Chapter 6

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"How about you get Boss to tell us what the hell is going on?"
"Ye would 'ave jist as good a chance."
It was late evening. Connor and I had already finished packing. I guessed Mr Lancaster was done too. He was probably the first one done.
Mr Lancaster seemed like the type of person that always had to be first.
Finish first, be the fastest, richest, most powerful... Anything to let us proletariats know that we were on his time and below him.
Mr Lancaster lined his suitcases near the entrance. Connor and I followed his example.
"Where are we going?" I asked, curiosity finally getting the best of me.
I tripped over a rug but quickly regained my balance. Connor looked just as surprised.
"Venezuela, huh? How did you get Venezuela?"
"You said 'nothing is lost with civility.' That is a common Venezuelan phrase."
"A lot of people say that."
"Yes. But it seems that I know your parents better than you do, Miss Hemmings, and I am aware of their heavy presence in Venezuela. Well, not anymore, obviously, I am sure you understand why."
"How did they die? I thought they were just on a vacation together when their boat went down."
"The Crimean War. They funded a group of men to act as Russian rebels staging a coup. The goal was to assassinate one of the Russian's top commanders, Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov."
"What a name!"
"It failed."
"Obviously, he's still alive."
"After the plan was discovered, your parents wanted to leave as soon as possible. They almost made it too, except their boat was gunned down."
"Ye could be more gentle with 'er! Those are 'er parents yer talkin' about!"
Connor comfortingly wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I smiled greatfully at him.
"Thanks Connor. I've had time to mourn my parents though. I just want to learn more about them now."
He lightly rubbed little circles into the small of my back with his thumb.
"I want to make sure yer okay, lass."
"I am. I promise."
If he had facial muscles that moved, Mr Lancaster would have been watching us with distaste.
"During this business trip, I am asking you two to remain professional."
"That depends on how much of a bastard you are."
His eyes briefly flickered up to me.
"Mr Lancaster, sir," I tagged on to sound a little more poliet.
"We will see if anything happens that warrants me being, as you so eloquently put it, a bastard."
"You just are one. Warranted or not."
His eyes froze into me just a little bit more.
"I will retire for the night now. I do not care what you two do, just do not let me hear it. Be ready to leave at dawn." Mr Lancaster started ascending the stairs.
"How dare you keep implying that!"
Of course, I had no idea what he actually was implying, but I had the feeling it was a man and a woman's wedding night activity. I didn't know what that was or how it worked. I did know that the male body had some key differences when compared to the female body. Victoria found a health book with drawings in it one time. I remembered how we sat in a secluded spot while giggling at the discoveries we were making.
Mr Lancaster stopped and turned around to face me.
"I dare," he said cooly. Cooler than ice. Or winter in northern England.
Mr Lancaster continued to his room.
"God! I hate that man so much!"
"Ye will git used to 'im eventually."
"I hope that's not because I'm here so much," I pouted.
"Is it really that bad 'ere?"
"No, just Mr Lancaster."
"'E's a character, that's for sure."
"One I'm not too fond of."
"Cheer up, lass!"
Since Connor was behind me, I didn't see him put his hands on my shoulders. He started comfortingly rubbing them up and down.
"That's easy for you to say! You deal with Mr Lancaster all of the time!"
I stubbornly crossed my arms over my chest, but Connor pulled me closer to him, until my back was pressed against his chest.
"Aye. Boss pays me too."
"I'd deal with Mr Lancaster if he paid me!"
"'E wouldn't hire you, lass."
"Why not?"
"'Is reason would be that yer a woman."
"Would you mind having a female co worker?"
"Nay. Besides, I think we get along well." Even though I wasn't facing him, I knew he winked. I playfully swatted his hands away from me.
"Mr Lancaster is right about one thing. We need to go to bed!"
"I was honestly expectin' this to take longer, Miss Amy, an' ye know I want to, but tonight isn't the night!"
"What? I'm talking about going to sleep... What are you talking about?"
I saw the color drain from Connor's face before it turned a bright red.
"Of course! I wasn't talkin' about anything else!"
"You have strange sleeping habits then," I mused aloud.
"It's an uh, Irish thing, lass!"
"Hm, is that so? I think everyone needs sleep. Even Mr Lancaster!"
"I-I didn't say I didn't sleep, I'm jist thinkin' it's goin' to be 'ard tonight! 'Ard to sleep, that's what's 'ard! Nothin' else, of course. We 'ave a lot goin' on tomorrow!"
"I'm excited too, Connor."
"Aye. I'm jist excited for tomorrow!"
"You must really need some sleep. You're acting queer."
"I suppose ye are right, Amelia. I must be quite tired indeed."

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