Chapter 15

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"I am not going to wait on you all day, Miss Hemmings. Get up!"
I almost rolled my eyes, but stopped when I remembered that our contract was still in play, even though Mr Lancaster did break it yesterday. My sore wrist wouldn't let me forget.
I wouldn't let him forget either.
"Yes sir! Right away, Mr Lancaster, sir!"
I knew he hated it when I did that. Mr Lancaster always thought I was mocking him.
He's so paranoid.
Even if I was mocking him (well, I kind of was, but only a little), why would it bother him? He is Mr Rich, and I am Miss Nothing and Broke. Surely, someone of my status can't offend someone like the Mr Lancaster.
"Miss Hemmings, this is the last time I will say it-"
"It." Oh boy, I've interrupted him again. He didn't murder me the first time though, so it must be fine...
Contrary to Mr Lancaster's beliefs, looks can't kill, so I was safe for the moment.
"Get up! Or I will drag you by your hair!"
"That sounds delightful," I mumbled while getting up.
"Miss Hemmings, I will remind you once and once only: you will not mumble when you answer me and you will not use sarcasm. Do I make myself clear?"
"Of course, Mr Lancaster, sir! Anything you say, Your Highness, Mr Lancaster, sir!" To make a point, I was shouting.
Mr Lancaster's eyes lingered on me for a few seconds.
"Tolerable. Head out!"
Like the previous day, Luke was in front of me and Mr Lancaster was behind me. I held my wrist protectivly against my chest, taking care to not move or bump it.
I unwrapped my wrist a few times to check it out. It was swollen up bigger than an apple, and it was an abominable, dark purple/blue color. There was a spot where I could see the broken bone trying to break out of my skin. The worst part was how I was able to feel the bone scraping across the inside of my skin. Of course, it was still bent at its awkward angle, but that was only a minor issue compared to everything else that was wrong with it.
"Stop," Mr Lancaster whispered.
I did, as did Luke.
"What's wrong, si-"
"Sh! Listen."
Some wind rustled the trees. Birds were flapping their wings, going from tree to tree. The river flowed.
A branch snapped.
That foot step definitely sounded too heavy for another small animal.
I looked to Mr Lancaster, awaiting instructions. He just waved his hand dismissively, as if to say "we will just stand here and wait and see if or when we get shot at."
I noticed some bushes rustle and a glint of metal from behind the trees. But I would recognize those bright crimson coats anywhere.
About 20 British men stepped out from their hiding spots and pointed their guns at us. I sighed with relief.
"Is that Miss Amelia Hemmings?" My head snapped up at the mention of my name.
Ah yes, there was someone that I recognized.
"Officer Hansen! How lovely it is to see you again!" I smiled pleasantly. A few of the uniformed men looked confused, but they rolled along with it.
Officer Hansen stepped forward, bowed, reached for my good hand, and kissed the back of it. He never broke eye contact with me. I felt blood rush up to my face.
He let a soft, attractive chuckle.
"Charming as always, Miss Hemmings."
"Please, call me Amy, Officer."
"Then you also must address me as Roger, Amy."
He kept that same, devilishly handsome smirk lurking at the corner of his mouth.
"Of course, Roger."
Someone cleared their throat behind me.
"Are you two done here? I do not have all day, Miss Hemmings."
I did not acknowledge Mr Lancaster. I just rolled my eyes, and Roger noticed with amusement.
"Mr Lancaster, I won't take up much more of your time-"
"Nonsense! Come back to the camp! It appears Amy has a rather serious injury. I couldn't live with the guilt if I just let her go."
"We do not have the time."
"Then you two fellows go on ahead, I promise that I'll take good care of her." Roger added a wink. Mr Lancaster stiffened in response (as if he could actually get more stiff than he already was).
"I need her with me," he said finally, with a slow and low voice.
"Actually, Mr Lancaster, you've said multiple times that I am useless here and you don't really need me for any specific purpose," I pointed out.
"Such harsh words to use on a lady!" Roger exclaimed.
I shrugged and Mr Lancaster glared.
"That is not even half as harsh as when Mr Lancaster says he's going to kil-"
"Fine!" Mr Lancaster finally broke. "We will stay at the camp with you men, but only for a few days. We cannot afford to waste any more time."
"It wouldn't be a waste of time if this beautiful woman's injuries heal."
I blushed again.

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