No. 52

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"Padfoot, Padfoot," Sirius looked up from his girlfriend to see Peter hurtling down the hill, collapsing into a little heap next to him. Noticing Ora's presence, he lowered his voice before whispering, "Iway eednay otay alktay otay ouyay aloneway."

This was met by a blank look from Sirius who blinked a few times, "Um, what?"

Ora giggled slightly, "Are you okay, Peter? That was a lot of 'ay's'."

With a huff, Peter turned to his friend, "Pig Latin? Remember I taught you back in fourth year so we could secretly communicate with each other!"

"Oh yeah," Sirius smirked, exchanging a look with Ora, "I forget that."

"Never mind, I said I need to talk to you alone but in hindsight, I should have just said it normally as this is even weirder."

"It is," Sirius agreed, pulling his arm away from Ora's shoulders, throwing on his shirt before following Peter around the corner. Judging by Peter's jerky movements, even more so than usual, he was in some sort of distress which alerted alarm bells in Sirius' head. For all his taunts, Sirius loved his little friend and was prepared to use deadly curses against those who wrong him.

"So, what's up?"

"It's Dexter," Peter hissed, "Dexter Warrington, that Slytherin you mentioned Ora keeps hanging out with."

For a few moments, Sirius blinked before shaking his head, strands of dark hair dislodging to fall in front of his eyes. Casually, he replied, "No, can't be. Ora was meeting with him when we saw Marlene talking to her ally, it's not him. Besides, Ora said he's alright for a Slytherin."

"No, you don't understand, Marlene and Dexter have been hanging out a lot, people have seen them," Peter insisted, "Besides, we only saw Ora going to the meeting, we have no idea if Dexter was there or not when she arrived. He could have been late or a no-show."

"If he'd stood her up, then I would have heard about it," Sirius replied firmly.

"Unless he was later or she lied ... she lied," Peter went quiet for a second, "Maybe she's in on it..."

Instantly Sirius shook his head, "Yes, I'm sure Ora would be scheming with Marlene ... you know what, I'm just going to ask her."

"If Dexter was later or if she's conspiring? Oh, I hope she's not, I like her."

"If she's late OBVIOUSLY!"

The two boys strode back, walking in time like soldiers on a march before standing behind Ora who looked a little creeped out by the two shadows that had befallen her.

"No, it's a good analogy," Lily exclaimed, her hands flapping with exasperation, "Our bodies are like cars - "

"Sorry," Peter cut in, "We have - "

His interruption was cut short by Sirius holding his finger up, "Now, hold on, this sounds interesting, go on, Lily."

Tentatively Lily continued, "... our bodies are like cars, the food is the fuel and when they power off it's like our sleep, you see?."

James nudged her, giving her a wink, "Our bodies are like cars, huh? I'll give you mine, we can take a spin."


"Nice one, Prongs," Sirius grinned before remembering the task at hand and sitting down next to Ora who turned to him, a bemused expression on her face.

"Everything okay? Peter's pig latin kind of freaked me out."

He nodded, "Yeah, that's just Peter. Listen, I have a question to ask and you can't ask me why I'm asking if that makes sense."

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