Shower Power

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Harri's POV

"No, Jazz!"

She stomps her foot in a huff at my refusal. "Yes, Harri!"

"No!" I say again and mean it.

She pulls the covers off the bed, "girl you're going!"

Goosebumps erupt all over my skin at the sudden loss of warmth. I pull my knees to my chest and drag my pillow over my head, laying there in the fetal position hoping she'll leave and let me go back to sleep. My hopes are dashed when she starts screaming moments later, "OH MY GOSH, H!"

I peek out from under the corner of my pillow. "What is it now?"

She stares at me. One hand on her hip the other pointing to my body, her mouth agape. Just when I think she is about to say something about my hair she speaks, "H. Pleaseeeeee do not tell me that that is the same outfit you wore to school the other day?"

"So what if it is?" I say attempting to defend that fact that I haven't showered in days.

I try and pull the covers back on top of myself. Unfortunately Jazz still has hold of the other end and we end up in a pathetic game of tug of war. "Let go, Jazz!" I cry giving the bedding one final tug that uses the last of my energy.

She yanks on her side harder than I anticipated almost pulling me off the bed. "Not until you agree to come."

I steady myself. Sitting up on the edge of my bed I let my end fall to the ground. "No! I don't want to go. I don't want to speak to anyone!"

"Well, that's not hard. It's not like you speak to anyone at school anyway, Harri!"

"Well we can't all be social butterflies like you, can we, Jazz?" I reply bitterly.

She's right, I don't speak to anyone at school or anyone outside my immediate family for that matter. A few days ago you could have added SJ to that list but now that seems like a lost cause too. It's not that I don't want to speak to people. It's more than I can't. I've never been someone who enjoyed being the centre of attention and I guess that's why finding out about SJ's real identity scared me. He spends his whole life is in front of the world and I break out in stress rash at just the thought of a school assignment that involves speaking in front of people. I just don't see how that could ever work. How we could ever work.

How I could ever work.

Jazz lets out a deep breath. "Just because I talk to people doesn't mean we're friends, Harri. I could care less if they ditched me for days without a reason, but you? Your my best friend and you won't tell me what's going on. I had to hear it from Theo," she cries as she paces the length of my bed. "At least I thought we were best friends..."

I didn't mean to take my mood out on Jazz. Seeing her upset is only making my mood worse and reaffirms my point about not talking to people.

"Jazz we are best friends," I reassure he pr while making a mental note to talk to Theo.

"Yeah, well?" She says pointing to the empty gummy packets laying beside my bed. "What's the story?"

I push the packets under my bed with my foot. "I don't want to talk about it."

"H, please say this isn't about that stupid rumour?"

"No!" I answer entirely too quickly. "Wait... what rumour?"

"The ridiculous one about you dating Senna Jager," she says laughing a little too hard for my liking.

"Oh that... no that's not it. And why is that so funny?"

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