Chapter 8

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When Mr Lancaster said "Connor, take me to my docks," the my slipped passed me.
He's a rich man, why wouldn't he own his own docks?
There were boats coming and going and men working everywhere. Big boats.
"Is all of this your's?" I asked in shock.
"Of course," he replied flatly, but I could sense that there was some smugness in his voice.
"And all of these men are employed by you?"
I started to wander around. Mr Lancaster followed me a few paces behind, since it would waste his time if he had to look for me if/when I got lost.
I was receiving a few curious stares from the working men. One man approached me. I would have said boy, since he looked about my age, but he had quite a bit of facial hair that made him look older. I assumed that was its only purpose.
"Miss? Are you lost?" His voice was deep and musical. It seemed like he was a singer that got lost on the way to the theater. He was short and stocky, and strikingly handsome. Even though he was shorter than the other men around him, he was still taller than me, but only by a few inches.

Wow, I meet a lot of good looking men when I'm around Mr Lancaster. Maybe this won't be a waste.

"These are Mr Lancaster's docks, right? I don't think Mr Lancaster would get lost on the way to his own docks."
"Um, yes... My name is Dominik, by the way," he added with a flourish.
"My name's Amy."
"What should I call you?"
"Just Amy is fine."
"Okay, Amy it is," he said with a wink, "and while we're talking, I'd like to take this moment to tell you that I have travelled the world, I have seen ancient monuments and modern miracles, from the Great Pyramids to the wild American frontier, and yet you are still the most stunning thing I have ever laid my eyes upon."
I looked down at the ground in embarrassment.
"That's too kind of you, sir," I said barely above a whisper. Surely this man was exaggerating!
"Sir! No Amy, just Dominik. And also no, it wasn't me being "too kind," I was only telling you the truth."
"Really, you shouldn't-"
"Nonsense, Amy!"
He did pique my interest, though.
"You've travelled the world?"
Dominik's eyes lit up. It was obvious that I found a topic he loved talking about.
"Yes! All of Europe, one time I was so far north in Finland that I had to eat snow if I wanted water! China was absolutely amazing, and I've also been to India, America, Australia, Egypt and some other places in Africa... Everywhere!"
"Did you go with anyone?"
"Um, no... I just met a lot of people... But I could bring you with me next time!"
"I would honestly love to, but I don't know you well enough!"
"We have time to get to know each other, right?"
"Miss Hemmings, what are you doing with my employees?"
Mr Lancaster's icy voice made me turn around to face him.
"We won't get to know each other much more for today, but I could stop by another time," I quickly told Dominik to politely end our conversation.
Well, as politely as possible.
It's difficult to be truly polite around Mr Lancaster.
"Your employees? You don't mean... Are you Lancaster?" Dominik seemed nervous.
"I am."
Who knew two words could sound so threatening?
Dominik backed away from me.
"I'm not doing anything with your employees, Mr Lancaster."
"Then what is my employee doing with you?" He raked his eyes over Dominik, who was probably regretting the day he was born.
"Nothing! He thought it was lost and he wanted to help me!"
"That was not the conversation I heard."
"It... Progressed."
Dominik was gradually putting distance between Mr Lancaster and himself.
"You are not allowed to leave yet. What was your name? Dominik?"
"Um, y-yes, sir!"
"I could have you fired. Did you know that?"
"I was well aware, sir!"
"Then why were you talking to Miss Hemmings like that, Dominik?"
"I-I didn't know that you were here, sir."
"So if I was not here, you would still be pathetically flirting with her?"
"Hopefully, sir!"
Mr Lancaster's eyes narrowed.
"I, uh, mean no! Sir! If you weren't here, then I'd assume she wasn't involved with you!"
"Oh no, it's not like that-" I started.
"Be quiet, Miss Hemmings, and let the men do the talking. Although Dominik here seems more like a boy."
"I'm 20!"
"Oh! I'm 19!" I added excitedly. Finally, someone my age!
Mr Lancaster placed his hand on my shoulder gently before gripping it with an iron, painful hold. I wanted to say "ow," but I didn't want to show weakness.
"Dominik, I should fire you."
