No. 53

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Usually, when Ora awoke she was one of the first up but today, the dorm was already alive with chatter, a large group of girls standing by the door.

" - apparently he slammed him against the wall but then Dexter was like "Nuh uh man, don't do that," and judo flipped him onto the floor ... well, that's just what James said so I would take it with a pinch of salt," Amy was saying quickly, using wild hand gestures to emphasise her point. 

"What happened?" Ora asked loudly, causing the whole group to grow silent and look over. Instantly, Emmeline looked away, in direct contrast to the others, who grinned and exchanged looked before starting her dead on.

"Um ... " Emmeline was looking down at her shoes, not meeting Ora's eyes, "Well, you see ... Sirius and Dexter kind of ... got into a fight yesterday and nobody ... nobody knows why - "

"Yes, we do!" Cassandra cut in, "They were fighting over her, that has to be the reason!"

At this, Emmeline finally looked up, holding her arms tightly, "No, they weren't ... we don't know why they fought, nobody does!"

Slowly, Ora made her way over to the circle, "Fighting over me? Nah, people don't fight over people, you fight for something like money or power. Besides, you all know this how?"

"Well, James, not the Gryffindor one, the Hufflepuff with the ugly fringe was in Slughorn's office at the time, waiting for him to get an essay from his classroom or something and heard the whole thing," Cassandra cut in, enjoying the drama as shown by the sly grin on her face.

"What?" Ora's eyes seemed to widen two-fold, "Are they hurt?"

Amy nodded, "I mean, they did get judo flipped and stuff so I'd assume no - "

"Shit, I have to and check on him."

She's hardly heard anything but already alarm bells were going in Ora's head as she grabbed her dressing gown and threw it on before hurtling down the stairs. No doubt her sudden departure would spark more rumours, especially due to the fact she hadn't specified which boy she was going to see.

Sirius was smart and strong and she didn't doubt he could take Dexter on in a fight but judo flipping sounded painful, possibly even backbreaking so serious injury was a possibility. 

As she entered the common room, a few people turned to look, exchanging whispers as she ran by. As if her nerves hadn't been through enough, they were about to get a nasty shock when she ran through the door, only to trip over Dexter slightly as he bent down to leave a note. The two stumbled back a bit before straightening out, both of their eyes wide. Annoyingly, the door was still wide open, allowing all the Ravenclaw onlookers to witness what had just happened which would no doubt inspire even more rumours.

"Hi Ora - " He was cut off by Ora aggressively grabbing his arm, slamming the door (leading to an impertinent remark from the eagle knocker) and pulling him down the stairs with her. She didn't stop walking until they were in a quiet secluded corridor, away from the prying eyes and ears of their peers.

"You and Sirius had a fight? You judo flipped my boyfriend?" She grabbed fistfuls of hair in her hands, before pacing around, "Is he okay? Why did you fight him? Was it to psyche me out or something? Just .... why did you do that, Dexter?"

"That's what I coming to tell you," Dexter said quickly, wringing his hands together, "I wasn't sure whether to do this all night, I lay awake tossing and turning - "

"Dexter, please tell me you're not hyping yourself to tell me you love me or something because I swear to Merlin, I will ... I will," She turned on her heel, jabbing a finger at him, "Just don't, okay?"

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