Chapter 31

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The chaise ride wasn't bad. No one witnessed me getting into the chaise (as far as I was aware- it has been tricky to tell this week) and I had a shawl wrapped around me so no one could see what I was wearing as we passed down the grimey London streets.
I didn't ask where we were going. Hell, I didn't even talk, I was so damn nervous. If Mr Lancaster knew something was wrong with me, he didn't show it.
We turned the corner, and Mr Lancaster looked like he was preparing to get off.
"Miss Hemmings, I am aware that you might be worried about the letter I received earlier this week-"

I wish that was the only thing I was worried about!

"- but no one would dare harm anyone in front of a crowd. Just as a precaution, though, if any man you do not recognize asks you for a stroll in the garden, say no. Or come up with some excuse."
We pulled up to a large, Grecian styled house, with large columns framing a large door.
In summary, it was just large.
Everything was made of polished marble. Looking down at the ground, I could see my face as if it was a mirror.
Mr Lancaster got out of the chaise and held his hand out to me.
"Miss Hemmings," he murmured politely.
"Thank you, sir," I replied softly, taking his hand. There were servants greeting us and helping us with some things. One man asked to take my shawl, but I still felt uncomfortable with my dress.
"Give him the shawl, Miss Hemmings. People will see you sooner or later, so you might as well just get comfortable now."
Reluctantly, I pulled the shawl off my shoulders and handed it over.
Well, the world didn't explode, children didn't start screaming, and the ground didn't split open to relase a demon that would drag me to hell.
Everything was going better than expected.
Arm in arm, we entered the ball room just as the first dance started. I was greatful that no one would be paying too much attention to me.
Unfortunately, I could still feel some stares on me.
Or, perhaps, it was just my faithful friend of a friend.
I almost reached for Mr Lancaster's hand for comfort, but I stopped and scolded myself. I don't need his comfort! Mr Lancaster is in just as much danger as I am!

But he doesn't know that yet.

Mr Lancaster immediately turned to the refreshment table. I followed him since I didn't know what else I should do. There was a group of four middle aged men boisterously conversing with alcoholic beverages in their hands- probably wine.
"'Ey men, look'it what we got here! If it isn't the Mr Damien Lancaster!"
Mr Lancaster fit in well with those men. We didn't laugh or smile like the others did, but his stiff posture and well tailored suit spoke enough.
I wasn't inside their circle, so I awkwardly hung out a few feet away, closer to the water and wine. I mostly drank the water, but I did try some of the wine. I think it was considered "the good stuff," but I struggled to swallow it down. It tasted terrible and bitter. I still ended up forcing the rest down since it would have been rude if I didn't. Nearby, I heard a man and woman talking about how sweet the wine was.

Are they insane? Or just plain stupid?

To distract myself, I looked around the room at the ladies.
Mr Lancaster was right, I didn't stand out. My obnoxious dress really wasn't all that obnoxious. That made me feel more secure.
"Well, Damien? Aren't you going to introduce us to this gorgeous woman you brought with you tonight?"
My head snapped up.
"I think she would like to make her own introduction?" Mr Lancaster turned around to me. I couldn't get my feet moving until Mr Lancaster beckoned to me to stand next to him.
My mouth was dry from nervousness, even though I had plenty of beverages. Mr Lancaster comfortingly placed his hand on my lower back.
"Good evening, gentlemen, I am Miss Amelia Hemmings."
Jaws dropped and eyes bugged out.
"Miss, you say?"
"How old are you?" Said a man in a grey suit. It matched his hair, I realized with amusement. He was the same man that pointed out that I still go by 'miss.'
"And are you and Damien...?"
"Partners? Yes."
"Partners? Is that what you two are calling it?" Asked a man wearing a navy blue suit.
These men were all probably attractive back in the day.
Way back in the day.
"Business partners, Jason," Mr Lancaster corrected.

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