No. 23

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Although Sirius enjoyed playfully taunting Peter in his free time, his taunts had never gone beyond words. Stealing notes from Peter felt like a new step. Still, he had told Ora he would and he was not about to break his contract.

As he always did after lessons, Peter was sat at the table, taking great care to make neat notes. He had been expecting some quiet, undisturbed revision, not Sirius snatching his carefully done notes off of the desk, with no explanation other than a grunt of 'Mine'.

"Padfoot!" He looked up from his now empty desk.

"What?" Sirius looked around with a face that seemed to indicate Peter was in the wrong.

"Well.... those are my notes!" He replied, folding his arms, "Give them back!"

"Ora needs them," Sirius replied with a shrug, "I said I'd help her, she didn't do so well on the last test so I agreed to help and for that I need notes. Your notes are exceptional, history of magic is your subject!"

"Whilst that's nice of you to say, I actually need the notes!"

"So does Ora," He replied, "I'm not going to break this promise!"

"... okay, but the notes still belong to me!" Peter grumbled, looking up as he noticed James walk in through the portrait. With surprising speed, he dashed across the room, pointing at Sirius as he pleaded, "Prongs! Help me out here, Padfoot has stolen my notes."

James's hazel eyes narrowed slightly as he eyed Sirius up. Sirius returned the gaze, the two engaging in a silent staring contest until James finally said, "What did you steal the notes for?"

"Helping Ora, study" Sirius replied after a long pause, folding his arms. For a few moments, Peter was hopeful that James was going to help him before James gave a shrug, raising his hands as he slowly walked away.

"Sorry, Wormy, usually I would but I'm not interfering with the girl Sirius fancies. If he breaks his promise to her, I could end up in the hospital wing or sprawled on the floor helpless," He shivered slightly, "She's vaguely terrifying."

"See why I need the notes?" Sirius replied, "I could be dead."

James snorted slightly, slowly walking towards them again, "But you didn't say you didn't fancy her."

For a few moments, James waited with baited breath, wondering if Sirius would finally state the obvious . Instead, he shook his head, "No, I didn't hear you, that's all... but the terrifying thing still stands."

"And the fancying thing," James added sneakily although not loudly enough for Sirius to 'accidentally' hear him.

"I will hex you, Prongs, don't think I won't. Imagine this: tickling jinx two... the sequel," He said, holding his wand.

"Don't do that!" James replied, his voice surprisingly high as he darted up the stairs, "Oi, try and catch me and then hex me."

Seeing his opportunity, Peter darted forwards, snatching the now crumpled paper out of Sirius's hand before he stop him. Sirius's head flicked wildly between his two friends, eventually deciding to go after Peter who stood firm for once, reluctant to give up the one subject he was getting good marks in.


"You're not getting the notes, Padfoot," He said, standing as tall as he could although his chubby face barely reached Sirius's shoulders. His hand was shaking slightly but he refused to back down, narrowing his brown eyes in what he hoped was an intimidating display of dominance, "I'm not getting As in this subject or Ts, this is my subject. I like Ora, she seems nice but I also like not failing a little bit better so I think I'll keep my notes... if that's okay with you."

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