No. 63

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To some people, spending two weeks completely alone would've been unbearable but for Emmeline, it was exactly what she needed. Sure, she spoke out against them both Ora and Marlene before but never when it counted. Finally, she could do what she wanted, released from the influences of both of them. They were more similar than they cared to admit: good looking girls with dominating personalities to match; both possessing a gift for sass and twisting people around their little fingers - Sirius sure had a type. 

It appeared so did Emmeline.

Their return was bringing mixed emotions and Emmeline found herself partly wishing the holidays would last an eternity: just her and the emptiness. Still, it would be nice to be around people again - if just for the sarcasm. Plus, as much as her feelings were conflicted about Ora, at the end of the day she was her best friend and it would be nice to have the girl back.

As usual, the Hogwarts Express was punctual and Emmeline spotted Ora almost instantly, her platinum hair sticking out like a dove amongst crows. Emmeline couldn't deny that her heart skipped a little when she saw her best friend laughing and also couldn't deny the vague plummeting sensation that overcame her when she realised who she was laughing with: Sirius.

For a brief moment, she considered turning on her heel and running back to the castle to get herself in check but in the end, decided to stand her ground: she would just be prolonging the inevitable.

The moment Ora's eyes landed on Emmeline, a smile came across her face and she dumped her trunk, unexpectedly breaking into a run before tackling her friend into a flying hug. This was unexpected, especially given that Emmeline had been tactically ignoring Ora's letters, for her own peace of mind.

"Em, I'm sorry."

For a moment, Emmeline was caught off guard, her throat suddenly closing up and refusing to let the words escape.

"For ... what?"

"Just being all round terrible," She replied, "You were right, I was being selfish ... not like my Mum, I stand by that being uncalled for ... but when it came to you and Sirius. I'm sorry."

"Oh ... right," Emmeline averted her gaze, pretending her buckled shoes were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world, "I'm sorry too."

Ora cocked her head to the side, a few strands of hair falling down and partially obscuring her face, "For what?"

"Um ... the Mum thing and being unsupportive when you slept with him," Emmeline replied quickly, "I know it's a sensitive topic for you and I am, from the bottom of my heart, sorry."

"Oh, Em," The corners of Ora's mouth had curved down as she pulled her friend into another embrace, "I think we just need to have a sort of reset for this term, you know? We just need to readjust to all of this, me having a boyfriend and stuff."

You don't know the half of it

For brief, moment, Emmeline pondered whether she should say this out loud, start the term on a clean slate but decided against it: the truth was far too daunting for now so she simply nodding resting her head on Ora's shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she became aware of Sirius coming ever closer until he was stood right behind them but didn't let go of Ora.

"Sorry, ladies, am I interrupting?" At this, Ora lifted her head up a little.

"Just a beautiful reunion," She replied, "Join the hug if you want."

Both Emmeline and Sirius' nose wrinkled at this, the pair exchanging a look that could only mean a very firm: No. At last, the girls broke apart, Ora turning towards her boyfriend before something else caught her eye: emerging from a nearby carriage was a very tanned Dexter Warrington.

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