No. 19

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Emmeline glanced over at Ora for the fiftieth time, hoping this time her friend would see her quizzical eyebrow raise. Ora did not. Instead she chose to fix her hair for the tenth time although unlike the other days, she was going for a different look: less sultry and more approachable. Finally, Emmeline could stand it no longer and decided to actually speak.

"Ora, I don't see why I have to be nice again. You said I wouldn't have to be involved again - "

"In the previous agreement. This is a new contract and therefore there a new rules," Ora replied, choosing to look at Emmeline's reflection rather than actually turn around, "Besides, this is more friends, there is nothing wrong with other friends, do you agree?"

"No, not really," Emmeline admitted, "We're Ora and Emmeline, an iconic duo. As the other half of your iconic duo, I am also willing to bet all my wit and sarcasm on this not just being about 'making friends'. This somehow links to your contract or your aim to not be ditched by Sirius, doesn't it... just to be clear, is dating him still your aim?"

Ora went silent for a few moments as she considered how much to tell Emmeline. By the end of the day, Emmeline would know everything she'd decided but if Ora told her the ulterior motive to befriending the girls beforehand, Emmeline might get spooked and uncomfortable which was the last thing they needed.

"Yes, it is kind of... we're not enemies anymore, we're friends now and every good romance starts with a friendship," Ora replied slowly, "Dating him has kind of been... side-tracked for now, I have more going on, different priorities."

"Is studying one of your priorities?" Emmeline asked and Ora glanced over her shoulder, giving her friend a glare.

"Obviously but this is far more interesting," Ora replied, "Now let's hurry up, I think the girls meet around six and the worst thing we could is be late and make a bad first impression."

As it turned out, Ora and Emmeline were the first ones there, awkwardly taking a seat at one of the many empty tables in the Library which was somehow quieter than usual. For a brief second, Ora considered the possibility that Mary didn't want her there and had lied but from what Emmeline said, Mary was a kind and honourable person even if she could be a little naïve at times. However, if Ora felt slightly uncomfortable, Emmeline was worse, her pale cheeks flushed with vague embarrassment and her foot tapping anxiously on the floor.

"I thought you said this was on time," She hissed, "We look so weird, just waiting."

"Em, calm down," Ora replied, pulling her bag onto the table, "They're probably just a bit late, we sometimes have trouble coordinating and there's only two of them. Nobody's staring at us either, they probably just think that we're normal. They won't be long.... nevermind, I see them."

She pointed over at Lily who had just emerged into the library, smiling smugly at Emmeline who's eyes suddenly widened in horror.

"What the hell, you said there was just girls!" Emmeline hissed. Ora's heart seemed to skip a beat, was Sirius there to make her feeling marginally less uncomfortable? One glance over, however, told her that it wasn't Sirius. It wasn't anyone she recognised, in fact and Ora's eyes widened to match the size of her best friend's.

At first glance, the boy looked similar to Remus with long-ish light brown hair that draped in front of his eyes but as he drew closer, his differences became more pronounced. His eyes were a lot darker and narrower as if he were permanently glaring. Despite the slight madness to him, he looked well cared for, his robes had clearly been tailored to fit him perfectly and he looked healthy with a round face and red cheeks.

His arm was draped around the shoulders of Dorcas Meadowes, the only blonde in the group and judging by her friend's narrowed eyes and furrowed brows, none of them were happy about it. The reason soon became clear as his robe fell open slightly to reveal a green and silver tie. He was a Slytherin.

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