Are you mad?

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Harri's POV

I look myself up and down in the mirror. I had to give credit to Jazz, she had done a good job. She might have used every conceivable makeup product and taken three hours, but she had transformed me from my plain existence to The Queen Of Hearts. Well, Jazz and the costume that I was ashamed to admit how much of my birthday money I'd spent buying.

I had decided against using the red wig instead choosing to curl and pin my black strands. I used a cover stick to hide the blonde regrowth that I was still yet to cover, a sprayed practically an entire can of hairspray to get it hold and made a mental note to avoid any open flames.

As I readjusted my crown I heard Jazz's bedroom door open. Looking up I see her seductively saunter across the room just like Olivia Newton-John did in the final scene of Grease. Her legs looked amazing in the faux leather pants, and the red stilettos made her look ten feet tall. I can barely walk in flats, god knows how she managed to make heels look so graceful.

"Woah, Jazz. You're the one that I want!" I sing in tune to movie's theme song.

"Tell me more, tell me more," she sings in reply. Swinging her hips from side to side.

"Seriously you look incredible. Maybe even better than the original Sandy."

She stands next to me and looks at herself in the full-length mirror. "You think Theo will like it?"

"Uh yeah!" I answer, surprised that she would even be worried about that.

We make our way downstairs just as the doorbell rings. "Want me to open it?" I ask. She nods but doesn't speak, visibly nervous. Which is something I never thought I would see from Jazz.

I walk around to the door and open it. I see Theo standing there and for the first time ever I finally see what girls could see in him, in a non-creepy sisterly kind of way. 

He has combed his blond hair over and while the colour may not be true to character the style certainly is.  He is wearing skin-tight black jeans folded at the cuff retro style, showing off his white socks and leather shoes, a close-fitting black v-neck T-shirt which is low enough so the top of the chest muscles are visible and black leather jacket.

I smile at him, both happy and relieved to see that he made an effort for Jazz. "looking dashing, Brother."

"Oh, Harri. Was that a compliment?" he asks in surprise.

"Don't get used to it. It will only happen once," I reply cheekily.

He grins before looking me up and down. "You don't look so bad yourself, Queen heartbreaker."

"Hardly, but thanks. Now, are you coming in?" I say moving out of the doorway gesturing for him to enter.

He tentatively steps inside, his hands squeezed into the pocket and what little room is left in his jeans. Seriously, he's nervous too? Am I an alternate universe?

"Where is Jazz?" he mumbles.

"You rang?" Jazz calls as she rounds the corner, using one arm to swing on the door frame like a scene from Singing in the rain.

I watch Theo's eyes meet Jazz's. His mouth opens and closes, without a sound passing his lips. If I didn't know better, I would say my brother was lost for words.

"Ok, you two. Are we ready?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Sandy, you're up the front with me. Queenie you're at the back with Rob." my brothers instructs as he leads Jazz down the drive, placing a guiding hand on the centre of her back like a gentleman.

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