No. 31

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"Good morning, Prongs," the voice came from behind him making James get tangled in his Quidditch sweater.

"Bloody hell, Padfoot," James huffed, untangling himself from his jumper sleeves, "You almost gave me a heart attack, what in Merlin's name are you doing awake?"

"No reason," He replied, giving a shrug, "Just thought I'd say good morning to my best friend, is that a crime?"

"... no?" James replied after a long pause, "It's a bit weird though, plus it's a Thursday, I swear you never want to wake up early on a Thursday thanks to your morning free."

"Well, today I do," He said, jumping up from his bed, "You know what, I'm in a good mood today, I might as well walk you down to the Quidditch pitches, make sure you don't get hurt or anything."

There was a few moments silence between the boys before James very slowly said, "Okay, then... and make sure I don't get hurt? That's the biggest lie I've ever heard, if I get hurt it will be because of you."

"I'm doing a nice thing."

"And I reckon you want something," He smirked which quickly disappeared, "Or did something. Oh Merlin, did you have sex in my bed again - "

"No, I said I'd keep my promise," Sirius replied, folding his arms.

"Oh I just thought maybe you would have done," James replied with a shrug as Sirius pulled a jumper over his pyjamas, "Given that you and Ora kissed yesterday..."


James sniggered at Sirius's obvious horror at being found out, opening the door and giving his friend a push through, "C'mon, I do actually do need to go to Quidditch, captains can't be late... more than three times in a row. If you want to talk, you also have to walk, okay?"

Slowly, Sirius followed his friend, his brows knitted together in confusion, "So how did you know? Where you spying on us with the cloak?"

"No, because I'm not a weirdo like you," James scoffed, before giving a nonchalant shrug, "I guess I'm just psychic. It's a unique talent, spent years working on it and it's finally paying off."

At this, Sirius rolled his eyes, "Can you just tell me how?"

"How I'm psychic?"

"How you know, obviously," He snapped and James laughed slightly.

"Alright but the psychic thing will be more useful in the future," He replied, giving his friend a grin which wasn't returned, "Ora came and found me and Lily on our patrol and was not too subtle about it. Lily told me not to listen and that it was private but they were literally screaming it at the top of their voices, I could hear it through my hands. Apparentely it was spontaneous, very romantic, nice one, Padfoot."

"Thanks," replied Sirius, dryly.

"So, why'd you do it?" He asked, "A week ago you were writing to her in notes, suppressing your feelings and now you just went with them. I mean it was obvious you liked her, you wouldn't send notes if you didn't, you'd just ditch her but I thought I'd have to put up with weeks of sulking and debating before you finally worked up the courage to do anything like this. What changed?"

"Wow, just going right in there, no beating around the bush."

James gave a small shrug of his shoulders, "We literally only have the walk from the dorms to pitches, have to get straight to the point."

"I don't know," Sirius admitted, "It just kind of happened. I think she said something and then I said something and then, I just felt like. It was nice."

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