The Devil in disguise

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Harri's POV

"I am soooo sorry about that," I say as soon as Jazz and Theo are out of earshot, leaving SJ and I alone at the bar again.

He replies with a smile, "it's okay. It's nice that you have people around you that care."

"That's a word for it. Care," I chuckle letting out an audible snort.

I seriously need to stop doing that I think as I look over to SJ who is still smiling adorably. I swear those dimples will be the death of me.

We sit at the bar talking about everything from his sister's hour-long make up shop this morning, that almost sent him broke, to the Theo and Jazz situation. We are so engrossed in our conversation that we are unaware of everyone and everything around us, such as time, noise and the arrival of the devil herself.

"Oh so it's true Harri does have a boyfriend," a familiar nasally voice rings out. I turn towards the voice and regret the decision immediately when I see Cleo standing there, "and surprisingly he's not blind. He must just be stupid," she spits.

I watch as she orders her drink and winks unashamedly at the barman who in return looks her up and down taking in every inch of her skin-tight red leather bodysuit, red devil horns and a pitchfork. I feel her head growing in confidence by the minute.

"Oh Cleo, didn't they tell you?" I query, trying hard to keep the condescending tone from my words.

She flips her hair over her shoulder as if exacerbated just at the idea that I would dare talk to her, "tell me what?"

"That this event was meant to be fancy dress, silly," I reply mocking how apt her costume choice is.

From the look on her face, I can tell that she doesn't get the joke. "I am in fancy dress?" she retorts.

From the orange juice that SJ just choked on, I can tell that he didn't have the same problem.

"My mistake," I sing as I grab SJ's hand and jump off the stool. He follows one step behind me as I walk across the floor, although with his long legs it doesn't take long for him to equal my stride.

"Where are we going?" He asks wiping the last of the orange juice from his chin, slightly smudging his make up.

I look up at him, taken back by his height which I hadn't noticed before. I mean he's not a giant but compared to my 5.2" frame he towers over me. "The pond," I answer as we head for the exit.

Before we make it though the door we are stopped by Jazz, who is standing arms folded in the doorway like Security. "And where do you think you are going, H?" she questions.

"Nowhere, just thought SJ and I would get some fresh air. It's hell in here," I joke, gesturing towards Cleo who is still standing at the bar looking confused.

"Ergh, I see," Jazz mutters, making no effort to hide her displeasure as seeing the she devil.

"Where is your date?" I ask looking around noticing that she is standing there alone.

She chuckles, "he's coming. He is just trying to find your date."

"Well it looks like he found him," I say dryly as Theo and Rob make their way towards us.

I feel SJ's grip on my hand tighten as he mutters something about not wanting to meet Erik with a K. I run my thumb across the back of his hand as if to tell him silently that I am not going anywhere.

"You ready to go, Sis?" Theo asks as he reaches us.

"Go? We just got here?" I reply shocked at the suggestion.

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