Chapter 25: The end for Alex, the beginning for Alex Brunestud, Part Two.

Start from the beginning

While the dress of Nrvnqsr Chaos resembles a black trench coat that completely covers his body, under his trench the coat is a pure darkness that does not have a visible outline.The basic form of a man, while the rest of his body seems built for the fact of being made of chaos.

"You called me Zelretch's pupil, do not tell me you want Index because of the rumors of that Trool!" He asked Mystic unnerved, half of his problems have a link with Zelretch in one way or another.

"Not much, sincerely, anyone else my advice to seek Index Librorum Prohibitorum." Now you die! "Said Nrvnqsr Chaos, stretching his right arm, which explodes, hoping for hundreds of splinters composed of pure chaos.

The sudden blow was impossible to avoid, except for someone with the teleportation ability.

Mystic snapped quickly and took Index's hand, which held Bastet in his arms, then disappeared into a crimson flash.

Thus avoiding the deadly blow of Nrvnqsr Chaos.

"It seems there is a reason for Zelretch here to take you under his" said Nrvnqsr Chaos, disinterested, for him Mystic is an insect, which will be crushed sooner or later.

For this reason from the body of Nrvnqsr Chaos, a dozen creatures made of pure chaos came out.

"Find the one there, once killed, bring me Index Librorum Prohibitorum" ordered the tenth Dead Apostle Ancestors you have his family.

A second later, a bunch of dark monsters started a hunt.

But I did not know who was the real hunter and the real prey.


The Demi-Servant together with the white nun and the black cat. They arrived in the building unobstructed, through a crimson flash.

"I think we will die," murmured Index, falling to his knees.

"Are not you used to fighting non-humans?" Alex said, seeing that this Index is more fragile than the Index of Kamijio Touma.

"A Dead Apostle Ancestors is one of the most dangerous and powerful beings in the world, the church needs the best performers to make it against them Mystic can not defeat him, he is not like Louvre, you will die ... Leave me and he will probably let you live. " He said Index, not wanting his benefactor to get hurt in his name.Already feeding it and protecting it from Louvre was too much for Index's records.

"I'm sorry Index, but a protagonist never lets the heroine fall into the hands of the antagonist." He said Mystic. before Index could say or do something. Mystic hit her in the stomach, causing her to lose consciousness.

"Bastet keep an eye on Index, in the meantime I go to see who is stronger than me at most my physical and magical abilities or Nrvnqsr Chaos." He said Mystic before pulling from the inventory of Controller Dream, a Mystic Code created for stealth operations, a medallion that grants a similar ability to the Concealment of presence of a Servant Assassin.

"Index remains here, hidden, imperceptible to many, in the meantime I cause so much damage that the Reality Marble of Nrvnqsr Chaos turns off, then pulls out Index." She told Mystic the black cat, even if she is an animal, she remains a paranormal cat with different abilities, she can take care of dragging an unconscious nun.

When Mystic turned and walked out of the room his red eyes glowed with an unusual icy blue color.

"5 out of 7. Saber, Shiki Ryougi," murmured Mystic, pulling a katana out of the Controller Dream inventory into a white scabbard.

The Tenth Dead Apostle Ancestors, Nrvnqsr Chaos, the 666 beast, is about to meet the Demi-Servant Mystic, known as the Scarlet Executioner and the Devil of Fire.

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