"No, Mr Lancaster! He thought I needed help, so he made sure everything was good! You're taking this too far, sir."
Even though Mr Lancaster was behind me, I felt him take a step forward and lean into me so his lips were by my ear.
"I. Do not. Take orders. From. Women," he growled at me.
I've never heard a human growl like Mr Lancaster.
I aggressively pulled myself away from him.
"That's a shame! Maybe you'd make more sensible decisions if you did!"
By now, Dominik had slipped away completely. He was no where in sight.
Mr Lancaster removed his hand from my shoulder, but he spun me around so I was facing him. He held onto my biceps like he was going to shake me like I was just some disobedient child. There was no space between us. Mr Lancaster held me firmly against himself so I couldn't escape.
"I did not bring you here to seduce every man you walk past!"
"I know! You want to take me all the way to Venezuela for one piece of paper!"
He held my arms tighter.
"Ow! You're hurting me!" I exclaimed, pushing him away from me. It was like trying to push a brick wall, but he got the idea and backed up. "Would it kill you to not hurt me? You're not very gentlemanly." I added extra emphasis on the first two syllables to make a point.
With an air of defiance, Mr Lancaster let go of me.
"Do as I say, and these incidents will not happen anymore."
"Stick these incidents up your arse!"
"I am afraid that they will not all fit. More specifically, these incidents are moments, not anything tangible, so there is another flaw."
"Oh, I hate you so much! I don't even want to be here!"
"I would prefer it if you were not here too, but alas, I get what I want, one way or another."
"You're forcing me here, so you get to deal with me!"
Thankfully, Connor showed up before I slapped Mr Lancaster.
"Boss! There's a boat ready for us!"
Mr Lancaster gave me one last glare before leaving me behind. I didn't want to get lost, so I hurried after Connor.
"Are ye okay, Amelia?" Connor asked with obvious concern in his voice.
I sighed briefly.
"Okay enough, I suppose. Mr Lancaster bothers me."
"Ye know 'e's like that."
"Just when I think I've figured him out, he changes!"
"I 'aven't even figured 'im out, lass."
"Connor! Miss Hemmings! The sooner we get on the boat, the sooner you two get privacy!" Mr Lancaster called impatiently.
"I'll kill him one day!" I angrily told Connor.
"Nay, 'e'll kill ye first."
"That's comforting."
My luggage was already on board. I think that's what Connor was doing while I was meeting people.
The boat was large.
There were two spare rooms for guests and a bunk that held the 15 other crew members.
I believed a smaller boat would have done just as well, but Mr Lancaster needed to flaunt his wealth.
When we departed from the docks, the gravity of the situation hit me.
I was going to Venezuela?
What would Victoria think?
I know John and Celine won't care, so at least I didn't have to worry about them.
Surely someone would realize I was missing?
I watched in awe as the dock disappeared and we were completely surrounded by the ocean. It was an isolated feeling.
"I bet this is your first time, eh?"
I turned around and realized it was one of the crew members. He was older, probably in his 60s. He had all white hair, and he looked like he could have been someone's grandfather.
"Sailing? Yes."
"It's a long ride, you'll get used to it."
This man radiated wisdom.
"I'm Amy." It was probably the right time to introduce myself? I stuck my hand out to shake his hand. He seemed a little confused, but he shook it.
"I'm Jack, but most of the guys here just call me J. Or grandpa."
I let out a small laugh.
"Nice to meet you, Jack."
"Amelia, let me show ye to yer room." Connor popped out of no where, surprising me.
I smiled apologetically.
"Again, it was nice meeting you," and I met up with Connor. He led me under the deck to a small room for two.
"There are two spare rooms, but they fit two people each."
"Which room is mine?"
"I already started settin' up my room, so you'll get the one on the left."
"And Mr Lancaster? Where will he stay?"
"In the room with me."
"No Connor, I will be staying in Miss Hemmings room."
I jumped.
"Absolutely not! I'd rather stay with Connor!"
"I do not trust you and Connor to share a room."
"Then you can share with Connor!" My blood was boiling. I felt like I was ready to break something, I was so mad.

I'd love to break Mr Lancaster's perfect jaw. Maybe then he'd be less handsome.

