No. 25

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"Have you done question six?" Emmeline asked, peering over to her friend's work and frowning slightly as she realised Ora had left it blank. She raised an eyebrow at her which Ora returned with a shrug.

"What? It was hard!" Ora said with a laugh, "Besides, I'm a little distracted tonight, me and Sirius are being spies -  "

"Sirius? Again?" Emmeline gave a loud sigh.

"You're biased, you hate him!"

"I don't hate him, actually, I can now vaguely understand him. Tolerate not like... not the point of this," Emmeline said with yet another dramatic sigh, "The same thing as before is happening, you're picking him over your school work."

"Not true, he's tutoring me," Ora replied, "So technically he's helping not hindering so that if he does end up distracting me, it all cancels out, you see?"

"No, I don't because I remember how you got after your History of Magic exam," Emmeline said, genuine concern in her eyes as she glanced at her reckless friend who was about to make the same mistakes as before, despite all her efforts and assurances, "You seemed high, everyone thought you'd lost it."

Ora gave a small smile, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she made a point of doing the work, "Good thing I don't care what people think."

"Yeah, great but what will Law schools think... Lexiustitia school of Magical Law, the place you fell in love with, literally," Emmeline said, "They want top grades, all Os."

"And I can get them," Ora replied curtly, "Arithmancy I have in the bag, I got an O in the last test so that's fine. Muggle studies is piss easy considering I'm half muggle anyway and with History of Magic, I revise with Sirius. I can do it, Em, don't worry."

"But I do - "

"Well, it's annoying," Ora snapped, "So stop."

Before Emmeline could reply, Ora stood up, snapping her book shut and promptly jamming it in her bag, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go now. Horny and HG - "


Ora rolled her eyes, clearly in a mood, "Lily and James, obviously. They have their head boy, head girl duty soon and I agreed to meet Sirius outside the Charms classroom we study in. Can't be late, sorry."

"Bye," Emmeline said, giving Ora a look which made it clear this was not over.

"Bye," Ora replied, in the same dry tone before turning on her heel and leaving quickly.

The moment she was out of the library, she let out a loud, dramatic sigh although it was mingled with genuine discomfort. She hated fighting with Emmeline and she kind of knew Emmeline was right. The History of Magic test had shaken her a bit, even if she joked about being the only Ravenclaw to get a T. Some of the Ravenclaws seemed to spend all of their time on work, allowing studies to consume them which was something she'd wanted to avoid. Not only would it make her boring in her eyes, but she wanted to be the girl who effortlessly aced things whilst still maintaining a social life.

These thoughts were shrugged aside as she came to the Charms classroom where Sirius was waiting, the cloak slung over his shoulder and cigarette balanced over between his fingers. Sirius was one of those people who things came effortlessly to, she thought. He could focus when need be, have fun, get decent grades and right now, he looked effortlessly gorgeous, the moonlight gently illuminating his pale skin. This was one of the many times she was grateful for having skin that never went red, if she was a blusher she'd be crimson right now.

"Hey Ora," He said, his face breaking into a smile, "Ready for a night of stalking? Got the cloak and everything... Prongs nearly brought it too, good sign?"

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