Chapter 20

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We probably left Venezuela around 9:00 that morning.
"9:16 and 28 seconds," Mr Lancaster corrected me, while snapping his pocket watch close.
"Of course, sir, my mistake, Mr Lancaster, sir."
Since Mr Lancaster was being an arrogant prick (or, honestly, just back to being normal), I went back to annoying him.
I stood by the railing as the boat departed.
Excuse me, my boat.
The green land and trees slowly became a small, dark, thin line on the horizon before completely disappearing.
After that, and being completely surrounded by blue again, I returned to below the deck. I scuffled around my inheritance for some time (since there was quite a bit to scuffle through) before I stumbled across a suitcase. It was certainly what I was looking for. Unpacking all of the papers, I decided to use the desk in my room.
I felt a bit like Mr Lancaster- at a desk with all of the papers that detail my business. I had lists of names of business partners along with information on the company's banking and savings (which was all illegal- my parents used a foregin bank in Portugal so they would pay less taxes, and they paid off the government to keep it a secret). I now had a pseudonym (Clara Parks- daughter of Megan and Jack Parks) and a "brand new" signature. In a letter from 1850, my mom said that I only used "Clara Parks" with the banking stuff. Any clients and partners would know me as Amelia Hemmings.
I had complete access.
As I was figuring out the stocks and shareholders (who were mostly just my business partners), the door swung open.
"Good evening Mr Lancaster," I said with a forced cool voice.
"I need the desk." Ah, straight to business. No pleasantries or greetings, just work.
"Business." Oh wow, shocker.
"Funny, I'm using the desk for business too."
"You have been at it long enough."
"Really? And what, aren't you usually at the desk for longer than..." I reached inside his suit jacket and grabbed the watch from his pocket, "4 hours, 27 minutes, and 53 seconds?"
Mr Lancaster snatched the watch from my hand and quickly put it back into the safety of his pocket.
"Of course, but you have had the desk all day. It is my turn now."
"Your turn? To use the desk? I am sorry sir, but I'm a little busy at the moment."
I turned back to the work on my desk, cross checking the names of partners and shareholders.
"Miss Hemmings, you certainly can go somewhere else with your business."
"Why don't you go somewhere else? Oh look! This says that 'Damien Lancaster is my 7th biggest partner!' Not for long. I can easily get his name off this list. I don't need an arrogant jerk leaning over my shoulders all day trying to intimidate me..." I reached for an eraser with my left hand, but Mr Lancaster grabbed my wrist.
"That would not be a wise business decision, Miss Hemmings. You do not want me to be your enemy."
"I'm certain I can replace you, but if you let my hand go, I won't."
Hesitantly, but confidently, he removed his hand. All while glaring at me. Again, I tried reading the emotions in his eyes, but there was nothing there.
"It is getting late anyway, perhaps you should sleep." He didn't even try to fake any concern.
"Perhaps you should mind your own damn business and leave me alone."
"Miss Hemmings."
"Alright, alright! I'll go to sleep!" I quickly cleared off my desk and blew out the candle, throwing the room into darkness. "Don't light the candle until I say you can!"
I didn't wait for his answer. I just went over to the bedside and started to undress. I was in the middle of taking my corset off when Mr Lancaster lit the candle again.
"Mr Lancaster, blow that out!" I screamed at him, trying to cover my almost naked body.
He turned around, and his eyes inconspicuously and shamelessly raked up and down my body. Thinking to hell with this, I ran up to Mr Lancaster and blew out the candle myself.
He immediately relit it.
"Sir! Allow me to change!"
"Am I not?"
"You have to turn around!"
"Do I?"
As we yelled at each other (well, I yelled, Mr Lancaster just spoke normally), I hid under a blanket while I took off my corset, leaving me in just my chemise. When I pulled the blanket off, Mr Lancaster was standing right by me. I didn't even hear the bastard approach me!
"Get away! Go do your work or something!"
"You are my work now."
"Do something other than me!" Realizing what I said, I felt blood rush to my face.
Looking at his smug expression, I wanted to slap him. He did that on purpose!
Mr Lancaster took another step towards me. To avoid being backed into a corner by a man while I was only wearing my chemise/night dress (imagine the scandal!), I escaped by climbing over the bed and leaping out of the room like a frightened deer. I wandered on to the top deck, where crew members were eyeing me curiously.
"Don't look at me! I'm busy and your boss is an ass!" I scolded them. A few said "aye," but they all got back to work without sparing me another glance.
"Miss Hemmings, are you done causing a scene now?" Mr Lancaster calmly sauntered up to the deck.
"It's your fault," I mumbled.
Mr Lancaster placed his hand on my lower back and forcefully pushed me back below the deck and into the room.
"Why are you unable to behave yourself!"
"Why do you always try to corner me? I've asked you repeatedly to not do that, and here you are, trying to trap me and tame me like I'm some sort of animal!"
"Intimidation is a wonderful persuasion tool. I recommend you learn it too. You cannot rule an empire if you have a soft heart."
I raised my eyebrows incredulously.
"Watch me! Unlike you, I won't have to murder people that don't get along with me! Unlike you, I won't threaten people to get what I want! I will be a diplomat, and I'll be more of a gentleman than you'll ever be!"