Okay, sure, so maybe I thought Mr Lancaster was only a little bit handsome. But that wouldn't stop me from breaking his damned face!
"I would rather not."
"You're not sharing with me! This is outrageous!"
"Hm, indeed it is. It is outrageous when I give you an order and you do not follow it."
"You're not paying me to follow your orders!"
"You are. With your life."
I rolled my eyes.
"No one on this boat would kill me!"
"Of course not. But maybe one night you accidentally fell overboard. It would be quick and easy. You do not put up much of a fight."
Connor stepped in.
"Boss, ye 'aven't seen 'er fight. I can confirm that she is a fighter! And don't ye think it's inappropriate for ye to room with 'er? She's young and unmarried, surely not even ye would force someone to do somethin' like that."
"It is not inappropriate because I was not going to touch her, like you would."
"Then let 'er room by 'erself if ye don't trust me!"
"And have you sneaking off in the middle of the night while I sleep? Or have a crew member stop by her room? You must think me insane."
"Connor has never hurt me like you have!" I shouted at Mr Lancaster. Connor's eyes widened.
"Boss? Ye hurt 'er?"
My attempt to shame Mr Lancaster failed. He held his ground, dignified as ever.
"I did not hurt her. She is just weak. I did nothing to her that a real man could not handle."
I bit the inside of my cheek until I tasted blood.
"Fine. Mr Lancaster, go right ahead and room with me. Just know that I'll make it hell for you."
"It would have been hell for me even if you did not try. And realize that even if you did not give me permission, I would have anyway. I give orders, not follow them."

I'm not following his orders. I'll leave in the middle of the night and stay in Connor's room. Easy as that.

"Of course not, sir," I said sarcastically.
It was late in the day, so we had dinner in an awkward silence. Mr Lancaster was going through some papers while Connor and I silently sat there. Mr Lancaster was the first to retire. I decided to wait a while longer before going to sleep, since I didn't want to deal with an awake Mr Lancaster. The silence wasn't awkward once he left.
"Workin' with 'im is the wisest thing for you to do."
"I know, but I don't want to give him that satisfaction. I'm not some daft, submissive girl that praises the ground he walks on."
"'E isn't used to that. 'E's used to havin' all the women 'e wants without askin' twice."
I took an aggravated breath.
"I understand why, but it doesn't work on me. I need a real reason to obey someone. Money and looks won't work."
"It works for everyone else, lass."
"If Mr Lancaster wants any of my help, he'll have to try harder."
"'E doesn't want yer 'elp, 'e just doesn't want Thomas to 'ave ye. It's a small victory, but it is still a victory."
"I'm not a toy," I grumpily mumbled to myself before letting out a yawn.
"It's gettin' late, ye should get some sleep, Amelia."
For once in my life, I didn't protest.
"Night, Connor," I managed to say before I was cut off by another yawn. I rubbed my eyes.
"Good night, Amelia," he said back. In a half-asleep daze, I stumbled back to my room. I lit a candle so I could see where I was going. Someone cleared their throat as I was trying to take my dress off.
"Jesus!" I exclaimed.
"No, try again."

Damn Mr Lancaster to every circle of hell!

"At least close your eyes so I could change!"
"Your capability to change is the same whether or not my eyes are open."
"I don't want your eyes open!"
"What are you going to do about it? If I do not wish to close my eyes, then I will not."

The audacity of this man!
Absolutely deplorable!

"Okay, fine by me." I left the room and went next door to Connor's room. I lightly knocked.
"Come on in."
"Hi, sorry to bother you, I just need to change and Mr Lancaster is giving me a hard time-"
"I understand. It's okay."
"Could you help me?"
"Of course!"
Connor seemed sedated, he was so tired. However, despite his exhaustion, his fingers quickly undid the back of my dress.
"Is that all ye need, Miss Amy?"
"Yes, thank you. Sleep well, Connor."

He acts funny when he's tired!
A lot of people do, I suppose.

I went back to my- or, Mr Lancaster's- room and shed my dress. I wasn't aware if he was watching me or not, but he didn't hesitate to make comments.
"It is rather unfortunate for you that Connor does not seem to last long in bed."
If he wasn't looking at me before, he was now. It felt like Mr Lancaster's eyes were penetrating my back with icicles. I kept my chemise on and I loosened my hair, so it fell down my back like a silky waterfall. I turned around to blow out the candle. For a split second, I saw Mr Lancaster's eyes reflect the light and glisten in the dark. I blew it out.
"Good night, Mr Lancaster," I said with sarcastic sweetness.
The only response I got was a grunt.

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