nervously, eyeing Mr Lancaster.
"Damien Lancaster," said Mr Lancaster, before I could speak.
Julian stuck his hand out, obviously wanting to shake hands. Mr Lancaster just glared at it. Julian awkwardly put his hand back down to his side.
"Damien, huh?" Julian said playfully, trying to break up the awkwardness.
"That would be Mr Lancaster to you."
"O-oh, yes, of course, sir," Julian stuttered out.
I felt myself blushing at Mr Lancaster's tactlessness.
"Miss Hemmings," Julian turned back to me, "how did you two... become acquainted?"
"I was pretty much kidnapped while I was dying and then Mr Lancaster here threatened to kill me and-"
"Miss Hemmings, it was Connor's job to 'kidnap' you," Mr Lancaster corrected me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry, sir. Mr St. Laurent, Mr Lancaster had his Irishman/employee kidnap me. And then Mr Lancaster threatened to murder me."
Julian and Michael's eyes went wide. They switched between gaping at me and gaping at Mr Lancaster.
"Um, well... that is certainly a story worth sharing... Perhaps we should head back now, right Michael? It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Hemmings," he finished up awkwardly, avoiding Mr Lancaster at all costs. However, in typical Julian style, he still made it as flirty as possible. Julian reached for my right hand, noticed the makeshift cast, and then swiftly switched to my left hand. Holding it firmly in his grip, he bowed and pressed his lips to the back of my hand.
"Mr St. Laurent! Perhaps you should ask for permission the next time you do that!" I tried scolding him, I really did, but my blush came out too strongly.
He winked at me before turning around and heading back onto the deck, Michael obediently trailing behind.
"So long, good bye, fare thee well, travel swiftly and safely, adieu, auf wiedersehen..."
I looked at Michael, who was not impressed- not even slightly amused- with Julian's theatrical exit. He gave me a knowing glance back and we both chuckled.
"...Proshchay, alavida, Sayōnara..."
I shot Michael another look and mouthed to him he doesn't actually know all these languages, does he? Surprisingly, Michael shook his head no. He actually does, he mouthed back.
"...zay gezunt, do widzenia-"
"Shut up already! I understand, Mr St. Laurent, and if you don't stop, I'll be sure to crash this boat into the nearest dock to prove a point!"
Julian did stop for one second, tossed a grin to me over his shoulder, and shouted "wadaeaan!" before swinging back to the St. Laurent boat.
Finally, Michael approached me and said, "Well, I can't outdo an exit like that, but please, I meant no offense from earlier, I was just simply surprised!"
"I understand, sir, and I accept your apology."
Michael gave me a shy smile before following after Julian.

Michael isn't that bad, I decided.

"I promise I won't murder you!" I called after him.
Michael gave a deep, theatrical bow (mocking Julian), and said "much appreciated!"
I supposed that they were both charming gentlemen, in their own ways.
Standing there by myself, I watched the ship depart. The yellow and black flag fluttered fiercely in the now torrential wind. Following soon after, the rain came even harder.
Cursing, I slipped back below the deck to protect myself from the elements.
There was a bright, jagged light followed by a swift clap of thunder. I jumped, letting out a few more colorful words.
"Those boys were rather foolish, no?" I gasped, since I didn't know when Mr Lancaster approached me.
"Christ, Mr Lancaster! You can't just sneak up on people like that!"
Not taking care to reply to me, he just continued on with what he was saying. "Would you agree that the St. Laurent boys were rather immature? Acting like that! They were no better behaved than children!"
"I thought they were rather charming, and I like children."
"Children are an abomination. But whether you like children are not, I think we can both agree that you should not act that way when you are 21 and 24 years old."
"Children are not an abomination!"
"They run, they scream, and they bother me. How am I supposed to work with all of that raucous?"
"Kids are just tiny humans that like to have fun. I think it's rather endearing."
Mr Lancaster was facing me now. It would have looked like a more natural conversation, but he was standing about three inches too close to me. It wasn't a big enough difference for a passer-by to notice, but I could.
"That is the problem, Miss Hemmings. Their idea of fun is obnoxious."
"They just like being happy, Mr Lancaster! What do you do for fun?"
"I look at my bank account."
"Um, okay... Well, what makes you happy?"
"When I see the balance in the aforementioned bank account."
"My god," I said, shaking my head with my palm on my forehead.
"You! You have no depth! You don't do anything, you don't have any interests, you don't have any hobbies... Hell, what do you do?"
Mr Lancaster's voice changed from the normal conversation tone to a slightly deeper and huskier sound. I was starting to believe that that is his "big bad businessman" voice.
"Miss Hemmings, I believe you know me well enough by now. Now tell me: what do you think I enjoy?"
I have two options: sarcastic answer or real answer?
"Well, this morning-" I started my sarcastic answer, but he cut me off with a deadly glare. I swallowed nervously and then said, "Business, sir. You enjoy your work," I finally said, in a defeated voice. I lowered my gaze to the floor. Even to my own ears, I sounded like a kid that was just scolded.

Enjoy? Does Mr Lancaster enjoy anything? I believe "tolerable" is the kindest thing he has ever said about anything.
So his job is probably just tolerable.

"Correct. What do you think I do in my free time?"
"Count your money?"
"Yes. And?"

God, now he was going to treat me like a child too?

"And... Work more?"
"The answer I was looking for was 'You do not have spare time, Mr Lancaster, sir.'"

This man is insufferable!

"Well, Mr Lancaster, sir, I would still count my answer as accurate."
"And stop talking to me like I'm 5 years old!"
"But, Miss Hemmings, you said that you like children?"

Are all men this dense? Or is it just him?

"I like them! I don't want to be treated like one!"
"I fail to see much of a difference."
Since the conversation was just about done, I turned to leave him.
"Miss Hemmings, one last thing."
"Yes, sir?"
He firmly grabbed my shoulders (though it didn't hurt), and turned me around.
His face was only a fraction of an inch away from mine.
"Nothing happened this morning, understood? Absolutely nothing. It was nothing, it meant nothing. Never mention it again."
"I understand, s-sir..."
He straightened himself, finally putting distance between us.
"Passable. Leave."
Head held high, I left him, walking with dignity.
"Oh, Mr Lancaster?"
"What do you want now?"
"I would like to reiterate the fact that yes, the St. Laurent men are rather charming. And good looking too."
And I walked back to my room.

InconveniencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora