Jazz apples are red, Shiitake mushrooms are brown

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Harri's POV

"I can't believe we have detention," she huffs throwing herself into the chair.

I raise my brows as I take the seat beside her, "you're not serious are you?"

"What?" She asks in protest, almost like has no idea why we were sitting here.

"You literally made me stop to smell roses, Jazz. I told you we were going to be late but you still stopped to smell the stupid roses."

She throws her bangle covered arms in the air. "And I stand by that, Harri. Life is too short to not stop and smell the roses, or the daisies or whatever damn flower. And Mr G should understand that!"

"Mr G does understand that, Miss Lee. But what he also understands is that if one wants to progress in life they should have an education and to achieve this, students actually need to turn up to class and on time!" Mr Grayson announces walking through the door as if on cue. "And on that note, Miss Lee and Miss Harlow I am very pleased to see that you have not only managed to make yourself available for this detention but you've managed to arrive early."

"It's not like I had a choice," Jazz mutters under her breath in reference to my insistence that we arrive ten minutes ahead of time.

I try to cover my face with my hair and rest my chin on my hand so Mr Grayson can't see that I am laughing. I tilt my head and peek through my black strands at Jazz who cheeks are glowing red probably more at annoyance at our conversation being disturbed rather than through embarrassment at being caught talking about Mr Grayson behind his back.

"Anyway, you don't need an education to progress, Sir. I mean Ryan Gosling never finished high school and look at him."

I sit there, my mouth open, dumbfounded. I'm not so much shocked at Jazz's statement but the fact that she managed to say it with a straight face.

Mr Grayson lets his glasses fall to the tip of his nose. He looks at her from over the top of them studying her face like he can see the cogs of her brain ticking over. "Yes well, that's Ryan Gosling. People like Matt Powner were not so lucky."

"Who?" She asks twirling her blonde hair between her fingers.

"Exactly!" He states.

From the look on Jazz's face, I can tell the point is lost on her. From the look on Mr Grayson's face, I can tell he not in the mood to explain to her that she's never heard of him because he, like most people who haven't finished high school, never make it where they want to go.

I swear I hear him mutter, "may the odds be ever in your favour," under his breathe but when I look up at him he is standing there straight faced.

"Everyone sit down! This is not the social club this is detention. Stop talking!" He instructs sternly as more detainees enter the room.

I look towards the door as he says this just in time to see Theo, Erik with a K, and half of the Lacross team walk through the door. I give Theo a raised brow as if to ask what he could have done to earn himself detention but he just walks past my desk deliberately pushing my pencil case on to the floor on his way. "Dick," I mutter not caring is Mr Grayson can hear.

"Harri," Erik with a K says with a slight nod as he walks past my desk.

"Rob," I say nodding back. Resisting the urge to call him Erik with a K.

Following Erik with a K, is Jamison. Possibly the most popular guy in our school, save for Theo. The dick.

I've always had a thing for Jamison, along with every other girl in the school. I never dared tell Jazz about it. I mean, can you blame me? She'd never let me live it down. Plus he's way out of my league.

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