No. 56

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"She likes Ora?" Remus asked after Sirius told the four of them the news, "In the same way you like her?"

"In a ... gay way?" Peter shivered, "No, maybe it was just as friends, my Mum said that's usually what it is."

"Well, think your Mum might be wrong," Sirius replied, "She kissed Marlene too."

"Maybe they did is just as friends," James joked, flicking Peter in the ear who jumped back, "But in all seriousness, why would she do that? That's like drinking snake venom from a bottle, how low would your standards have to be to even consider kissing her..." He trailed off, grinning at Sirius, "No offence, Padfoot."

"Funny," Sirius replied, dryly, "It's just so weird that she likes her. Like ... they're best friends, do you think Ora knows?"

"If she did, I doubt she'd tell you," James replied, laying back on his bed, "Can't imagine it's easy to bring up, you know? 'Hey Sirius, not to freak you out or anything but my best friend that I spend a hell of a lot of time with wants to sleep with me' ... yeah, that would be awkward."

"I don't think she knows," Sirius replied truthfully, "It would freak her out, I know it would," Leisurely he lay back, "Guess, there's only one way to find out - "

At this, Remus's eyes narrowed, "You're not actually going, are you? At least let us come with you - "


"Nah?" Remus repeated, "Come on, we work better as a group and maybe we can avoid a fight this time. Although you act like you don't care, I can tell that you hate the idea of some people being team Dexter and we could have easily prevented that."

"I don't hate it, I just think it's stupid considering Ora would never choose him when she could have me," He replied, sitting up momentarily before reclining again, "Besides, I think she just wants to talk and I reckon she'll be less willing if there are three boys lurking in the corner."

"We'd go under the cloak obviously," James replied, "But whatever you say. Can I see the note again?"

Sirius obliged, watching James closely as he read over it again before levitating it back, "Don't let her push you over the edge, okay?"

"Nah, she won't, she said wasn't trying to kill me."

Peter furrowed his brow, "Sounds like something someone who was trying to kill you would say to throw you off the scent."

In time, James and Remus turned around, the former saying, "Yeah, it does. What will we do if you die, Padfoot?"

For a few moments, Sirius pondered this before shrugging, "Make a eulogy so beautiful it will make Snivellus cry a like a little baby?"


Sirius couldn't focus on anything but the meeting the next day, all of his lessons rushing by like a blur. He didn't get a chance to see Ora that day but given that he was most likely going to have an intimate meeting with her best friend later, decided he would just pass the note along then.

Despite his friends making some last feeble pleas to go with him, Sirius went alone, making sure to arrive there early lest the girl change her mind and leave. However, Emmeline had no intentions of changing her mind and when Sirius climbed out onto the tower, she was sitting on the wall, her legs dangling over the edge. Despite her precarious position, Emmeline didn't look uneasy, if anything she looked more relaxed than he'd seen her in a while.

"Emmeline, you're not going to jump are you?" He asked warily.

"No, just sitting," She replied, "Join me if you want. I'm trying to figure out who I am, so I reckoned maybe I'm a daredevil."

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