Ouch, harsh much?

Mr Lancaster's jaw twitched. Then a muscle in his cheek. I wouldn't have been surprised if he reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled out a gun. He probably just wanted to end my life, right there, right now.
"Did you mean to purposely insult my integrity as a business man, my honor as a gentleman, and my morals as a human? Because if you did, you would regret it." Each word was carefully chosen and measured, as if he was trying everything in his power to not erupt like a volcano. His breathing was strangely metered, and though he was monitoring how much oxygen he could take in before exploding.
I was certain that that counted as a threat.
"If I said yes, you would only prove my point, sir."
He just stood there with his hands relaxing and clenching repeatedly and uncontrollably. That was probably the most I have seen him move involuntarily. Ever.

Like he wants to wrap his hands around my neck and fucking strangle me before throwing my limp body over board.

After a few more minutes of silence (which felt like hours), I slid into the bed and relaxed under the covers.
"You may continue to work, sir. I believe our conversation is done."
Since I pulled the blanket over my head, I couldn't see him. Mr Lancaster didn't respond to me, but I heard a woosh of fabric hitting the floor. Curiously, I peaked out.
Mr Lancaster tossed his tail coat onto the floor and unbuttoned only the top button of his shirt before he climbed into the bed next to me. Strangely enough, Mr Lancaster was still in the rest of his normal work clothes.
With him laying down beside me, I realized how small the bed really was. I felt awkward, so I tried to not look at him or interrogate him. I had to distract myself.
I got out of the bed.
"Miss Hemmings? What are you doing?"
I blew out the candle that Mr Lancaster had lit earlier and had subsequently forgotten to extinguish.
"Making sure we don't die in a fire. I hope you don't mind."
Walking back to the bed, I still avoided eye contact with Mr Lancaster, even I felt his gaze lock on to my face. I was too shy to challenge it back.

Shy? Where did that come from?

Yes, it was dark, but I could still see Mr Lancaster's eyes glittering in the darkness.  I quickly climbed into the bed, with my back facing him.
Since I was cold, and I was only wearing a chemise, I wrapped the blankets tighter around me. I didn't have my hair up at all, so I pushed it away from my face once I settled into the bed comfortably.
"Miss Hemmings?"
"Yes sir?"
"You took all of the blanket."
"O-oh, I'm sorry," I started untangling the sheets that were around me.
"It is fine, you do not have to do that. I am actually rather warm."

Then why did you point out that I had all of the blankets if you didn't want any?

"That's strange," I said softly while yawning.
"What is?"
"You said that you're warm. Ice is cold, dummy." I snuggled deeper into the bed, already about half asleep. I felt his hand in my hair, gently stroking it. I sighed in content.
"Do I feel cold to you right now?" He whispered softly.
"Nuh uh. Normally I'd say yes, but not now."
"And why is that?"
"You said it yourself: you're warm at the moment, and I am not."
"No, I meant why do you normally think I am cold?"
"It's mostly your cold, detached, standoffish, arrogant-"
"How kind of you to say such generous about me."
"- Personality."
"Of course. But my personality does not affect the physical temperature."
"I'd hardly call it your personality, but I couldn't think of another word. And yes, it's like the temperature drops by 20 degrees whenever I'm by you."
I surprised myself by speaking so freely, but hell, I was tired.
"But I am still warm. You had previously agreed to that."
"Bloody hell, if you're so concerned about the temperature, then take your clothes off. It's a simple solution, Mr Lancaster."
"Would you mind?"
"Nah. I mean, look at me- no, don't actually, you already did earlier. Just, get comfortable, I suppose."
I missed the feeling of his hand in my hair, but he needed both hands to unbutton his shirt. Good thing it was dark and I was facing the other way, because I was blushing.
I heard his belt come undone and I felt another wave of heat. There was another woosh of fabric hitting the floor, that was presumably his pants. At first, I was just trying to not blush. Now, however, I tried to make sure he couldn't hear my heart beat faster or my breathing speed up.
He settled down next to me again, and resumed running his hand lightly through my hair.
Mr Lancaster's stroking was lulling me to sleep. I leaned slightly into his touch.
"What are you thinking about right now?" He asked suddenly and rather gently.

What I'm thinking now, I reminded myself, not what I was thinking when he was taking his clothes off.

"That feels nice," I murmured with my face shoved into the pillow.
"Then I shall continue, with your permission, of course."
"That's funny."
"I did not make a joke."
"Of all the things you ask me for my permission, it's the one thing I like."
"The one thing, Miss Hemmings?"
"Yes sir. The one and only thing."

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