No. 2

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Ora came back into the Ravenclaw Dorms earlier than expected. Sirius had seemed rather eager to leave after realising page twelve wasn't happening all too soon but Ora had thought this might happen. After all, good things came to those who waited and her plan was a slow burn. There were only a few people in the dorm when she came in, dotted around the dorms. None of them seemed to care or notice the girl as she crept in, the contract under her arm just as it had been when she'd left earlier than evening.

She was about to creep up the stairs when she heard a voice behind her, "Not so fast, Ora."

She slowly turned around to reveal her friend Emmeline in a fluffy dressing gown, standing below her. Ora gave her a slight smile, "I thought you'd be in the dorms."

"Well, I'm not," Emmeline replied, pushing a strand of sandy blonde hair behind her ear, "Care to explain why you have the contract with you still? I was under the impression you'd give it to him to read."

"Well, I would have done but he didn't ask," Ora said with a mischievous smile, "And I didn't want to assume anything. I did give him a chance to read it - "

"Did you remember to tell him to read the truth clause?" Emmeline asked and Ora nodded quickly, "Really?"

"Yes, really. Your words really stuck with me and I didn't want him to accuse me of tricking him further down the line." Ora replied.

"Will there really be a 'further down the line'? You're coming back awfully early," Emmeline said, raising her eyebrow at Ora who remained confident despite her friend's doubts.

"There will be. It says so in the contract that he signed. Either way, by the end he'll want to come back for more, it's all part of the plan," Ora said, starting to slowly make her way up the stairs, "Trust me, I'm a Ravenclaw remember? We're smart, our plans never fail when we think them out."

Emmeline sighed, following her friend up the stairs, "They do, we're just so arrogant that nobody ever admits."

"We're not arrogant, Gryffindors are arrogant."

"See? Arrogance," Emmeline said, "I think I'm the exception."

Ora grinned at her friends, "And by saying that I believe that makes you arrogant too. I rest my case."

Emmeline rolled her eyes at her friend, "There was never any case to begin with."

The two girls returned to their dorm room and even though it was still relatively early compared to their usual bed time, Ora was so tired from the night before that she fell into bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Ora was a strange one. Nobody could every figure out how such a pretty girl had never dated and had had so few friends; people had seemed desperate to befriend the striking blonde. It wasn't a lack of social skills that had driven people away, it was her love of contracts and conditions which had tired people out. When you make a new friend, you usually don't want them to shove a thirty page contract in your hand, detailing what you can and can't do. Only Emmeline had embraced the contract, her love of rules fitting with Ora's love of setting them.

It wasn't just a random obsession, it was all part of Ora's long term plans to be the youngest lawyer in Wizengamot. Most people took several years of training but Ora had decided in first year that she needed to get ahead of the game. You couldn't be the youngest of anything if you did the same as everyone else, she had to be ahead of the game so that by the time she started wizarding law school, law terms were as fluent as English and she could draft up a decent clause in her sleep.

However, recently, Ora had been somewhat distracted by her latest goal: Sirius Black. She'd first noticed him noticing her as they sat opposite each other in the Great Hall. It had felt like one of those scenes in movies where the lovers make eye contact across the room and everything is perfect. However, much like movies it had fallen apart pretty quickly when she'd interrogated a few people and found out that her mysterious man across the room was a serial romantic. Still, Ora had decided to win him and not get ditched herself by gathering all the 'evidence' and using her skills obtained over the years to avoid getting ditched and win his heart in the progress. Getting him to ask her out had been easy, she'd caught his eye and he was clearly feeling it. Getting him to stay was where things got trickier... and more interesting.

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