No. 66

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"Okay, what do you want?" Ora huffily asked Emmeline and Marlene as the three stood on the stairs to the boys' dorm. A few boys seemed a little confused as to why there were two Ravenclaw girls on the stairs but Ora's dishevelled hair gave them some answers ... not that they wanted to intervene into a passive-aggressive fight anyway.

"Ora, I wanted to explain why I lied," Emmeline said confidently although Ora could see her fingers drumming on her hips, there was definitely something still going on and she was almost certain Marlene had something to do with it. Given the situation, Marlene looked far too happy, a broad grin on her face that stretched from ear to ear.

"I'm all ears," Ora replied, casting a suspicious glance over Marlene as she did so.

"Well, you have a body too," Marlene added but Ora tastefully glossed over it.

"Fine, I am figuratively all ears."

"Well ..." Old Emmeline vanished as quickly as she'd arrived, tucking several strands of loose hair nervously behind her ear, "You see ... I sort of forgot I had things planned with Marlene - "

"Forgot? That's rude," Marlene cut in, which caught both the other girls by surprise. Emmeline looked up in horror, her and Marlene having a mini conversation through mouthing alone whilst Ora watched on with displeasure.

"Well ... I had a lot on," Emmeline replied.

Marlene let out a snort of laughter, "Em, me and Ora are your entire social life ... right, Ora?"

"What?" Ora's jaw was hung open out of shock, "Stop interrupting her, what is wrong with you?"

"Unsolved mystery - "

"I just forgot and then I was embarrassed and ... and ..." She trailed off before glowering at the wily brunette, "Marlene made me do it."

Sadly Marlene was prepared for this and simply shrugged, "Sure ... blame the victim?"

"What ... you? How are you the victim?!" Emmeline spluttered as Ora firmly grasped her arm.

"Alright, I don't know what on earth is going on here," Ora huffed, "But we are leaving right now ... come on, Em?"

"Hold on..." Emmeline replied, "I just want to talk with Marlene alone for a moment - "

"No," Ora put her foot down firmly, "We are going - "

"Ora..." Emmeline pleaded, "I'll be right there but I need to ... ask her something."

"You can do it in front of Ora, right Ora?" Marlene asked, flashing a grin which made her physically recoil in horror. Luckily that was enough to convince Ora to leave, vaguely murmuring that Emmeline had better be quick before dashing back up the stairs. It was in the wrong direction from the exit but Emmeline had bigger problems than that.

"What the fuck was that?"

Marlene folded her arms, shrugging defensively, "What was what?"

"You know what!"

"No, I don't - "

"Marlene," Emmeline hissed, "You suggested I go and apologise to her and then you ... do that. Try and trip me up in front of her, is this vengeance for something? Are you trying to embarrass me in front of her because honestly, it's uncomfortable enough as it is."

"Trust me, I wasn't," Marlene replied, "I wanted to shag Dorcas all of third year, I know the pain - "

"Well, hello ladies," They turned around to see a leery second year staring at them his dorm's door, "I couldn't help but overhear - "

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