No. 13

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"So you're not freaking out about the test?" Emmeline asked for the fiftieth time as Ora continued to do her hair, trying to find the perfect balance between straight and volume which all the 'it' girls seemed to have. Lots of people seemed to like feathered layers but Ora had never liked that, she preferred to keep it straight yet sleek which she felt captured her element just as well as brightly coloured shirts.

"For the last time, I'm not, I swear," Ora said with a small smile, "I think I was exaggerating when I came out, I probably did alright... besides, I have bigger problems than that. What do you think Sirius was asking... oh God, I sound like such an idiot asking about him. I need to stop, tell me to stop... wait, don't really. I'll make a contract when I get back which legally stops me from talking your ear off about it."

"... that would be helpful, thank you," Emmeline replied, "Wait, come back from where exactly?..."

"You didn't think I was wearing for my pink shirt for nothing, did you?" Ora said, with a smile, "He had a question so I figured I'd answer it for him instead."

"Wait, hold up. Ora, what did you think the question was?"

"Well, the Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow and things have been kind of flirty lately - "

"By lately, do you mean the past few days? Because up until a few days ago, he was being kind of flirty with me too," Emmeline said, warily, trying to avoid accidentally using reverse psychology, "I'm just saying, maybe be careful with it, you know?"

"I will," She replied, "But I mean what else would he ask me?"

Emmeline was about to say something else but one look at her friend's face told her that nothing she could say was to dissuade her. The best she could do was hope for the best outcome and if not, minimise damage.

"Okay but please be careful," Emmeline said as Ora finished with her hair and stood back from the mirror, breathing a deep breath.

"I will... okay, here's a question, where does the bad boy rebel spend his weekends at Hogwarts?"

"Sounds like a bad joke," Emmeline smirked before adding, "Probably shagging someone in the bushes or smoking on the Quidditch pitches."

"Hopefully not the first one," Ora replied, "Besides I've occupied a lot of his time so hopefully he hasn't found anyone to shag but I'll try it anyway. I'll let you know how it goes." She blew a kiss to her friend before walking out of the dorm.

Ora was usually a fast walker anyway, dawdlers were her worst nightmare, but today it was like she'd been driven into hyper-speed as she rapidly searched around the school. It took her several laps of the corridors before she bumped into something useful: Peter. Although she'd only spoken to Sirius's friends a couple of times, she already had favourites and she had a soft spot for the permanently dazed but bizarrely patient Peter. He looked a little stunned to see her, especially when she came veering towards him.

"Hey, Peter, right?" He nodded, a little awkwardly, "Do you know where I could find Sirius? I need to ask him something."

"He needed to ask you something too," Peter said, quietly, "By the way, a little heads up, he knows that Emmeline lied about the dorm on purpose... Mary knows too, I think."

"That was a few days ago, we figured it out," Ora said with a small laugh, "But thank you. Do you know where he is?"

"Common room, I think," Peter gave a shrug, "He usually just spends it in there goofing around with Prongs... James."

"Oh, the horny one," She said with a fond smile, "Thanks, I'll see you around."

"Bye... oh and Ora?"

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