I try to brush off my disappointment. I must remember I hate him.

"I'm not and stop prying. It's not any of your business anyways." I counter, shuffling away from him with a huff. I don't really know why I lied though, it has everything to do with him. He's the reason I'm on Stacy's hit list. He's the reason I was in hospital for a while and why I was unconscious.

Xavier glares at my answer, sighing in frustration. He pulls at his hair, muttering something to himself that almost makes him look adorable. Wait – did I just say adorable? About Xavier? No, no way. I think I'm losing it.

"Princess, she threatened you because of me. It's my fault you were in hospital. It's my fault that she's going to go after you." Xavier explained, a crease forming on his forehead as he registers everything.

I think I'm seeing things because Xavier looks guilty. That has never happened before. The cold-hearted guy feels guilty about something? Wow, I should make a list of all the things Xavier is doing. Otherwise no one will believe me when I tell them that he can feel.

I didn't really know how to respond. I mean, the guy literally hides the all of his humanity, so when he showed feelings, it's kind of a shocker.

I peek through my lashes and see him staring straight ahead. It looks like he's in his own world. Clearing my throat, I manage to grab his attention. "Well, I'm not gonna lie. It kind of is your fault. However, there is a way to prevent further damage."

I have no idea where I'm getting this new-found courage, but I like it. I'm going to straight on say that he must leave me alone; that we must go our separate ways.

Xavier gives me a look to continue and I do. "It's simple really, you stop following me and boom, I'm no longer a problem for Stacy."

Xavier frowns at my logic and shakes his head. "I can't do that Princess."

Giving Xavier a look of disbelief, I whine at him. "Why? You hardly know me, and all your presence does is get me in trouble. Its better if we just...part."

"Because I don't want to; I'll handle Stacy, you don't need to worry about that."

He can't be serious? He thinks I'm too scared to face Stacy. Sure, she did shake me up a bit; now because of that, I know how far she's willing to go but from now onwards, I will be able to fight back. I don't need a bodyguard or someone to stand up for me, I can fight my own battles – no I mean, I will fight my own battles.

"You won't be handling anything for me. I can deal with her. If you just left me alone then I wouldn't have to fight. Don't you see?" I persist, standing up.

Xavier sighs. "I know but I can't."

What the hell does that mean? Of course he can, all he has to do is walk off and pretend I don't exist. He can continue to play girls and I'll continue to do what I do.

"What do you mean by that?" I nearly shout, annoyed. "You keep saying that, but you don't elaborate. You need to tell me why you won't leave me alone. I'm sure it's more then because you like harassing me."

Xavier sits in silence, looking at the ground. Great, now he's ignoring me. I honestly don't understand this bloke. If his mission really is to frustrate me then he's doing a bloody good job.

I stand, waiting for his to respond, to say anything. Lunch time will be over soon, and I have to go and get my stuff so if Xavier doesn't say anything, then I'm just going to have to leave.

"Fine, don't answer me. I'm just going to go, don't bother following me. It won't end well for you." I say, huffing. If he doesn't want to give me a reasonable reason for his behaviour, then fine but he could at least have the decency to leave me alone.

I stomp off, going to my locker to retrieve my stuff. I need to find Cora at some point so that we can finally have the chat that's been overdue. Making a mental note of that, I get my belongings.

I hate to admit it, but I feel a little disappointed that Xavier didn't even try to fight for whatever the thing we had. I hate the guy but to think that he would have fought for me, made me feel special. I guess he really is an emotionless guy.

Throughout my lesson, my mind keeps drifting to the conversation me and Xavier had. It annoys me to no end that I keep thinking about it. I need to forget him, like he's going to forget about me.

Once the bell for the end of the day goes, I rush out to find Cora. Luckily, I don't have any activities tonight, so I can go straight home. Weaving my way through the busy corridor, I search for her fiery red hair. Sometimes I really hate being short. It's not a blessing, it's just a curse.

Just as I'm about to give up hope on finding her, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me away to the janitor's closet. My heart rate increases as I start to panic.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my g-

Am I going to be raped? Oh god, this can't be happening. I start to struggle, my nails digging into the man's arms. I even try kicking his shins but when I fail, I opt to go for his foot instead. As soon as my heel hits his foot, he lets go of me, hissing in pain.

I spin around to see who had kidnapped me and my mouth opens in shock at who it is. 

Word count: 1520

So...who do you think it was?

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And Merry Christmas!!! 

Next update: 26th December

And please...

And please

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