No. 58

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Being back home had been nice for Ora in some ways: being able to look out all the way down to the Avon from her bedroom window, hearing her little brother talk excitedly about his newfound passion for cars as well as being able to revise on the patio with the soft April sunshine hitting her face making her wonder why she didn't come home for more often. It didn't take long for her to remember though, these good things came at cost: feeling like an extra cog to her well-oiled machine of a family.

Life with Miria had been chaotic to say in the least so after her Mother's spontaneous emigration, Jack Dakota had become obsessed with rules much like his daughter. However it had manifested differently, whilst his daughter turned to contracts, Jack had turned to non-negotiable weekly routines, which they were not going to be broken for Ora's return. The excitement of the past year had given Ora a taste for it but the Dakotas saw spontaneity as the polar opposite of the life they'd created, meaning Ora got left alone at her house a lot, counting the flowers in the garden and altering old contracts to stop her from going insane.

Attempts to reach out to her school friends had fallen flat, having only received one letter in a fairly boring week from Emmeline before she too, fell silent. Luckily, a week in, her second letter arrived when she woke up to the sound of a beautiful, fluffy white owl tapping at her window. She leapt up instantly to let the owl in and tore open the letter, instantly realising it had to be Dexter due to the insanely fancy handwriting.

Dear Ora,

New York is incredibly beautiful, thank you so much for your letter! I had my first meeting with Darcelle although it was so regulated I hardly got a word in edgeways to talk to her. I don't quite know how I would describe her, as you don't know what the other Yaxleys look like. She has a thin face like your friend Emmeline but with very dark curly hair that she wears pulled back a lot. She played me the harp very briefly and it was nice to listen to but only time shall tell! You can hardly judge somebody based on looks, I must speak to her first.

 As for rap, I haven't taken your (reckless) advice yet and snuck out but I might have to. As we were driving past a subway, I think I heard some being carried by the wind and now I yearn for more. It is everything I have dreamt off, like nothing we have at the moment, very loud and more like a spoken poem than a song.

How are your holidays? I look forward to hearing from you!

All my love,

The letter brought a small smile to her face and she quickly set about writing a reply

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The letter brought a small smile to her face and she quickly set about writing a reply. Even though it was nice to hear him, it felt slightly bittersweet, making her wish she was there with him or just anyone, being stuck in the house all day was awfully lonely. Plus, even though she loved hearing from Dexter, deep down she'd kind of been hoping for something from her absent boyfriend but told herself she was being ungrateful. Her writing was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door which slowly opened to reveal the dark-haired figure of her little brother, Tim at the door.

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