No. 36

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Somehow, despite the fact her life was literal chaos, for the first time in a while Ora actually paid attention in History of Magic. Professor Binns was still boring, the content was the same yet her faith in the subject had been somewhat restored. Also the fact that she could see her marked test on the desk, just meters away definitely helped a lot.

Eventually, the class came to an end and Ora was first up, waiting carefully until everyone else had left before swooping in.

"Professor Binns, is that my test?"

"Yes," His answer seemed to be several seconds delayed but she didn't wait, simply grabbing it off the desk and flicking through the pages until she got to the back, her eyes widening as she gave a small squeal of excitement. Professor Binns was not impressed.

"Oh Merlin, an E? Oh, that's amazing... an E!" She balled her fists up tightly to stop herself from squealing again.

"Barely an E, you still need to improve your analysis and use of own knowledge, I've given you feedback."

"But it's still an E!"

"Barely an E."

She wanted to say something sarky about how employers would give a damn if it was 'barely an E' or anything, all it would say was 'E' and that's what she needed. Instead she held her tongue, murmuring a simple thank you. She wouldn't put it past Professor Binns to drop her grade there and then for talking back, the risks were too high.

Usually, Ora was graceful and serene but today she ran manically down the corridors as the adrenaline overtook her. Although things were a little awkward between her and Emmeline at present, it didn't matter at this moment. As she ran into the Dorm, all coldness vanished, thawed by her pure excitement.

"Emmeline! Emmeline!"

Several of their dorm-mates gave them weird looks but after a few seconds of caring, stopped and turned away.

"What did Sirius do now? Wait, are you dying or something?... no, you look too happy," Emmeline jumped up, poised as if ready to wrestle someone to the ground, "For the love of God, tell me, I'm freaking out!"

"I got an E on my History of Magic test!"

"Wait... oh my goodness!" She ran over to her, pulling her into a lingering hug, "Oh my God, you did it! You crushed it!"

"Like a roach in heeled boots!"

"Weird analogy," Emmeline laughed, sitting down beside Ora who was practically bouncing on the bed with excitement, "But who cares!"

"Sorry, blame the adrenaline, I don't usually say weird things like that" Ora said breathlessly.

"I mean, you do a little bit..."

"I'm just so excited for so many reasons right now!" She lay back onto the duvet, randomly kicking her legs in the air which made Emmeline jump a little.

After a few moments, Emmeline kicked her shoes off, the brogues ricocheting off the dresser before she curled up, turning her face Ora, "You did it. You revised, I can't believe it... well, I can because I knew you had it in you. So all my bugging finally paid off?"

"I mean, yeah but the revision with Sirius really helped," Ora replied, completely oblivious to how Emmeline's face fell like a deep sea diver, "I did it... I should tell him now, right?"

"You could," Emmeline replied, slowly pushing herself up, "You could also tell him tomorrow... I have some Firewhisky that my sister sent me over the summer. It was brewed in Florence, that's where the best Firewhisky is made."

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