No. 51

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Usually, Emmeline prided herself on her calm, aloof nature but as of late, the stress of everything was getting to her and she was cracking under the pressure, like Atlas holding up the sky. The guilt was eating away at her, the sadness tightened her lungs and if Ora found out, that could very well be the breaking point.

"He saw me," Emmeline whispered, her voice so quiet that Marlene had to lean in close to hear, " I just know it. I feel sick, I'm going to lose her for real - "

"Emmeline Vance," Marlene snapped, putting her hands on her shoulders, "You are not going to lose her, okay? He didn't see you, trust me, James would have reacted very differently if he'd spotted you. I know the boys, okay?"

This did little to console the panicky Emmeline who only buried her face into her legs even more, "What if he did see and tells her? I only wanted to get her back, I've missed her so much but if she finds out, she'll be so upset."

Marlene replied sternly, "If she finds out, we tell her we did it to show her the consequences of Sirius's ways so she could make an informed choice - "

"Oh grow up, Marlene, it was never that and you know it! I wanted her back, that's all and didn't know how to do it, you gave me a way. She spends all her time with Sirius and her new friends, she doesn't want me anymore," Emmeline interjected, "If this comes out, I'll be lucky if she ever speaks to me again - "

She was cut off by Marlene abruptly snapping her fingers, making her look up with a start. Although Marlene still had her usual devious look, it was slightly softer than usual, "Emmeline, he didn't see you and even if he did, she's your best friend. You could talk to her or do her homework until she forgives you. Just don't panic, okay? If you're jumpy, she's more likely to get suspicious, just act normal around her."

Marlene's advice was easier said than done and when Emmeline returned to the Ravenclaw tower, she found herself to be so stiff and tense that getting onto her bed was a struggle. Ora returned a good half an hour later but Emmeline was in no mood to talk, listening to Ora gush about how her meeting was for a bit (even though Dexter was late), before excusing herself for an early night.


The next morning, Emmeline allowed herself to stay in bed as long as possible which was unusual as even on weekends, she was an early riser. Eventually, Ora couldn't stand it and burst into the dorm, shaking her friend vigorously.

"Come on, Em, it's time to get up," She whispered. In response, Emmeline pulling the covers up over her head to which Ora replied, "What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"No," Emmeline groaned, finally lifting the covers up, "Just sleepy."

"Well, they're about to stop serving breakfast," Ora replied.

"I'm not hungry."

 "Come on, Em, get up, it's ridiculously hot today. We should be out by the lake paddling and making the most of the sun, it will probably be freezing again by the end of the week."

"I don't like getting my feet wet."

"Then sit on the side and watch me splash around like a loon," Ora leant on the side of the bed, her eyes level with Emmeline's, "Please, Em? It will be fun."

With a sigh, Emmeline rose from her bed like Dracula from a coffin. The morning had only just started and she was already feeling the pit of guilt forming all over, but Marlene had ordered her to act normal and refusing to do a simple request was not normal.

It was indeed a lovely day as the two girls strolled out; for once the hill and lakeside were crawling with people reminding Emmeline of the beaches back in her hometown of Brighton. The sun only made Ora beam, running down the hill manically, her long hair flowing out behind her as she artfully dodged around fellow students. 

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