Personality wise, Cora is more outgoing whilst Linda is shyer. Whilst Cora will be more likely to glare at everybody she hates, Linda would smile and wave at everyone, treating everybody with respect. 

The both of them were complete opposites. 

"Hello, Linda." I smiled at her, tucking a lock of my brown hair behind my ear. Linda was in the kitchen, baking some of her infamous cookies. 

"Anna, dear." Linda gave me a warm smile. "How are you?" 

"I'm fine Linda," I reply, sitting on the stool at the table. 

Linda gives me a pointed look. "Anna, I know you had that accident. I hope you aren't going to feel scared to do cheerleading because you're so talented at it." 

I sigh, rubbing my face. "I know, I will continue to do, nothing will stop me from doing it. The doctor said I have to be careful with my rib and with my head." I informed her, recalling what the doctor said. 

"Oh, sweetie. You better be careful, I don't want to have to visit you in the hospital again. You know how I feel about that place." Unfortunately, I do, a couple of years ago Linda lost her husband to cancer. They had to spend lots of time there, caring for him, wishing that he would make a miraculous recovery but he didn't. She felt so devastated. It hurt to see her like that. It was even worse for Cora, she barely left her room and when she did, she didn't talk much. 

It took her months to open up to us and it was heartbreaking when she did. After that, we all got even closer as a group. 

"Anyways, I heard from a certain somebody that you were taking a trip to England. Aren't you lucky." Linda smiles at me, stirring the mix. 

Instantly, I smile at the trip. I'm so excited to go, I have never been to Europe before so it's going to be a great adventure. My dad booked a fancy hotel for us in London and has planned out everything we're doing. 

Like I said before, my dad's a planner. 

"Yeah, I'm so excited, I can't wait." I beam at her. 

She chuckles at me, continuing to cook. We engage in small talk, discussing simple things. Linda always knows how to keep a conversation going and how to make every small thing matter. 

Eventually, Cora and Ren come down. I'm surprised they aren't clawing at each other's throats, its what they normally do. 

"Hey, mom." Cora greets.

"Hi Linda, are you baking cookies?" Ren asks, poking her head over Linda's shoulder. 

"Yup and you can't have any until you give me my hug. Its been overdue for months now." Linda scowls at the last bit and I nearly burst out laughing at Ren's horrified face. Ren has been avoiding the hug for months, afraid that Cora will kill her for 'stealing her mom'. Stupid I know but they fight over the most ridiculous things. 

"Come on Renny, just one tiny hug." Linda pouts, stretching her arms out. 

Ren gave me a panicked look, her eyes widening. I could tell that she was thinking of an excuse to get out of this. Knowing her, she will probably come out with something stupid. 

"Uh...I" Ren stammers. "I need to poo!" 

And with that, Ren races out of the room, leaving a stunned Linda. I burst into giggles, glancing at Cora who is doing the same. 

Ren came be really strange. 

"Sometimes I think Ren is stranger then Esme," Linda mutters under her breath and I nearly jumped in to deny it but Linda stops me. "Actually, scratch that."

The rest of the evening is spent with us talking and helping Linda make dinner. I always love hanging out here, spending time with Linda. They make me feel welcomed. Not that my parents don't but when I'm here, there's a different atmosphere. A more calming one.

"I better get back home guys, you know what my dad is like," I announced, standing up from the sofa. They all look up at me with sad expressions.

"Okay sweetie, I'll see you soon." Linda hugs me, patting my back softly. She's such a gentle lady. 

"Bye girls." I wave to them, getting my shoes.

"Bye Annie." They say in sync again. "We'll see you tomorrow." 

I roll my eyes, walking out of the door. The walk home was spent with me thinking about what will happen at school tomorrow. Another day will be spent with Xavier following me around, escorting me to my lessons. 

God, I love having a bodyguard. 

Word count: 1361

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer.

Did you like it though? Do you want to read chapter 15?

Do I need to improve anything? Do you want anything included?

I think I found somebody to play Ren. How does Kate Mara sound?

 How does Kate Mara sound?

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Next update: tomorrow

And please...

And please

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